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Zebra crossing on the Hampton Court Road opposite the entrance to Taggs Island


We, the undersigned, petition the Council to put a zebra crossing on the Hampton Court Road opposite the entrance to Taggs Island, TW12 2HA. 


We would like the Council to investiagte the possibility of putting some road safety measures in place at Saint Albans Riverside by Taggs Island TW12 2HA.

There are a number of children living on the island and walk to school and crossing the road is very dangerous. My son currently gets off the 111 bus and he has to walk all the way up to the garage to cross at the traffic lights to come all the way back again. There are also a number of old people living on the island and I know that a separate crossing would be extremely helpful for all of the residents.

Started by: Anna Trent

This petition ran from 09/11/2020 to 09/02/2021.


43 people have signed this petition.

Aidan Lines
Allan Daire
Ana Pribylova
Ann Morrice
Ann Williams
Carol Sinker
Carol Welch
Catherine Swainson
Corinne Smith
David Jackson

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