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Extend the CPZ to Gomer Gardens


Extend the existing CPZ to include Gomer Gardens, TW11


Following the installation of double yellow lines at the eastern end of the street, parking for residents in Gomer Gardens has become extremely challenging. The most recent consultation took place before the yellow lines were implemented; the loss of spaces has caused a much greater impact than anticipated. Parking was already limited being so close to the High Street and station. Living on the edge of the CPZ means there is overspill from the surrounding roads, vehicles parked long-term, and now reduced parking capacity. The surrounding non-CPZ roads are increasingly opting for drop-kerbs and off street parking, further reducing capacity. At busy periods residents are finding they must park multiple roads away. The increased competition for parking has caused much stress and anxiety to the local residents and we ask that the CPZ is extended to cover our road as soon as possible.

Started by: Kenneth Denaro

This petition ran from 11/10/2023 to 11/01/2024.


29 people have signed this petition.

Andrew McMahon
Anna Fotheringham
Camille Teuten
Caroline Rose
Charlotte Marriott
Ciaran Boyle
Darryl Cartmell
Francesca Greene
Georgia Rolfe

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