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CPZ for Shacklegate Lane TW11 8SH


To have a CPZ implemented in Shacklegate Lane to prioritise residents’ parking


We write to you as concerned residents of Shacklegate lane facing increased difficulties in parking near our homes. The proliferation of CPZ in surrounding areas (namely St Mary’s University and Waldegrave road) in conjunction to the newly reduced parking space due to yellow lines means that residents of Shacklegate Lane are faced with significantly reduced parking. Many of us can provide anecdotal accounts of students parking in Shacklegate lane and walking off to towards St Mary’s University, their cars left for the entirety of the day in our residential parking. The increase in daytime parking by non-residents has meant that resident parking has become significantly more difficult. This will increase even more with the new yellow lines. Often Shacklegate lane residents find ourselves having to park up to four roads away. This is obviously not acceptable in any sense, but especially not when parents have children and shopping they need to unload or elderly people have restricted mobility and aren’t able to walk extended distances. When consulted about the T6 CPZ proposal, we do not feel it was made clear that in conjunction to this the council would reduce existing parking, by means of yellow line introduction, regardless of the consultation outcome. Our view is that this should have been more transparent, and if it was, we believe the response to the consultation would have been far greater. We would therefore like to request a CPZ introduction across the whole of Shacklegate lane, which would restrict parking to residents parking permit holders only during week days. This petition represents the wishes of the residents who are in favour of the implementation of controlled parking in Shacklegate Lane. It would be ideal if it was sufficient for you to make a decision in favour of the CPZ. If that is not the case then we are willing to field questions or open a dialogue with you. Kind regards, The residents of Shacklegate Lane.

Started by: Krista Byrne

This petition ran from 27/04/2023 to 27/07/2023.


19 people have signed this petition.

Alice Lavender
Alisdair Morrison
Christopher Bosshardt
Dale Bulman
Emma Poaros Elmore
Georgie Venn-Coffey
Georgina Hughes
Graham Perryman
Ian McDonald
Jed West

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