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CPZ for Somerset Gardens


Extend the recent CPZ to include Somerset Gardens


Since the recent extension of the CPZ in our neighbourhood, alongside the additional loss of so many parking spaces on our street following the installation of new double yellow lines, parking for residents in Somerset Gardens has become extremely challenging. Parking was already limited being so close to SMSP school and the High Street. The additional double yellow lines in the area and living on the edge of a newly established CPZ means we are dealing with the double whammy of increased overspill from the surrounding roads, alongside reduced parking capacity in the street. Particularly during term time, residents are finding they cannot park on their own street and are having to find a space multiple roads away. The situation needs to be remedied, particularly as many families on the street have young children and cannot park near their house. The increased competition for parking has caused much stress and anxiety to the local residents and we ask that the CPZ is extended to cover our road as soon as possible.

Started by: Frances Leach

This petition ran from 23/06/2023 to 23/09/2023.


30 people have signed this petition.

Adam Wright
Arijana Vanstone
Ben Ayliffe
Bernadette Keane
Chris Jones
Christopher Keane
Christopher Thompson
Edward Windus
Erica Paris
Frances Leach

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