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East Sheen Residents who oppose the new Low Traffic Scheme in Palmerston/Observatory/Coval/Temple Sheen Rd’s


We, the undersigned, petition the Council to remove the Low Traffic Scheme until a full and comprehensive consultation has occurred in the whole of East Sheen SW14


The scheme was rolled out without adequate consultation and has resulted in traffic being pushed past Sheen Mount School and Tower House School, increasing danger and pollution. Neighbouring streets (Berwyn/Christchurch/Sheen Common Drive/Sheen Lane/Richmond Park Rd/Shrewsbury Ave) have been impacted with unacceptable traffic jams and road rage as these streets try to cope with the additional traffic the scheme has pushed onto them. Residents within the scheme must now drive past the schools and use neighbouring streets as rat runs each and every time they make a car journey.

Started by: Simon Hayes

This petition ran from 17/07/2019 to 16/09/2019.


1349 people have signed this petition. This includes a paper petition containing 523 signatures.

A Whyte
Aaron Sharp
Abigail Flanagan
Adam Parker
Adam Segal
Adam Tandy
Adrian Jones
Adrienne Cleasby
Adrienne D'Souza
Agnes Berns

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