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Tackling Local Crime: Petition for additional Police resources


We, the undersigned, petition the Council to call on the Borough Commander to:

1. Increase police resources in Richmond with additional officers dedicated to patrolling Richmond Town Centre and Riverside; and

2. Provide a base in the South Richmond Ward for the Safer Neighbourhood Team.


This Petition calls on Chief Superintendent to prioritise resources to tackle increasing crime in the town centre. We are particularly concerned about recent attacks on young, vulnerable people in the town centre. In November 2017 we were given the firm message that the savings made from the closure of the Richmond Police Station would be allocated to improving police accessibility - both on the ground, and, in improvements to online and telephone reporting tools. There was also a commitment that officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams would continue to operate out of several bases across the borough with the aim of having local officers beginning their shift no more than 20 minutes walking time away from the ward they patrol, with many much closer. We don’t believe this commitment is being met.

We are a bustling, commuter community with thousands of people and tourists visiting annually to see and experience our local area attractions - Richmond Park, the cafes, restaurants and bars on the Riverside, surrounding areas and sports attractions (Kew Gardens, Twickenham Rugby, Old Deer Park etc). Richmond needs dedicated police resources on the street and based locally in order to rapidly and effectively respond to the needs of its residents and visitors alike. This Petition calls on the Chief Superintendent to address the rising crime in the borough with adequate police resources in order to keep Richmond one of the safest places to live within London.

Started by: Felicity Barkus

This petition ran from 15/01/2019 to 15/04/2019.


1554 people have signed this petition.

A Clare
A Kilshaw
Aaron Lotey
Abby Wood
Abigail Amey
Abigail Hutton
Abigail Lulham
Abigail Shield-Walmsley
Ad van der Poel
Adam Leadercramer

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