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Secure and designated motorcycle and scooter parking in Barnes


We, the undersigned, call on the council to install secure and designated motorcycle and scooter parking bays in Barnes


London has unfortunately become very accessible for bike thieves that continuously steal people's property. Barnes, in particular, with quite a high number of motorcycles does not have one designated secure area for these vehicles to be parked.  The location(s) and size of such facilities could be properly identified by the council. The bay(s) could have secure ground systems (ground anchors, posts, stands, etc.) to increase owners' peace of mind and reduce thieves' success rates.

Started by: Miguel Angel Carrillo de Comas

This petition ran from 20/07/2018 to 20/10/2018.


4 people have signed this petition.

Aurelio Bax
Mateusz Kurzak
Miguel Angel Carrillo de Comas
Rodrigo Almonacid

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