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Number of properties : 3.

  • St Marys College Waldegrave Road Twickenham

    • 91/2032/DD4

      Erection of 1 No. 3/4 storey building and 1 No. 3 storey building comprising 106 No. student study/...

      Granted Permission 24/03/1993

    • 91/2032/DD3

      Erection of 1 No. 3/4 storey building and 1 No. 3 storey building comprising 106 No. student study/...

      Granted Permission 22/02/1993

    • 91/2032/DD2

      Details pursuant to condition DV17 (bin enclosure) of planning consent 91/2032/FUL dated 24 Februar...

      Granted Permission 28/07/1992

    • 91/2032/DD1

      Details pursuant to condition NS01 (non standard), BD10 (sample panels) and partially pursuant to c...

      Granted Permission 08/07/1992

    • 88/1827/LB

      Conversion of store room to central reception area and formation of new entrance and colonnade. (P...

      Granted Permission 04/10/1988

    • 86/1993/LB

      Erection of a new infill building between existing science blocks to be used as additional science ...

      Granted Permission 11/02/1987

    • 86/1992

      Erection of a new infill building between existing science blocks to be used as additional science ...

      Granted Permission 11/02/1987

    • 86/0149

      Construction of infill building between existing science blocks. New animal house, general alterat...

      Granted Permission 21/07/1986

    • 86/0544

      Extension to Sports Hall.

      Granted Permission 22/07/1986

    • 84/0953

      To remove existing copper roof covering and boarding underlay, carry out repairs to structural timb...

      Granted Permission 25/09/1984

    • 83/0284/DD01

      Partial demolition of two external walls and the colonade of the Holbein Wing; reinstatement of ele...

      Granted Permission 07/08/1984

    • 83/0733

      Fire precaution works and up-grading of services including the provision of protected routes for es...

      Granted Permission 25/10/1983

    • 83/0284

      Partial demolition of two external walls and the colonade of the Holbein Wing. Reinstatement of el...

      Granted Permission 01/11/1983

    • 81/1453/ADV

      For Advertisements.

      Granted Permission 08/04/1982

    • 81/1046

      Alterations to part of building involving the construction of new utility rooms at first and second...

      Granted Permission 24/09/1981

    • 77/1182

      Demolition of existing garage and cycle shed shown in red on Drawing No. 7675/09/B.

      Granted Permission 16/02/1978

    • 83/1085/DD01

      Erection of a single storey library extension. (Details of materials). Condition No. 4 of plannin...

      Granted Permission 04/04/1984

  • St Marys College 268 Waldegrave Road Twickenham TW1 4SX

    • 24/0536/TCAVOI

      T1 Purple Leafed Plum (Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii') Fell to ground level T2 Purple Leafed Plum ...

      Void Application 18/07/2024

    • 24/0522/TCAVOI

      T1-T2 2x Pterocarya fraxinifolia (Caucasian Wingnut) 30% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and ...

      Void Application 09/08/2024

    • 24/0029/DD01

      Details in pursuant of condition (U0177144) Door opening of Planning Permission 24/0029/LBC

      Granted Permission 05/07/2024

    • 24/0051/TPOVOI

      T167 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Crown Lift to provide 4m clearance from ground level. T388 Lo...

      Void Application 17/01/2024

    • 24/T0052/TPO

      T400 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Fell to ground level as tree is ailing.

      Granted Permission 06/03/2024

    • 24/T0043/TCA

      T167 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Crown Lift to provide 4m clearance from ground level. T388 Lom...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 23/02/2024

    • 24/0029/LBC

      B Block Toilet and Corridor Refurbishment and Alteration Works in the Basement under the Grade I Li...

      Granted Permission 15/03/2024

    • 23/T0538/TPO

      ******5 DAY NOTICE APPLICATION***** T1 Nearly Dead Lime Fell to ground level as dead.

      Granted Permission 04/08/2023

    • 23/1833/GPX13

      New entrance foyer on west elevation of the Student Union building with associated signage; extensi...

      Prior Approval Approved 18/08/2023

    • 23/1020/GPX13

      The proposed development comprises of two new extensions, which includes a new entrance foyer and e...

      Prior Approval Refused 14/06/2023

    • 23/0917/FUL

      Vertical Platform Lift System is to be located on the M Block West Elevation. New windows and doors...

      Granted Permission 31/07/2023

    • 23/T0072/TPO

      T6 Cedar (Cedrus spp) Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 2m. Fin...

      Granted Permission 03/04/2023

    • 23/T0009/TPO

      Reasons for Works = Trees encroaching on building and causing leaf litter. Requires cutting away fr...

      Granted Permission 16/02/2023

    • 21/0483/DD01

      Details pursuant to conditions BD12 - Details - Materials to be approved, U0109179 - AIA and AMS re...

      Granted Permission 09/02/2023

    • 22/T0692/TPO

      T3 - London plane (Platanus - acerifolia) - In Main car park Crown Reduction - Reducing the height...

      Refused Permission 28/10/2022

    • 22/1503/DD01

      Details pursuant to condition U0133839 (Details to specified scale) on permission 22/1503/LBC.

      Granted Permission 27/10/2022

    • 22/1502/DD01

      U0133847 (Details to specified scale) and U0133845 (Lift engineering report) on permission 22/1502/...

      Granted Permission 26/10/2022

    • 22/1502/FUL

      Conversion of an existing fire exit on the western side of the building into a new entrance, includ...

      Granted Permission 01/08/2022

    • 22/1503/LBC

      Conversion of an existing fire exit on the western side of the building into a new entrance, includ...

      Granted Permission 01/08/2022

    • 22/0270/LBC

      1. Infill extension to the undercroft to provide an extended entrance into the Library. 2. Remove ...

      Granted Permission 27/10/2022

    • 22/0269/FUL

      Installation of new glazed guard rails to the existing Chapel on the Main Campus of St Marys Univer...

      Granted Permission 26/10/2022

    • 20/2169/DD01

      Details pursuant to condition U0088220 - Tree planting scheme. of planning permission 20/2169/FUL.

      Granted Permission 24/11/2021

    • 21/0711/TPOVOI

      T315 - Aesculus Carnea Fell to ground level- in poor condition T299- Quercus Robur fell to ground L...

      Void Application 15/10/2021

    • 21/T0461/TCA

      5 Day notice Horse Chestnut 267 - fell

      Decided the Council raises no objection 09/06/2021

    • 21/T0257/TCA

      1 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Reduce laterally by 2-3m; Crown lift by 2m and remove deadwood - Final h...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 04/06/2021

    • 21/0483/FUL

      Infill extension to the undercroft to provide an extended entrance into the Library and removal of ...

      Granted Permission 10/09/2021

    • 20/0771/TPOVOI

      T363 - Betula pendula 'youngii' - fell as dead and pieces of decayed limbs falling Not intending to...

      Void Application 09/11/2020

    • 20/2169/FUL

      New link building, between existing Cafe & Library Buildings and associated works.

      Granted Permission 28/09/2020

    • 20/2168/FUL

      Single storey extension and associated works (including: externals, works at roof level and adaptat...

      Granted Permission 28/09/2020

    • 20/T0176/TPO

      5 DAY NOTICE Pine tree - Remove

      Granted Permission 20/02/2020

    • 20/T0130/TPO

      Ulmus procera x2 (T307) - fell dead multi-stemmed tree. Remove deadwood from remaining smaller mult...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 03/03/2020

    • 20/T0067/TCA

      T22 - Pinus Sylvestris - Crown lift off fence raising canopy by 2m - Final height 13m Final spread ...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 27/02/2020

    • 19/T0511/TPO

      T1-T4 - Poplar - Crown reduce by 3-5m to previous reduction points (final height 15-16m; final spre...

      Granted Permission 22/08/2019

    • 19/T0337/TPO

      5 DAY DANGEROUS TREE NOTIFICATION T242 - Horse Chestnut - Crown reduce height/radius by 4m (by 40%)

      Granted Permission 24/04/2019

    • 19/T0203/TPO

      T480 - Quecus Robur - Crown reduce height/laterals by up to 2.5m (by 20%) T25 - Populus Spp - Fell ...

      Granted Permission 22/05/2019

    • 19/T0122/TPO

      Beside Tennis Hall starting from the end at The Sports Hall starting from the Tilia T 184. Lime. ...

      Granted Permission 01/05/2019

    • 18/T0873/TPO

      T1 - Triple Stemmed False Acacia (in staff car park) - Reduce laterally by 2-3m all stems to allevi...

      Granted Permission 18/12/2018

    • 18/T0779/TPO

      T1 - Caucasian Wingnut (on field) - Crown reduce by 25% (i.e. by 4-5m) to previous reduction points...

      Granted Permission 21/12/2018

    • 18/T0749/TPO

      T1 - Sycamore - Crown reduce by 30% (i.e. by 5-6m)

      Granted Permission 19/12/2018

    • 18/T0461/TPO

      T61 - Sycamore - Crown reduce by 20% (i.e. by 4m) to previous reduction points

      Granted Permission 21/09/2018

    • 18/T0359/TCA

      T136 - Gleditsia (outside No.21 Waldegrave Park) - Remove dead left hand side and remainder by 3-4m...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 16/07/2018

    • 18/T0360/TCA

      T132 & T133 - Gleditsia - Pollard at 6m

      Written Off Never Validated 24/07/2019

    • 18/T0130/TPO

      T1 (T481) - Sycamore - Crown reduce to 4m above cavity on removed fork (i.e. reduce by 6-7m) T2 - L...

      Granted Permission 16/07/2018

    • 18/T0060/TPO

      T1-T8 - Poplar - Re-coppice to height of coppice stool T9 - Elder - Coppice at ground level

      Granted Permission 16/03/2018

    • 17/T1042/TPO

      T333 - Ilex aquifolium - Fell as the tree has died with the exception of a secondary stem which is ...

      Granted Permission 01/02/2018

    • 17/T0519/TPO

      T1 - Leyland Cypress (Rear of Old Sports Hall) - Fell to ground level and grind down stump

      Granted Permission 15/09/2017

    • 17/T0391/TPO

      T499 - Sycamore - Remove ivy to 1.5m and remove deadwood and hanging branches T233 - Horse Chestnut...

      Granted Permission 14/08/2017

    • 17/T0247/TPO

      T164 - Oak - Reduce crown overhanging roadway and pitchside by 2-3m (retaining shape whilst reducin...

      Granted Permission 13/06/2017

    • 17/0776/FUL

      Erection of temporary single storey storage facility (for storing external sporting equipment) for ...

      Granted Permission 24/04/2017

    • 16/4643/FUL

      Erection of a temporary single storey storage facility for 3 years.

      Granted Permission 19/01/2017

    • 16/T0767/TPO

      T1 - Copper Beech - Fell to ground level

      Granted Permission 12/12/2016

    • 16/T0298/TPO

      T578 - Pinus (at Teddington Lock) - Reduce crown height by 1.5m and radius by 2m; remove deadwood -...

      Granted Permission 12/10/2016

    • 16/1082/FUL

      Temporary permission for the retention of R Block Portacabin for storage and office space (5 year t...

      Granted Permission 10/10/2016

    • 16/1007/VRC

      Removal of condition number DV40A from planning permission 07/4107/FUL.

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 20/07/2016

    • 16/0245/FUL

      Temporary retention of 1 No.portacabin (Cabin 2 on Drawing No D110) to provide additional office sp...

      Granted Permission 17/03/2016

    • 15/T0864/TPO

      T1 (T23) - Ailanthus Altissima - Remove T2 (T24) - Ailanthus Altissima - Remove

      Granted Permission 09/02/2016

    • 15/4560/ADV

      Replacement of engraved stone St Mary's College sign over main entrance with stone overcladding to ...

      Granted Permission 08/02/2016

    • 15/3164/FUL

      Retention of a single storey temporary modular building, providing office and storage accommodation...

      Granted Permission 15/09/2015

    • 15/T0454/TPO

      T1 - Sycamore - Crown lift to 5m and remove deadwood

      Granted Permission 18/09/2015

    • 15/T0453/TPO

      T1 - Tree of Heaven - Crown lift by 4m over road and prune to give 3m from building T2 - Tree of H...

      Granted Permission 18/09/2015

    • 15/T0455/TPO

      T1-2 - Horse Chestnut - Crown reduce by 20% and reshape i.e. by 4-5m T3 - Leylandii - Reduce overbe...

      Granted Permission 18/09/2015

    • 15/T0038/TPO

      Works as identified by 'The Tree Company' during site survey of all trees during 2014 and highligh...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 20/03/2015

    • 13/T0797/TPO

      T161 Maple - Fell to ground level T160 Lime - Crown reduce by 20% T149 Lime - Crown reduce by 20% T...

      Granted Permission 30/12/2013

    • 13/0736/TCAVOI

      T1 - Sycamore - Prune back from street light T2 - T3 - Scots Pine x 2 - Crown lift by 1.5m over roa...

      Void Application 17/10/2013

    • 13/3500/FUL

      Alteration to the existing White Gates entrance to incorporate a separate pedestrian gate with rele...

      Granted Permission 14/11/2013

    • 13/0590/TCAVOI

      Staff Car Park Area T1 Tree of Heaven - Crown reduce by 50% & reshape T2 Tree of Heaven - Fell to g...

      Void Application 12/09/2013

    • 13/T0592/TPO

      T1- Tree of heaven- Crown reduce by 50% and reshape (TPO 497 - T28) T2- Tree of heaven- Fell to gro...

      Granted Permission 30/10/2013

    • 13/T0545/TPO

      In Staff Car Park by wall - Robinia (tpo 497) - Fell to ground level and poison /grind stump and r...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 16/09/2013

    • 13/2834/PS192

      Temporary use of three portable floodlights on main campus training pitches nos 1 and 2. ...

      Granted Permission 07/10/2013

    • 13/T0465/TCA

      T1 (Tree of Heaven) - Crown lift by 4m over tennis hall and by 6m over seated area; remove major de...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 16/09/2013

    • 07/4107/DD04

      Revised details pursuant to part conditions LA11A (Landscaping) and LA33 (Landscape mgmt plan - lar...

      Granted Permission 23/08/2013

    • 13/T0339/TPO

      T1 - Ash - In corner of Clive U garden of St Marys University bordering No 43 Waldegrave Park and W...

      Granted Permission 07/08/2013

    • 13/1213/FUL

      Proposed first floor light well infill extension to learning research centre to provide additional ...

      Granted Permission 07/06/2013

    • 11/2420/NMA

      Erection of a temporary modular building adjacent to the existing athletics track to provide a trac...

      Granted Permission 07/03/2013

    • 13/T0016/TPO

      T1 - Oak - On outside corner of sports hall beside clive car park - Reduce limb with defective join...

      Granted Permission 18/03/2013

    • 13/T0011/TPO

      T1 - Robinia - Fell to ground level and remove stump - To protect wall from damage

      Granted Permission 25/04/2013

    • 12/T0854/TPO

      T1 - Taxus Baccata - Front of Chapel - Lift crown to a height of 15 ft, to reduce the lateral growt...

      Granted Permission 23/01/2013

    • 12/T0637/TPO

      T1 (T176) - Oak - Lift and reduce branches to provide 2m clearance around building T2 (T177) - Lime...

      Granted Permission 20/11/2012

    • 12/2936/FUL

      Insertion of new pedestrian gateway to the Waldegrave Road perimeter of the campus.

      Refused Permission 19/12/2012

    • 12/2839/FUL

      Retention of a single storey temporary modular building, providing teaching, office and storage acc...

      Granted Permission 30/10/2012

    • 12/T0500/TPO

      T1 - (T354) - Castanea sativa - Crown reduce by 40% due to large wound in upper crown and remove de...

      Granted Permission 10/10/2012

    • 12/T0495/TPO

      T1 - Norway Maple - beside the pavillion - Crown reduce by 30% T2 - Crab Apple - Reduce to clear n...

      Granted Permission 24/10/2012

    • 12/2310/FUL

      Proposed temporary installation of a single portacabin structure to provide additional teaching spa...

      Granted Permission 28/09/2012

    • 12/T0426/TPO

      T1 - (T94) - Aesculus hippocastanum - Crown reduce by 30%; canopy clean T2 - (T96) - Aesculus hippo...

      Granted Permission 24/10/2012

    • 12/T0274/TPO

      T497 - Laburnum - Fell to ground level T506 - Robinia - Remove deadwood T156 - Ash - Remove deadwoo...

      Granted Permission 24/07/2012

    • 12/T0063/TCA

      T1- Conifer- Fell to ground level and remove stump and all debris.

      Decided the Council raises no objection 22/02/2012

    • 11/T0950/TCA

      T1-2- Elm- Fell to ground level

      Decided the Council raises no objection 22/02/2012

    • 11/T0622/TPO

      T1 - London Plane - Crown reduce by 30% to previous reduction points; T2 - Horse Chestnut (by shed ...

      Granted Permission 09/11/2011

    • 11/2420/FUL

      Erection of a temporary modular building adjacent to the existing athletics track to provide a trac...

      Granted Permission 31/08/2011

    • 11/T0465/TPO

      T1 - Tilia Vulgaris - Crown lift to 6 metres

      Granted Permission 30/08/2011

    • 11/0653/FUL

      Installation of 12 cycles stands and 1 bank of 2 shelters (Outside Y Block halls of residence).

      Granted Permission 27/02/2012

    • 11/0610/FUL

      Installation of 6 cycle stands under 1 shelter at location 2 (Reception).

      Granted Permission 24/06/2011

    • 10/2100/FUL

      Installation of 10 no. cycle stands and shelter adjacent main entrance.

      Refused Permission 07/12/2010

    • 10/1823/FUL

      Erection of a modular building adjacent the existing athletics track to provide a track recorders h...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 19/08/2010

    • 07/4107/DD03

      Details Pursuant To Section 106 Legal Agreement Of Planning Permission 07/4107/FUL.

      Void Application 20/04/2010

    • 07/4107/DD02

      Details Pursuant To Conditions BD12 (Materials), DV28 (External illumination), U24525 (Railings det...

      Granted Permission 31/08/2011

    • 07/4107/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Conditions U24528 (Archaeology) in part Of Planning Permission 07/4107/FUL.

      Granted Permission 08/07/2010

    • 09/T0785/TPO

      G1 - Rows of Poplars(2) - Repollard/Coppice

      Granted Permission 01/02/2010

    • 09/T0727/TPO

      T1 - Cherry - Fell

      Granted Permission 23/12/2009

    • 09/2723/FUL

      Temporary retention for 3 years of A Single Storey Temporary Modular Building Providing Teaching, O...

      Granted Permission 09/12/2009

    • 09/2621/FUL

      Erection of a Recycling and Waste Compound for St Mary's University College

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 16/12/2009

    • 09/0782/LBC

      Various Internal And External Works To A Listed Building.

      Granted Permission 24/07/2009

    • 09/0481/FUL

      New plant room (G23) to facilitate the separation of services from St Mary's University College. Th...

      Granted Permission 24/07/2009

    • 08/T0868/TPO

      G2 - Crataegurs - Remove

      Granted Permission 05/03/2009

    • 08/2636/ADV

      Double sided monolith type entrance sign

      Granted Permission 08/09/2008

    • 08/0462/TCAVOI

      Application lapsed G3 - Horse Chestnut x 16 - Crown reduce by 20% G7 - Black Poplar x 12 - Re-reduc...

      Void Application 12/02/2009

    • 08/T0461/TPO

      G1 - Rowan x 3, Crab x 2, Sycamore - Prune back to allow 1m clearancwe from nets T3- Sycamore - Pru...

      Granted Permission 27/03/2009

    • 08/1629/LBC

      Construction of a new timber stud partition within an office to form a corridor

      Granted Permission 30/06/2008

    • 08/1211/PS192

      Portable floodlight.

      Granted Permission 20/05/2008

    • 08/T0054/TPO

      T1; Betula pendula 'Youngii' - Remove

      Granted Permission 15/04/2008

    • 07/T0887/TPO

      T1; Oak - Crown lift to 2m to major whorl of branches and remove major deadwood T2; Oak - Crown lif...

      Granted Permission 10/01/2008

    • 07/4107/FUL

      New sports hall, the refurbishment and remodelling of the existing sports hall, associated parking ...

      Granted Permission 14/04/2010

    • 07/2816/FUL

      Installation of new bike shelters at various locations around the site.

      Granted Permission 14/11/2007

    • 07/T0634/TPO

      T1; Sycamore - Reduce crown laterals by 25% over gardens of Cllive Road T2; Tree of Heaven (Not und...

      Granted Permission 27/09/2007

    • 07/T0575/TPO

      T1; Judas Tree - Fell to ground level T2; Judas Tree - Fell to ground level T3; Holm Oak - Reduce c...

      Granted Permission 20/09/2007

    • 07/2285/ADV

      One theatre sign in white individual letters and two backlit A0 poster frames.

      Granted Permission 22/08/2007

    • 07/2287/FUL

      Reinstate the entrance to the theatre building in its original location on the courtyard façade, cu...

      Granted Permission 22/08/2007

    • 06/T0627/TPO

      T1 - Plane (Platanus spp.) - Crown reduce by 30%. T2 - Plane (Platanus spp.) x 3 - Crown reduce la...

      Refused Permission 22/12/2006

    • 06/T0616/TPO

      T1 - Yew (Taxus baccata) - Remove and replace. T2 - Prunus 'amanogawa' - Remove and replace.

      Granted Permission 15/11/2006

    • 06/3203/FUL

      Installation Of 5 No. 4 Metre High Lighting Columns and Lamp Fitments.

      Granted Permission 21/11/2006

    • 06/1368/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Conditions U10043 (Miscellaneous Details) And BD04 (Details To Specified Scale)...

      Granted Permission 14/12/2006

    • 06/2081/FUL

      Proposed Two Storey Extension To The Existing College Refectory Consisting Of A Kitchen At Ground F...

      Granted Permission 05/10/2006

    • 06/2073/FUL

      Erection Of A Single Storey Temporary Modular Building To Provide Teaching, Office And Storage Acco...

      Granted Permission 29/08/2006

    • 06/1368/LBC

      Conversion Of Chapel Undercroft To An Internet Cafe Involving External and Internal Alterations.

      Granted Permission 16/06/2006

    • 06/T0297/TPO

      T1 - Yew (Taxus baccata) - Remove. T2 - Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) - Prune back. T3 (T5 on pl...

      Refused Permission 06/07/2006

    • 06/1432/FUL

      Proposal to install lighting and extend steps to Chapel.

      Granted Permission 22/06/2006

    • 06/1430/LBC

      Proposed installation of lighting and extension to Chapel steps.

      Granted Permission 22/06/2006

    • 05/1493/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition UO5207 (Paving Details) Of Planning Permission 05/1493/DD01 Dated 27....

      Granted Permission 20/06/2006

    • 06/0863/FUL

      Retention Of A Hazardous Chemical Store.

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 03/07/2008

    • 06/0632/LBC

      Conversion Of Chapel Undercroft To An Internet Cafe With Raised Timber Floor Protecting The Origina...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 03/05/2006

    • 06/T0043/TPO

      T1 - Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) - Fell to ground level.

      Granted Permission 06/03/2006

    • 05/0406/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition LA07A (Tree Planting) And LA11A (Landscaping - Hard And Soft) Of Plan...

      Granted Permission 05/12/2005

    • 05/2750/PS192

      Change Of Use From Care Taker's Flat To Offices.

      Granted Permission 21/10/2005

    • 04/0339/DD09

      Details pursuant to BD12 (Materials - Hard Surfacing) of planning permission ref: 04/0339/FUL dated...

      Granted Permission 06/10/2005

    • 05/T0514/TPO

      T1 - Cedar (Cedrus spp.) - Crown thin by 20% Crown lift by 4 metres. Reduce laterally by 3-4 metr...

      Granted Permission 07/09/2005

    • 05/2276/LBC

      Internal works - installation of a platform stair - lift onto an existing stair with strengthening ...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 15/09/2005

    • 04/0339/DD08

      Details pursuant to LA09U (screen planting) of planning permission 04/0339/FUL dated 29.04.04.

      Granted Permission 25/08/2005

    • 04/0339/DD07

      Details of materials pursuant to BD12 in part (roof tiles) of planning permission ref: 04/0339/FUL ...

      Granted Permission 16/08/2005

    • 05/1708/FUL

      Erection Of A New Portacabin Type Physiotherapy Rooms Adjacent To The Existing Sports Hall 'R Block...

      Granted Permission 28/07/2005

    • 05/1492/LBC

      Proposed external landscape upgrade to include: 1. Chapel Courtyard upgrade: i) new bins, benches, ...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 27/06/2005

    • 05/1493/FUL

      Proposed external landscape upgrade to include: 1. Chapel Courtyard upgrade: i) new bins, benches, ...

      Granted Permission 27/06/2005

    • 04/0339/DD06

      Details pursuant to BD12 in part (staircase roofs) of planning permission 04/0339/FUL dated 29.04.0...

      Granted Permission 17/05/2005

    • 05/0932/FUL

      Erection of tensile canopy within courtyard against the existing buildings. Erection of a glazed sc...

      Granted Permission 23/05/2005

    • 05/0805/FUL

      Erection Of A New Portacabin Type Physiotherapy Rooms Adjacent To The Existing Sports Hall 'R Block...

      Refused Permission 10/05/2005

    • 05/0406/FUL

      Proposed new cafe building (including external seating area) to overlook the athletics track

      Granted Permission 01/06/2005

    • 04/0339/DD05

      Details pursuant to condition DV28 (External Illumination) and BD12 in part (part external hard sur...

      Granted Permission 25/01/2005

    • 04/0339/DD03

      Details pursuant to condition BD12 in part (external hard surfacing) of planning permission 04/0339...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 25/01/2005

    • 04/0339/DD04

      Details pursuant to condition LA09U (planting) of planning permission 04/0339/FUL dated 29.04.04

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 01/08/2005

    • 04/0339/DD02

      Details pursuant to conditions BD12 in part (window frame finish and glazed insert panel) and PK06A...

      Granted Permission 08/12/2004

    • 04/3260/LBC

      Proposed widening of existing opening in block B and installation of counter; installation of doubl...

      Granted Permission 04/04/2005

    • 04/3166/LBC

      Internal works comprising Installation of a platform stair lift onto an existing staircase with str...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 01/08/2005

    • 02/1792/DD05

      Details pursuant to condition BD12U (track barrier) of planning application 02/1792/FUL.

      Granted Permission 14/09/2004

    • 04/2745/FUL

      Erection of 16m lighting columns to running track approved under planning application 02/1792/FUL d...

      Granted Permission 15/10/2004

    • 02/1792/DD04

      Details pursuant to condition LB12A (archaeology) for planning permission 02/1792/FUL dated 14/11/2...

      Granted Permission 08/09/2004

    • 04/0246/TPO

      T1 - Oak (Quercus robur) - Tidy damaged branch, reduce 2 x adjacent limbs at rear of summerhouse by...

      Granted Permission 20/09/2004

    • 04/0339/DD01

      Details pursuant to condition BD12 in part (bricks) of planning permission 04/0399/FUL dated 29.04....

      Granted Permission 14/09/2004

    • 04/0293/DD02

      Details pursuant to conditions U00697 (Protective fencing) and U00698 (Tree protection measures) of...

      Granted Permission 14/09/2004

    • 04/0293/DD01

      Details pursuant to condition BD05 (Materials) of planning permission 04/0293/FUL dated 13/07/2004.

      Granted Permission 14/09/2004

    • 02/1792/DD03

      Details pursuant to conditions BD12U in part (surface treatment) and NS03U (trees) of planning per...

      Granted Permission 12/08/2004

    • 02/1792/DD02

      Details pursuant to condition 02/1792/FUL of planning permission 02/1792/FUL

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 12/08/2004

    • 04/1085/FUL

      Erection Of Hazardous Chemical Store.

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 04/11/2005

    • 04/1007/FUL

      Conversion And Rebuilding Of Block L Outbuildings To Offices.

      Granted Permission 13/07/2004

    • 02/1792/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condidtions Bd11u (miscellaneous Details) And Ns02u (non Standard) To Planning ...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 19/01/2005

    • 04/0904/FUL

      External Elevational Alterations Including Glazed Enclosure To Cloisters To Facilitate (1) Conversi...

      Granted Permission 19/07/2004

    • 04/0339/FUL

      Erection Of Additional Halls Of Residence Adjoining And Linked To The Existing Halls Of Residence. ...

      Granted Permission 29/04/2004

    • 04/0293/FUL

      Temporary Erection Of Porta-cabin For Changing Room And Storage On Land Adjacent To The Existing Sp...

      Granted Permission 13/07/2004

    • 04/0300/FUL

      Proposed Provision Of Refuse Storage Compounds In 4 Locations On Campus With Central Connection Poi...

      Granted Permission 28/04/2004

    • 03/T1875

      Ash (fraxinus Excelsior) - Prune Back From Street Lamp And Phon Wires; Crown Lift To Statutory Hei...

      Granted Permission 20/11/2003

    • 03/2802/FUL

      Erection Of A Portacabin On Existing Hardstanding To Rear Of Block N For A Temporary Period.

      Granted Permission 16/01/2004

    • 03/2789/FUL

      Provision Of Dispersed Refuse Storage Compounds In 6 Locations On Campus With A Central Collection ...

      Refused Permission 03/11/2003

    • 03/T1150

      Cedar (cedrus) - Prune Back From Property To Give Up To 1.5 Metres Clearance; Remove Major Deadwood.

      Granted Permission 11/07/2003

    • 03/T1151

      Turkey Oak (quercus Cerris) - Crown Lift To 5 Metres; Remove Deadwood.

      Granted Permission 11/07/2003

    • 03/1855/FUL

      Erection Of A Three Storey Extension To The Existing Three Storey Residences At Graham, Wiseman And...

      Refused Permission 12/09/2003

    • 03/0963/FUL

      Erection Of A Three Storey Extension To The Existing Three Storey Residences At Graham, Wiseman And...

      Withdrawn by the Applicant 17/06/2003

    • 03/0668/FUL

      Re-location Of The Existing Main College Bin Storage Area.

      Refused Permission 22/04/2003

    • 03/0669/FUL

      Temporary Planning Permission To Locate Two Standard Containers And Two Portacabins On Existing Har...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 06/05/2004

    • 02/2738

      Installation Of A 6m High Stub Tower, Containing Three Panel Antennae And One Antenna Dish And An E...

      Granted Permission 04/11/2002

    • 02/1967

      Installation Of Telecommunications Apparatus

      Refused Permission 28/08/2002

    • 02/1792

      Provision Of New Athletics Track And Associated Facilities To Replace The Existing Facilities Inclu...

      Granted Permission 18/11/2002

    • 02/T0611

      Sycamore - Fell

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 02/T0615

      Dead Elms - Fell

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 02/T0612

      Elm - Fell

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 02/T0613

      Sycamore - Fell

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 02/T0614

      Dead Elm - Fell

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 02/T0610

      English Oak - Remove Snapped Branch In Upper Canopy

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 01/2924

      Erection Of Acrylic Covers To Protect Antelope Figures On Staircase.

      Granted Permission 18/04/2002

    • 01/1223

      Works In Association With Demolition Of 'k' Block. Conversion Of Section Of Bin Store To Launderett...

      Granted Permission 18/07/2001

    • 01/1197

      Installation Of Radio Equipment Housing.

      Granted Permission 02/08/2001

    • 01/1074

      Proposed Temporary Teaching Accommodation, To Be Removed Subject To Planning Application 01/0361/fu...

      Decided as No Further Action be Taken 21/06/2001

    • 01/0782

      Proposed 6m Stub Tower Supporting 6 Antennae And 4 Microwave Dishes 1 Equipment Cabinet To Be Locat...

      Refused Permission 20/04/2001

    • 01/0361

      Demolition Of Existing Teaching Accommodation. Erection Of

      Granted Permission 22/06/2001

    • 00/3442

      Proposed Telecommunications Base Station To Provide Mobile Telephone Coverage.

      Decided the Council raises no objection 23/01/2001

    • 00/T1874

      Yew T43 - Lightly Selectively Prune Lower Branches Growing Over Paved Area Retaining Natural Shape ...

      Granted Permission 08/01/2001

    • 00/T0511

      Black Poplar - Reduce By Up To 60

      Granted Permission 15/05/2000

    • 00/T0513

      Black Poplar - Reduce By Up To 60

      Granted Permission 15/05/2000

    • 00/T0512

      Black Poplar - Reduce By Up To 60

      Granted Permission 15/05/2000

    • 99/2573

      Alterations To Window Opening In Block B.

      Granted Permission 23/12/1999

    • 98/2913

      Alterations To Gents Toilet To Office.

      Granted Permission 10/02/1999

    • 98/2731

      Conversion Of Existing Rooms Used As Offices To Study Bedroom Use.

      Granted Permission 06/01/1999

    • 98/T1472

      T40 - Platanus X Hispanica - Remove Lower Branches Overhanging Car Park

      Granted Permission 26/11/1998

    • 98/T1473

      T41 - Quercus Robur - Remove Epicormic Growth And Small Laterals Overhanging Car Park

      Granted Permission 26/11/1998

    • 98/T1470

      T28 - Ailanthus Altissima - 30 Crown Reduction And Removal Of Damaged Limb Over Car Park

      Granted Permission 26/11/1998

    • 98/T1471

      T35 - Platanus X Hispanica - Remove Lower Branches Overhaning Car Park

      Granted Permission 26/11/1998

    • 97/T7516

      Tree No. T75 Sycamore - Prune Branches Overhanging 8 Clive Road

      Refused Permission 02/12/1997

    • 97/1320

      Alterations To Existing Toilet And Store Area To Provide Additional Toilet Facilities.

      Granted Permission 15/08/1997

    • 97/T6658

      Sycamore - Fell Dead Or Dying Stems

      Granted Permission 19/06/1997

    • 97/0029

      Refurbishment Of Front Facade. (new Cramps, Minor Stone Repairs Etc.)

      Granted Permission 04/03/1997

    • 97/0030

      Removal Of Cementitious Render Stucco From The External Brick Work Walls To Reveal 'joints Jointed'...

      Granted Permission 04/03/1997

    • 96/3978

      Alterations And Extension To Existing Sports Centre To Provide A Coaching And Performance Developme...

      Granted Permission 24/10/1997

    • 95/1244/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition Bd12 (materials) Of Planning Permission 95/1244/ful Dated 7/6/95.

      Granted Permission 11/12/1995

    • 95/2316/S191

      Extension To Existing Tennis Hall To Provide Wind And Dust Control Lobby & Store Area For Equipment.

      Granted Permission 16/08/1995

    • 95/2315/S192

      Erection Of New Lobby To Student Union Building.

      Granted Permission 16/08/1995

    • 95/T2659/CA

      Fell Robinia Tree

      Granted Permission 07/09/1995

    • 95/1244/FUL

      Extension To Existing Library

      Granted Permission 07/06/1995

    • 95/0589/S191

      Mixed Use For The Purposes Of Educational Institute With Ancillary Residential Accommodation, Playi...

      Granted Permission 07/04/1995

    • 94/2140/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition La13 (landscaping) Of Planning Permission 94/2140/ful Dated 14/10/94

      Granted Permission 10/03/1995

    • 94/1549/DD03

      Details Pursuant To Condition La07 (tree Planting) Of Planning Permission 94/1549/ful Dated 4/8/94

      Granted Permission 20/03/1995

    • 94/1549/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition Bd05 (marerials) Of Planning Permission 94/1549/ful Dated 4/8/94

      Granted Permission 26/09/1994

    • 94/1549/DD02

      Details Pursuant To Conditions La03 (no Felling/lopping), La06 (protected Trees) And La17 (soil Com...

      Granted Permission 04/10/1994

    • 94/2140/FUL

      Installation Of Grasscrete Car Park At Students Union

      Granted Permission 14/10/1994

    • 94/1549/FUL

      Erection Of Tennis Hall - Amendment To Planning Consent 94/0397/ful

      Granted Permission 04/08/1994

    • 94/0397/FUL

      Erection Of Tennis Hall

      Granted Permission 26/05/1994

    • 92/1881/DD02

      Details Pursuant To Condition Bd06 (materials) Of Planning Consent 92/1881/ful Dated 22/12/92.

      Granted Permission 15/09/1993

    • 93/1076/FUL

      Single Storey Extension To Existing Chaplaincy Centre & New Boundary Wall.

      Granted Permission 13/08/1993

    • 93/0547/FUL

      Extension To Sports Building To Form Sports Injury Clinic.

      Granted Permission 03/06/1993

    • 92/1881/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition Attached To Consent 92/1881 Bd09 (materials) Dated 22.12.92 For The E...

      Granted Permission 01/04/1993

    • 91/2032/DD04

      Details Pursuant To Condition La03 (works To Trees) Of Planning Consent 91/2032 Dated 24/2/92.

      Granted Permission 24/03/1993

    • 93/0220/FUL

      Make Good Fire Damaged Structure And Aterations To Form Teaching Space.

      Granted Permission 01/04/1993

    • 92/2051/FUL

      Erection Of Enclosed Access Stair.

      Granted Permission 18/02/1993

    • 92/1441/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition La11 (landscaping) & Bd05 (materials) Of Planning Consent 92/1441 Dat...

      Granted Permission 22/02/1993

    • 91/2032/DD03

      Details Pursuant To Condition Bd05 (materials), La11 (landscaping) & Pk06 (cycle Parking) Of Planni...

      Granted Permission 22/02/1993

    • 92/1881/FUL

      Extension To And Adaption Of Drama Workshop To Provide A Three Storey Building For Use As Student U...

      Granted Permission 22/12/1992

    • 92/1678/FUL

      Demolition Of Existing Garage And Erection Of A Two Storey Side Extension For Use By Elderly Relati...

      Refused Permission 30/11/1992

    • 92/1595/S192

      Internal Alterations To Facilitate A Temporary Bar Arrangement And Appropriate Fire Protection And ...

      Permission not required 12/10/1992

    • 92/1441/FUL

      Formation Of 6 No. Relocated Car Parking Spaces To Rear Of New Hostels And Adjustment To Layout Of ...

      Granted Permission 30/09/1992

    • 91/2032/DD02

      Details Pursuant To Condition Dv17 (bin Enclosure) Of Planning Consent 91/2032/ful Dated 24/2/92.

      Granted Permission 28/07/1992

    • 91/2032/DD01

      Details Pursuant To Condition Ns01 (non Standard), Bd10 (sample Panels) And Partially Purusant To C...

      Granted Permission 08/07/1992

    • 92/0754/FUL

      Extension And Refurbishment Of Gymnasium.

      Granted Permission 28/05/1992

    • 92/0468/FUL

      Extension And Refurbishment Of Student Union Toilet Accommodation.

      Granted Permission 09/04/1992

    • 91/2038/FUL

      2 No. Single Storey Extensions To Kitchen Store And Servery Area.

      Granted Permission 06/12/1991

    • 91/2032/FUL

      Erection Of 1 No. 3/4 Storey Building And 1 No. 3 Storey Building Comprising 106 No. Student Study/...

      Granted Permission 24/02/1992

    • 91/1543/S64

      Alterations To Kitchen, Servery And New Goods Entry.

      Permission required 03/10/1991

    • 90/2098/FUL

      Conversion Of Bath Houses At Clive Hostel To Form Additional Student Bedrooms & 2 No. First Floor E...

      Granted Permission 25/02/1991

    • 90/1683/FUL

      Provision Of New Bin Store Area & Pergola.

      Granted Permission 24/10/1990

    • 89/2235/LBC

      Single Storey Roof Top Extension To Provide New Vivarium.

      Unknown - historic data no records 25/12/1989

    • 89/2234/LBC

      Construction Of New Fire Escape Stair Within Existing Building. Replace Existing Roof In Hallway Wi...

      Unknown - historic data no records 25/12/1989

    • 89/2233/FUL

      Construction Of New Fire Escape Stair Within Existing Building. Replace Existing Roof To Hallway Wi...

      Granted Permission 19/12/1989

    • 89/2232/FUL

      Single Storey Roof Top Extension To Provide New Vivarium.

      Granted Permission 19/12/1989

    • 88/1826

      Conversion of store room to central reception area and formation of new entrance (Drawing No. 87 11...

      Granted Permission 30/09/1988

    • 86/0561

      Erection of extension to sports hall.

      Granted Permission 22/07/1986

    • 86/0165

      Erection of new infill building between existing science block to be used as additional science dep...

      Granted Permission 21/07/1986

    • 85/0115

      Provision of new fire escape stairs from day study centre.

      Granted Permission 01/03/1985

    • 83/1388

      Demolition of existing lean to and erection of new single storey laundry area.

      Granted Permission 04/01/1984

    • 83/1085

      Erection of a single storey library extension. (Revised plans received 20th October, 1983).

      Granted Permission 16/12/1983

    • 83/0146

      Erection of two storey extension and minor internal alterations to existing sportshall. (Amended d...

      Granted Permission 08/04/1983

    • 81/1478

      Erection of new entrance gates and adjacent walls and piers.

      Granted Permission 08/04/1982

    • 81/1049

      Alterations to part of building involving the construction of new utility rooms at first and second...

      Granted Permission 24/09/1981

    • 80/0558

      Erection of a single storey extension to students union part of college to provide new lounge and e...

      Granted Permission 11/08/1980

    • 79/1674

      Erection of a two storey extension to southern side of existing theatre to provide additional semin...

      Granted Permission 09/04/1980

    • 78/0112

      Erection of a new double garage and new car park with landscaping.

      Granted Permission 04/05/1978

    • 76/0698

      Alterations to boundary wall and the creation of a coach lay-by.

      Refused Permission 09/03/1977

    • 76/0039

      Erection of first floor extension to provide tutorial block extension.

      Granted Permission 08/04/1976

    • 75/0060

      Alterations to landscaped area in forecourt of existing Chapel; provision of new pedestrian access.

      Granted Permission 08/08/1975

    • 74/0863

      Alterations to and extension of car park and landscaped area.

      Granted Permission 26/08/1975

    • 71/2733/DD01

      Erection of swimming pool and single storey plant room; provision of car park for 20 cars (details ...

      Granted Permission 28/05/1974

    • 73/1031

      Demolition of existing wall and formation of new vehicular access.

      Granted Permission 15/01/1974

    • 71/2734/DD01

      Erection of gymnasium and associated single storey buildings comprising Physical Education Laborato...

      Granted Permission 07/11/1972

    • 72/0453

      Conversion and use of existing gymnasium as Students Union accommodation and erection of one and tw...

      Granted Permission 13/07/1972

    • 71/2733

      Erection of swimming pool and single-storey plant room; provision of car park for 20 cars.

      Granted Permission 05/06/1973

    • 71/2734

      Erection of gymnasium and associated single storey buildings comprising physical education laborato...

      Granted Permission 13/07/1972

    • 70/1629

      Erection of single storey extension to dining hall.

      Granted Permission 29/12/1970

    • 70/1277

      Erection of single storey extension to hostel.

      Granted Permission 10/08/1970

    • 70/1134

      Erection of one 3-storey extension to provide additional teaching accommodation; erection of 2-stor...

      Granted Permission 29/12/1970

    • 68/1782

      Erection of single storey extension to kitchen, and staff dining room.

      Granted Permission 02/10/1968

    • 68/1254

      Erection of a covered way and single storey extension to existing gymnasium for use as a students c...

      Granted Permission 01/08/1968

    • 68/0920

      Erection of external escape staircase.

      Granted Permission 11/06/1968

    • 67/1330

      Erection of new three-storey teaching block and extensions and alterations to existing sports hall.

      Granted Permission 12/09/1967

    • 66/2194

      Kitchen stores extension.

      Granted Permission 23/01/1967

    • 65/1724

      Erection of Sports Hall and Centre for physical training and recreation (Stage I).

      Granted Permission 24/12/1965

    • 64/0495

      Extensions to provide additional teaching and sanitary accommodation.

      Granted Permission 25/06/1964

    • 64/0494

      Erection of a building to contain students bed-study rooms and other ancillary accommodation.

      Granted Permission 25/06/1964

    • 63/1170

      Conversion of existing chapel to common rooms and offices, by addition of a new floor.

      Granted Permission 17/12/1963

    • 62/0742

      New gate lodge and access drive.

      Granted Permission 16/08/1962

    • 62/0743

      Alterations to front elevation of (1926) buildings and construction of covered way and store.

      Granted Permission 16/08/1962

    • 61/1282

      Retention of existing garage.

      Granted Permission 19/01/1962

    • 60/1127

      Erection of new Chapel and Library.

      Granted Permission 19/12/1960

    • 60/0717

      Erection of extensions.

      Granted Permission 01/09/1960

    • 60/0498

      Erection of extensions.

      Granted Permission 04/07/1960

    • 59/0106

      Erection of new chapel, assembly hall, residential buildings and alterations and extensions to exis...

      Granted Permission 01/05/1959

    • 58/0484

      Erection of an electricity transformer sub-station.

      Granted Permission 25/08/1958

    • 58/0376

      Restoration work to main entrance.

      Granted Permission 09/07/1958

    • 58/0170

      Erection of science building and cloakrooms.

      Refused Permission 30/05/1958

    • 47/8153

      Erection of a new gymnasium, changing rooms and lavatory accommodation.

      Granted Permission 23/05/1957

    • 47/5177

      Extension to existing College building.

      Granted Permission 27/07/1954

    • 47/4936

      Erection of store shed.

      Granted Permission 27/07/1954

    • 47/0779

      Extension to wood work class room.

      Granted Permission 16/06/1949

    • 47/0493

      The construction of additions.

      Granted Permission 10/03/1949

    • 47/0204

      The reinstatement of war damage.

      Granted Permission 15/11/1948

    • 47/0080

      The erection of an additional hut for handicrafts.

      Granted Permission 15/09/1948

  • St Marys Students Registrars Office St Marys University College 268 Waldegrave Road Twickenham TW1 4SX

    • 20/T1049/TPO

      T1 - Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Adjacent to End of Clive Road Reduce laterally all aspects by between...

      Granted Permission 11/02/2021

    • 14/T0842/TCA

      By staff car park Tree of Heaven - Fell to ground level due to location on cellar void By sports fi...

      Decided the Council raises no objection 29/12/2014

If you don't see the application you are looking for, please amend your criteria and try again.