Major developments

A major application is any of the following:

  • a residential development of 10 or more homes
  • a residential development on a site of at least 0.5 hectares
  • creation or change of use of a commercial development, where the floorspace is 1,000 square metres or more
  • a non-residential development on a site of at least 1 hectare

This page will signpost you to all recent or current major developments; and with other applications that have generated a high level of public interest.


Number of cases: 14

  • 26 - 28 Priests Bridge East Sheen London SW14 8TA


    Variation of condition U0178126 - Approved Drawings, of planning permission 23/3383/VRC - new corridor link on ground floor to connect to commercial units, change to footprint of the front commercial units, separate access and amenity space to 1st floor commercial unit to rear, footprint reduction at rear comercial unit to increase outdoor/amenity space, variations to fenstration, reduction of one parking space.

  • 47A 47 And 49 Lower Mortlake Road Richmond


    Variation of planning approval 22/0399/FUL - condition Number(s): U0142351 - Approved Drawings; U0142352 - Details - Materials to be approved; U0142361 - Boundary Treatments. Conditions(s) Removal: Changed to reflect the amendments to the proposal and the revised drawings submitted. Condition U0142351: Replacement of the following drawings: - BL-15-100 Proposed Ground Floor Plan P2 - BL-15-301 North and West Elevation P2 - split into two separate drawings (West Elevation unchanged). - BL-15-304 Streetscene Elevation P1 Condition U0142352: Details to be reviewed in line with the revised window details shown on drawings 6000 and 6001 'External Opening Schedule-Typical Sash Window Details.' Condition U0142361: To be reviewed in light of the revised front boundary proposal, whereby the existing wall is to be retained, as shown on revised drawings 304 and 5000. The existing side and rear boundary walls, partially formed by neighbouring properties, will be retained and elements rebuilt where necessary, as shown on drawing 5001.

  • 74 Oldfield Road Hampton


    Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site to provide a two-storey self-storage facility (Use Class B8) and business centre (Use Class E (g)(i)) with an additional floor at basement level. Associated car and cycle parking, and landscaping.

  • Karslake And Ruston And Ward Buildings At Hampton Water Treatment Works Upper Sunbury Road Hampton


    Conversion and extension of the site including Ruston and Karslake Buildings and works at basement level to provide 36 no. residential units (Use Class C3) and 318.8sqm flexible business space (Use Class E(g)), associated car parking, access and landscaping works. In association with Listed Building application reference 23/3265/LBC.

  • 84 Lower Mortlake Road Richmond TW9 2HS


    Change of use of building from Class E 'Commercial, Business and Service' to Class C3 'Residential' together with rooftop alterations and extensions to provide 21no. residential properties. Refurbishment of facade, to include the installation of balconies together with associated amenities, parking and landscaping.

  • The Stag Brewery Lower Richmond Road Mortlake London SW14 7ET


    Use of the existing buildings and land including erection of external film sets for film production operations and ancillary activities. (Refer to covering letter dated 23 August 2023 to understand how this application interacts with any future comprehensive redevelopment of the site).

  • Sheldon House Cromwell Road Teddington


    Demolition of a seven-storey residential building; erection of five-storey residential building plus lift overrun comprising 27 units (including 3 wheelchair units) incorporating cycle storage and refuse/recycling store; formation of 6 car parking spaces (including 3 disabled spaces ) and 1 delivery bay; landscaping including child play space and ecology area.

  • Thames Young Mariners Base Riverside Drive Ham Richmond TW10 7RX


    Demolition of existing buildings and construction of replacement buildings with associated residential accommodation, changing block, replacement staff accommodation and outdoor activity equipment including high ropes, climbing wall, coasteering course, supporting pontoons with associated hard and soft landscaping and parking.

  • Kneller Hall Royal Military School Of Music Kneller Road Twickenham TW2 7DU


    The demolition of existing modern buildings on the site and the conversion of and extensions to Kneller Hall and other ancillary buildings associated with the former royal military music school to a day school (Use Class F1), together with the construction of associated new purpose-built buildings including teaching space, indoor sports facilities, sporting pavilion and forest school building. Alterations to the existing playing fields, to include an all weather pitch with fencing, flood lighting to existing tennis courts, sustainability measures and re-turfing. Provision of a new access from Whitton Dene, and other ancillary works including parking areas, hard and soft landscaping, lighting, access alterations and energy centre. Internal and external alterations to Kneller Hall and the curtilage listed buildings to facilitate the day school use, including demolition and rebuilding of single storey extension to the west wing of Kneller Hall, extension to the Band Practice Hall and re-opening of Whitton Dene site entrance.

  • St Clare Business Park And 7 - 11 Windmill Road Hampton Hill


    Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1no. mixed use building between three and five storeys plus basement in height, comprising 86no. residential flats (Class C3) and 1,311.2sq.m of commercial floorspace (Class E); 1no.two storey building comprising 595sq.m of commercial floorspace (Class E); 14no. residential houses (Class C3); and, associated access, external landscaping and car parking.

  • The Stag Brewery Lower Richmond Road Mortlake London SW14 7ET


    Hybrid application to include: 1. Demolition of existing buildings (except the Maltings and the façade of the Bottling Plant and former Hotel), walls, associated structures, site clearance and groundworks, to allow for the comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site: 2. Detailed application for the works to the east side of Ship Lane which comprise: a. Alterations and extensions to existing buildings and erection of buildings varying in height from 3 to 9 storeys plus a basement of one to two storeys below ground to allow for residential apartments; flexible use floorspace for retail, financial and professional services, café/restaurant and drinking establishment uses, offices, non-residential institutions and community use and boathouse; Hotel / public house with accommodation; Cinema and Offices. b. New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and internal routes, and associated highway works c. Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and servicing parking at surface and basement level d. Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping e. Flood defence and towpath works f. Installation of plant and energy equipment 3. Outline application, with all matters reserved for works to the west of Ship Lane which comprise: a. The erection of a single storey basement and buildings varying in height from 3 to 8 storeys b. Residential development c. Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and servicing parking d. Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping e. New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and internal routes, and associated highways works.

  • The Stag Brewery Lower Richmond Road Mortlake London SW14 7ET


    Erection of a three-storey building to provide a new secondary school with sixth form; sports pitch with floodlighting, external MUGA and play space; and associated external works including landscaping, car and cycle parking, new access routes and other associated works

  • Barnes Hospital South Worple Way East Sheen London SW14 8SU


    Demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of site including construction of three new buildings comprising 106 residential units of mixed tenure (Use Class C3), alterations and conversion of two existing buildings for 3 residential use (Use Class C3), car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works

  • Richmond Upon Thames College Egerton Road Twickenham TW2 7SJ


    Detailed Reserved Matters application including Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for the Tech Hub Development Zone pursuant to Conditions U08030 and U08031 of Outline Planning Permission 15/3038/OUT dated 16/08/2016. Demolition of existing sports hall and the construction of a 2-storey office building (Use Class B1) together with associated parking, cycle parking and landscaping. Outline Application 15/3038/OUT constituted Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development and a full Environmental Statement (ES) was submitted in support of the outline application.