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CPZ application for Staines Road


We, the undersigned, petition the Council to consult on a CPZ for the section of Staines Road between Elmsleigh Road and Gothic Road.


Since the WT CPZ was introduced on the Green and surrounding roads it has become almost impossible to park near our residences. Commuters park their cars, as we are next to the 490, 110 and H22 bus stop, and travel on to work leaving their cars parked for the day. Business owners from the parade of shops by the Meadway also now leave their cars here.

Started by: Tiffany Robinson (on behalf of Gothic Terrace Residents )

This petition ran from 06/03/2019 to 06/06/2019.


9 people have signed this petition.

Austen Ham-Howes
Claire Chalmers
Dominic Caffery
jonathan taylor
Karen Kelly
Lindsay Lilley
Lucy Caffery
Sarah Young
Tiffany Robinson

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