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Controlled Parking Zone & Parking at The Russell School


We, the undersigned, petition the Council for our road to become a Controlled Parking Zone - allowing only residents to park. We also request that adequate parking space is given to the Russel School, Meadlands Drive entrance.


We, the residents of Meadlands Drive, Buckingham Road and Clifford Road are requesting that they be made Controlled Parking Zones for residents parking only, as for years now we have had to live with parents from the Russell School limiting parking, owners of several cars long term parking, commuters parking on our roads only to leave them all day and more currently, being given parking tickets for parking in the only spaces available on our own roads. This has to stop. We, as residents are aware and supportive of the safety and attendance of all at the Russell School, however, the layout of the school makes it necessary for the Meadlands drive entrance of the school to be used for drop off and pick up. Most parents use this gate and it causes a huge amount of traffic and parking loss for all residents. It is also a safety issue. We are requesting that the old Strathmore site, which is currently derelict and uninhabited, be used for a new parents only car park or stop and drop area. Or at least the current area before the site which parents are using currently. We would like the council to abide by safety for children standards and allocate space for parents to pick up and drop off. Preventing the parking issues we have and supporting the safety of the children. It is not fair that we as residents have to battle for one single parking space due to the German School, the Russell School, commuters and those who choose to own several vehicles at once with no personal off road parking space. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and the serious impact it is having on all involved.

Started by: Maria Wright

This petition ran from 12/02/2019 to 12/05/2019.


1 person has signed this petition.

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