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Make Langdon Place a Controlled Parking Zone


We, the undersigned, petition the Council to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for the periods Monday to Sunday 10am to 12pm (Bank and Public Holidays free).


It is becoming more and more challenging to park on Langdon Place. It's proximity to Mortlake Train Station, and it being one of very few roads without a Controlled Parking Zone in the area, makes it the parking destination for commuters, runners, parents doing school drop offs to Thomson House, dog walkers and visitors to the area. The lack of parking for residents is not limited to day time, there is often a lack of space late in the evening. In addition, the proposed Stag Brewery redevelopment will have a significant impact.

With the parking situation already causing significant stress and being poised to get much worse, we, the undersigned residents, want to avoid Langdon Place being used as a car park for the reasons stated above.

Started by: Jacqueline Marie (on behalf of Langdon Place Residents Association)

This petition ran from 01/02/2019 to 01/05/2019.


19 people have signed this petition.

Adam Blackburn
Alice Hargreaves
Dawn Fairminer
Emily Nicholas
Glyn Povah
Graham Copland
Holly Copland
Jacqueline Marie
Jayant Sitaraman
Jennifer McKenzie

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