Planning summary

Showing applications based on the following criteria:


Number of cases: 500 (note query was limited to 500 cases.) It is therefore likely that there are more to show so please refine your criteria.

  • 28 A Sheen Lane East Sheen SW14 8LW


    Details pursuant to condition T 55006 of planning permission 94/2896/FUL dated 2.3.1995

  • 106 East Sheen Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8AU


    Proposed outbuildings

  • Broom Boathouse Broom Park Teddington


    Erection of an extension at the rear of the upper level of the boathouse to form a dwelling over the existing wet dock, the provision of a sewage treatment plant and pumping station, to discharge into the River Thames and the change of use of the boathouse to a dwelling.

  • 81 Mount Ararat Road Richmond TW10 6PL


    T1 cherry tree left border close to the house, if facing down the rear garden . Fell to ground level T2 cork screw willow rear of the rear garden in the middle . Reduce crown by 30%

  • 38 Campbell Road Twickenham TW2 5BY


    T1 - Beech - Crown lift to 5m above ground level

  • 236 Kew Road Richmond


    The conversion and extension of the existing house to form 7 self-contained flats; the conversion and extension of the former coach house to a detached residence; and the provision of 13 parking spaces. (Details pursuant to condition 14 planting and landscaping). Application amended on 21.11.88.

  • 4 North Lane Teddington


    Continuation of siting of mobile office up to two days each week.

  • 28 Sheen Lane East Sheen London SW14 8LW


    Refurbishment of Listed Building, including demolition of single storey side extension and erection of single storey extension to north side, three storey extension to side/rear and first and second floor extension to south side over new vehicular access. (Detailed drawing: Condition 3 - materials: Facing Brick).

  • 62 Radnor Road Twickenham


    Erection of a 2 storey side extension.

  • Land Adjoining Twickenham Trading Estate Rugby Road Twickenham


    Details pursuant to Condition 3 (materials), 14 (Landscaping), 16 (New Access) and 23 (Fence or Barrier to Highway Frontage) of planning permission 88/65 dated 3rd March, 1988. (Amended Plan No.150 REV.B received on 3rd November, 1989).

  • 6 Ormond Road Richmond


    Details pursuant to condition BU07 (materials) of listed building consent 90/1181 dated 22.8.90.

  • 123/127 Sheen Road Richmond


    Details pursuant to Condition TR11 (landscaping) & DT03 (means of enclosure) of Planning consent 90/0750 dated 23.7.90.

  • 112 Holly Road Twickenham Richmond Upon Thames TW1 4HF

    Not Validated

    Ground floor rear extension

  • 325A Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2PB

    Not Validated

    T1&2 Limes (x1) - Reduce heights by 2-3m and widths by 3-4m all around. Lift crowns to approximately 5m. Final heights to be approximately 16m and widths to be approximately 8m.

  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3AB

    Not Validated

    Construction of a treehouse within the gardens.

  • Land Adjacent To 93 Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London SW13 0NX

    Not Validated

    U0121771 Materials rpeort

  • 27 Baronsmead Road Barnes London Richmond Upon Thames SW13 9RR

    Not Validated

    Application Reference Number: 24/0979/HOT Date of Decision: 29/07/2024 Condition Number(s): U0185992 Materials, U0185993 Approved Drawings, U0185998 Restrictions on use of roof Conditions(s) Removal: To make the following amendments; addition of a new flat rooflight above the ground floor boot room, to raise the parapet height of the single storey side return extension by 225mm, extension of the existing first floor terrace, updated landscape design, to rebuild the boundary wall along Ferry Road, infill part of the front boundary wall, addition of new minimal frame sliding doors to garden room To replace the approved drawings

  • Sandy Lane Sw Teddington Greater London TW11 0DQ

    Not Validated

    The removal of the existing 14m monopole to be replaced by a 17.5m monopole supporting 6no. antennas, the addition of 2no. cabinets and ancillary works thereto. Redundant OLO monopole and cabinet to be removed.

  • 32 Wellington Road Hampton Richmond Upon Thames TW12 1JT

    Not Validated

    Construction of a PD loft extension.

  • 32 Wellington Road Hampton Richmond Upon Thames TW12 1JT

    Not Validated

    Single storey rear and side extension to replace existing rear extensions. Replacement windows on side of property. New door in style of original to replace window to first floor front balcony.

  • 2 Ferry Road Barnes London SW13 9RX

    Not Validated

    T1: Horse Chestnut (unbalanced crown leaning towards neighbour???s property) ??? cavities on main stem, decay and small cavities detected on buttress roots, unidentified fungus detected on buttress roots/cavities, evidence of bacterial canker. Crown reduce by 1-2m back to previous pruning points. Reduce section of crown overhanging neighbour back past previous pruning points by 1-2m to suitable growth points to help balance crown.

  • The Mooring Stage, The Barge Walk Hampton Court Palace Hampton Court Road London KT8 9BN

    Not Validated

    Installation of replacement steps and amendments to existing ramp to allow improved safe access to the moorings on Barge Walk

  • 26 Church Road Barnes London SW13 9HN

    Not Validated

    Proposed construction of a flat roofed dormer to the rear outrigger roof

  • 19 Lichfield Road Kew Richmond TW9 3JR

    Not Validated

    Schedule of Arboricultural Monitoring

  • 19 Lichfield Road Kew Richmond TW9 3JR

    Not Validated

    Schedule of Arboricultural Monitoring

  • 32 Charles Street Barnes London Richmond Upon Thames SW13 0NZ

    Not Validated

    Need to get Magnolia Grandiflora pruned in back garden - "crown reduction." There is also a small Camellia tree situated in the opposite corner - it definitely doesn't need a crown reduction but would like it reviewed in case it needs some minor pruning.

  • Grey Court School Ham Street Ham Richmond TW10 7HN

    Not Validated

    The proposal is to construct a new building to provide for additional classroom space, including a new laboratory.

  • 51 Beechwood Avenue Kew Richmond Upon Thames TW9 4DD

    Not Validated

    T1 Pear Reduce all aspects of the crown back to previous points of reduction. Prune to a uniform shape all round. Approx 2-2.5m to be pruned in height and 1-1.5m lateral pruning. Thin crown by 15% throughout to create an even crown density. T2 Quince Reduce all aspects of the crown back to previous points of reduction. Reduce all aspects of the crown back to previous points of reduction. Prune to a uniform shape all round. Approx 2m to be pruned in height and 1-1.5m lateral pruning. Thin crown by 15% throughout to create an even crown density.

  • 9 Lichfield Gardens Richmond TW9 1AP

    Not Validated

    Rear Garden T1- Sycamore Crown reduce to previous points by removal of up to 3 metres in branch length. - T1 Sycamore is located to the rear of number 9 Lychfield gardens as shown on the map provided. - The tree is of a large spreading nature, straddling gardens and encroaching onto neighbouring properties. - The works are part of a regular maintenance program to retain the tree at a suitable size for its location.

  • 467 - 469 Upper Richmond Road West East Sheen London SW14 7PU

    Not Validated

    Subdivide one restaurant E(b) unit into one restaurant E(b) unit and one professional services E(c)(ii) unit

  • Queensberry House Friars Lane Richmond TW9 1NT

    Not Validated

    T1 Box Elder (Acer negundo) Fell to ground level as outgrown its position and plan to re re-design bed. T3 Black Mulberry (Morus Nigra) 20% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 1-2m to tidy, contain and ensure clear of folly. Raise crown to give 2m clearance, through removal of secondary branches. Pruning to suitable points to retain furnishing growth. Final height = 6m and final spread = 8m. T4 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 30% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 2-3m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth. Remove low limb at 3m to west, growing onto privet hedge. Final height = 12m and final spread = 8m.

  • Marketing Suite Teddington Riverside Broom Road Teddington TW11 9NR

    Not Validated

    T1 Tree Of Heaven (Alianthus altissima) 50% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 5-6m, following large crown stem failure and due to evidence of further stem decay in central large crown stem. Final height = 6m and final spread = 6m.

  • First Floor 20 Hill Rise Richmond TW10 6UA

    Not Validated

    Internal, non-structural works to the first floor of a Grade II Listed building. Works include installation of plasterboard partitions, doors and replacement of some of the carpet flooring. All changes will be reversible and will involve no impact on the historic fabric of the building.

  • Sports Ground House 190 Wills Crescent Whitton Hounslow TW3 2JD

    Not Validated

    T29 Oak. Crown reduction of 3 to 4 metres. Remove dead wood. T30 Oak. Crown reduction of 3 to 4 metres. Remove dead wood. Trees have been sheding branches due to over extended branches, both trees overhang carpark and adjacent road. Tree numbers (TPO First Schedule schedule numbers as seen on plan) 48, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66. Remove dead wood. Dead wood presents a risk to children and adjacebnt property owners.

  • 145 Fulwell Road Teddington TW11 0RJ

    Not Validated

    L-shape rear dormer roof extensions. Rooflights to front elevation. Single storey rear extension. New front entrance and renovation of the property.

  • 49 Thompson Avenue Richmond TW9 4JP


    Proposed single storey rear extension

  • 12 Plevna Road Hampton TW12 2BP

    Not Validated

    New French door to replace existing, new window to replace existing French door and new windows to replace existing

  • 11 Cambrian Road Richmond TW10 6JQ

    Not Validated

    Demolition of the existing conservatory, rear and side extensions, and the erection of new part two storey and part single storey side and rear extension. Replacement timber sash windows throughout and solar panels to the rear and side roof pitches.

  • Hammersmith Bridge Castelnau Barnes London

    Not Validated

    U0121188 - Within 3 years of the decision date of the application hereby approved, the reinstatement works including the repainting (in colours to match the existing) of those elements of the bridge affected by the works shall have been completed to a standard agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In order to protect the historic and architectural appearance of the Listed Building. Response - This application seeks a three-year extension to Condition 12 of the main application for planning works to Hammersmith Bridge 21/3954/LBC. Initially, the cast iron decorative pedestal casings were removed and stored to facilitate essential stabilisation works on the Grade II*-listed bridge. While nearing the completion of the stabilisation works, the next phase of the works will also require full access to the pedestal saddles. The second phase of vital works is the strengthening and restoration programme, which currently going through planning and design for the full refurbishment of the 137-year-old bridge. In the interim and as set out in a previous application, it is in the best interest that the casings continued to be stored until these strengthening works are completed. This avoids the need to undertake the complex and costly works of re-installing the casings and removing them again for the final phase of major works. The pedestals will be secured upon completion of the stabilisation works as set out in a previous application to discharge a condition via Hammersmith Bridge Castelnau Barnes London for Details pursuant to discharge of condition U0121179 - Details of Temporary Hoarding/Scaffolding, of listed building consent 21/3954/LBC. until the full refurbishment proposed works are completed.

  • 466 Upper Richmond Road Barnes London SW15 5LP

    Not Validated

    Convert the garage to a living space and add a dedicated area for cycle storage

  • 6 Manor Road Teddington TW11 8BG


    The construction of an outbuilding incidental to the enjoyment of a dwellinghouse.

  • 91 Stanley Road Teddington TW11 8UB

    Not Validated

    The proposal is for a new erection signage and lighting to be put up. Also with the proposal is a hanging sign.

  • 9A Ailsa Road Twickenham TW1 1QJ


    5 DAY DANGEROUS TREE NOTICE False Acacia - Fell in sections to ground level

  • Canbury Place Car Park 12-52 Kingsgate Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5AA


    Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of two buildings (Block A - part 12, part 10, part 2 storey and Block B - part 15, part 12 storey) to provide residential apartments (Use Class C3) comprising (159 x 1-bed, 67 x 2-bed, and 39 x 3-bed) with associated facilities, and flexible workspace (Use Class E) (447sqm) with associated access, parking and landscaping arrangements, including the stopping up (closure) of Kingsgate Road. This application is accompanied by and Environmental Statement Further information and evidence respecting environmental statements has been received in accordance with Regulation 25 of The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The application has been amended to provide approximately 10% affordable housing. Additional information has been received in respect of: - Response to Environmental Statement Review - Updated Transport Response Note - Additional/updated technical documents

  • 32 Avenue Road Hampton TW12 2BE


    T1-Silver Birch Previously reduced many years ago with very long sections of regrowth Several large dead branches Suggested works are to reduce in height from 14m to approximately 10m and laterally from 10m to 6m to create a more manageable framework from which the tree can be maintained in future

  • 1 Villiers Avenue Twickenham TW2 6BL

    Not Validated

    Part double storey side and rear extension along with porch garage conversion into a habitable space

  • 37 Manor Road Teddington TW11 8AA

    Not Validated

    Demolition of timber garden shed. Construction of a 24' x 12' timber Malvern garden room with the incorporation of a shower room with toilet, basin and shower.

  • 323 - 325 Staines Road Twickenham

    Not Validated

    Retrospective application for the Erection of temporary welfare units for local roof works on behalf of Richmond housing partnership. the welfare units will be self contained within private land. from 23/1/25 until 31/3/25

  • 11 Broom Water Teddington TW11 9QJ


    Willow tree - rear garden - to fell. We recently applied for and obtained permission to reduce this Willow tree (Ref.24/T1057/TCA) our client has decided she would like to remove the tree and replace with a new Willow tree. The existing tree is in relatively poor condition with an ants nest in the base as seen in the attached photos.

  • The Cedar House Marlborough Road Hampton TW12 3RX

    Not Validated

    Erection of single storey garden room containing gym. occassional bedroom, bathroom, shed store

  • 17 Station Road Teddington TW11 9AA


    ground floor single storey wrap around extension to the rear of property

  • 6 Ullswater Road Barnes London SW13 9PJ


    Ground Floor two-storey side extension (set back by 900mm from the boundary at first floor level), rear ground floor single-storey extension.

  • 591 Upper Richmond Road West East Sheen London Richmond TW10 5DU

    Not Validated

    Single Storey rear extension

  • 6 Ullswater Road Barnes London SW13 9PJ


    Ground Floor two-storey side extension (set back by 900mm from the boundary at first floor level), rear ground floor single-storey extension, loft extension with gable roof at second floor level (with the same ridge height as existing) and dormer extension to the rear.

  • 14 Lichfield Road Kew Richmond TW9 3JR

    Not Validated

    Erection of a single storey timber outbuilding for ancilliary residential purposes

  • 30A Clare Lawn Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8BG


    Addition of dormer window and rooflights to existing garage. Internal configuration re-modelled to create artist studio.

  • The Old Church Cambridge Road Kew Richmond TW9 3JB

    Not Validated

    T1-T2-2x Mimosa(M.dealbata)-treat as single crown -reduce crown by 25% to suitable growth points -cut back branches from both trees encroaching on house to allow 1.5m separation -remove lowest limb on tree headrest house back to main trunk collar All works are for routine maintenance.

  • 591 Upper Richmond Road West East Sheen London Richmond TW10 5DU


    Hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions. Rooflights to front elevation

  • 68 Station Road Barnes London SW13 0LP

    Not Validated

    Redecoration of main elevation

  • 378 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2DX


    Details pursuant to condition U0191664 - Acoustic Test / Noise level, of planning permission 24/1798/FUL.

  • 13 Hill Rise Richmond TW10 6UQ


    Details pursuant to condition U0132477 - Construction Management Plan, of planning permission 21/3118/FUL.

  • 122 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EU

    Not Validated

    Application for householder planning consent for the installation of 2no. Heat Pump units in the rear garden to Heat the existing outdoor swimming pool and supply Air conditioning to the main house.

  • 122 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EU

    Not Validated

    Insstallation of 2no. Heat Pump units in the rear garden to Heat the existing outdoor swimming pool and supply Air conditioning to the main house.

  • 81 Rosslyn Avenue Barnes London SW13 0JY


    Erection of a single storey rear extension to the existing dwelling.

  • 72 Gordon Avenue Twickenham TW1 1NQ

    Not Validated

    Proposed rear extension to replace existing extensions, outbuilding, patio changes, floor plan redesign and all associated works

  • Fairlawn Petersham Close Petersham Richmond TW10 7DZ


    Demolition of front extension and garden studio and partial demolition of side extension. Construction of proposed single storey rear extension, minor alterations to window and door openings and addition of rooflights to an existing detached house.

  • 68 Montrose Avenue Twickenham TW2 6HB


    Proposed hip to gable roof extension complete with rear dormer

  • Elm Grove House 101 High Street Hampton TW12 2SX


    REAR GARDEN T2 Pear (Pyrus spp) Fell and grind as in poor location and in decline.

  • 7 The Mall East Sheen London SW14 7EN


    Non material amendment to planning permission 24/2854/HOT - Erection of a single storey rear extensions [extend existing approved rear extension utility room by 730mm]

  • 1 Heathlands Close Twickenham TW1 4BP

    Not Validated

    Change of use from timber and builders merchant with trade counter (sui generis) to flexible uses within Class E(g)(iii) and/or Class B8

  • 122 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EU

    Not Validated

    Variation of planning approval 24/2672/VRC - Condition Number(s): U0193889 Approved Plans to allow for adjustment to proportions of approved rooflight.

  • 8A Cambridge Road Twickenham TW1 2HL

    Not Validated

    Extension to the rear dormer.

  • 6 Cassilis Road Twickenham TW1 1RU


    Demolition of existing garage, 5m rear extension at ground floor level and first floor rear extension

  • 76A Richmond Park Road East Sheen London SW14 8LA

    Not Validated

    Retrospective planning for the construction of a new wooden shed/ outbuilding to replace the old Shed/outbuilding.To create an auxiliary use building for the Barnes Home Guard Association.

  • 3 Trumpeters Inn Old Palace Yard Richmond TW9 1PE


    Non material amendment to planning permission 19/2093/HOT for single storey side extension [Rear elevation glazed door to window. 2 No. Additional roof lights].

  • 1A Windham Road Richmond TW9 2HP


    T1 Sycamore - Remove declining Ivy covered Sycamore to ground level, Crown is showing signs of heavy dieback and resident noticed very poor leaf coverage last year. Removal is for safety reasons. Resiident is happy and wanting to replant a new tree in its place. Please see photo attached for reference.

  • 15 Rosslyn Road Twickenham TW1 2AR

    Not Validated

    G1 Car Park area - x4 Lime trees - Reduce back to previous pollard points, removing approx. 6-8 metres worth of regrowth , leaving the trees at aheight of approximately 8 metres. G2 X4 Lime trees - Reduce x3 Lime trees back to previous points of reduction, removing approx 2metres worth of growth, leaving tree at a height of approx. 16 metres and spread of 10 metres, x1 Lime tree , remove to ground level the declining specimen located within G4. T1 Lime - Reduce back to previous points of reduction, removing approx. 2 metres worth of regrowth, leaving tree at a height of approx. 16 metres and spread of 10 metres T2 Sweet Chestnut - Remove to ground level the small sweet chestnut, tree is starting to interfere with the perimeter wall causing damage, to prevent any future further damage. Please see photos attached for G1 and G2 ( WITH T1 ALSO IN VIEW ) Showing declining Lime tree.

  • 2A Courtlands Avenue Hampton TW12 3NT

    Not Validated

    Details pursuant to condition U0183192 - External lighting, of planning permission 24/0772/VRC.

  • 29 The Terrace Barnes London SW13 0NR


    Single storey rear extension with retractable canopy, and single storey side extension to replace existing. Alterations to fenestration on all elevations including the replacement of the first floor front sash windows with Juliette balconies, and new Juliette balcony to the rear. New lead canopy to front and glazed canopy to side. New garage door, front door, and replacement side access door. Replacement roof covering and two side facing roof lights. Replacement wall and gates to front boundary of property.

  • Oak Lane Nursery 40 Oak Lane Twickenham TW1 3PA

    Not Validated

    Team to trim, prune and reduce Buddliea by approx. 1m in height reducing branches encroaching over wall to a neat and tidy apprearance. Team to crown lift low hanging branches of Birch trees to 2.4 m from ground level and crown reduce by approx. 2m in height and shape to promote a heatlthy crown (G1). Team to use chainsaws and chipper to process waste

  • Rear Of 19-23 Friars Stile Road Richmond

    Not Validated

    Single storey external storage units

  • 72 Stanley Road East Sheen London SW14 7DZ


    T1 Quercus palustris (Pin Oak): Fell to Ground Level This submission outlines the technical evidence supporting the tree's removal, demonstrates the inadequacy of alternative management strategies, and proposes a replacement plan to sustain environmental and aesthetic contributions. Technical Evidence Supporting Removal Structural Defects and Risk of Failure Significant Crack and Decay: The Pin Oak has a large crack from the base to 2 meters, with internal decay probed to a depth of 6 inches, indicating severe structural degradation. This creates a high risk of stem failure, especially during adverse weather. High-Risk Target Area: Proximity to the property at 72 Stanley Road poses a hazard to occupants and the building. Surrounding structures further amplify the risks posed by the tree's instability. Unsuitability of Location Though not yet mature, the tree's location close to the house and other structures makes it unsuitable. As it grows, its root system and canopy will increase risks to properties. Its placement behind the house also offers low public amenity value. Physiological Decline Lack of Foliage: Documented low foliage and bud burst over multiple seasons indicate severe stress and irreversible decline. Limitations of Remedial Options Crown Reduction Ineffectiveness: Crown reduction cannot resolve structural issues caused by internal decay. Extensive pruning would likely accelerate decline by increasing vulnerability to further decay and infection. Risk Management Limitations: Advanced decay and proximity to the property make retaining the tree unacceptably risky, even with monitoring or mitigation. Occupiers' Liability The tree's defects create significant legal liability under the Occupiers' Liability Acts of 1957 & 1984. Retaining a dangerous tree in a high-risk area exposes the landowner to liability if it fails. Alignment with TPO Exemptions Under the Town and Country Planning Act, exemptions to TPO ...

  • 9 Rothesay Avenue Richmond TW10 5EB

    Not Validated

    Removal of joining (N.9 and N.11) chimney above roof level. Closing the opening left after chimney removal on N.9 existing dormer. Removal of chimney from level 1 and level 2 on N.9. Minor alteration on level 1 consisting of a non load bearing wall removal between bedrooms and creating an enclosed new bathroom. The new bathroom will include a new 300x600mm (HxW) window on the South side. Internal works started, but no chimney alterations commenced.

  • 3 Gander Green Crescent Hampton TW12 2FA

    Not Validated

    Replacement of wooden windows, soffit and facia with near like-for-like upcs equivalents.

  • 96A Wensleydale Road Hampton TW12 2LY


    T1 Lime (Tilia x europa) 30% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 2-3m to tidy and contain. Final height = 14m and final spread = 6m. T2 Lime (Tilia x europa) 20% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 1-2m to tidy and contain. Final height = 9m and final spread = 4m.

  • 6 Acacia Road Hampton TW12 3DS

    Not Validated

    T1: Beech. Rear Garden of no: 6 Acacia Road. Removing selected branches in the upper canopy to reduce current density by up to 20%. Raise the low canopy by 1.5m, removing sub-branches only. Remove major dead branches throughout the crown. T2: Horse Chestnut. Rear Garden of no: 6 Acacia Road. Removing selected branches in the upper canopy to reduce current density by up to 20%. Raise the low canopy by 1.5m, removing sub-branches only. Remove major dead branches throughout the crown.

  • 5 Albert Road Twickenham TW1 4HU


    Loft conversion and Outrigger roof addition, and rooflights to front roof slope.

  • Ground And First Floors 2 York Street Twickenham TW1 3LE

    Not Validated

    1no. internally illuminated fascia sign, 2no. projecting signs

  • Ground And First Floors 2 York Street Twickenham TW1 3LE

    Not Validated

    Secondary glazing and internal works to listed building associated with the change of use to music / performance educational premises (use class F1)

  • Ground And First Floors 2 York Street Twickenham TW1 3LE

    Not Validated

    Change of use of ground and first floor commercial space to music / performance educational premises (class F1).

  • 13 The Terrace Barnes London SW13 0NP


    Like for like replacement of rotten casements to second floor dormer window

  • 13 The Terrace Barnes London SW13 0NP


    Like for like replacement of rotten casements to second floor dormer window

  • First Floor Saint Andrews House Upper Ham Road Ham TW10 5LA


    Change of use of the first floor of St Andrew's House from office use to a one-bedroom residential flat (Class C3). Cycle and refuse store.

  • 16 Selkirk Road Twickenham TW2 6PX


    Ground floor rear elevation extension following demolition of existing conservatory.

  • Montpelier House 29 Montpelier Row Twickenham TW1 2NQ


    G1 Leyland Cypress x 2 Front Garden Area Opposite 29: Fell in sections to ground level x 2 partially dead trees closest to Garage. The tree's current height is 7m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m, and the crown spread is 0.0m T2 Leyland Cypress Front Garden Area Opposite 29: The tree closest to the access road: Crown lift over the main access road to 4m above ground level. Reduce height by 2m and trim to natural form. The tree's current height is 8m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 6m, and the crown spread is 3.5m

  • Cassel Hospital 1 Ham Common Ham Richmond TW10 7JF


    Oak tree - to dismantle down to ground level and to grind out the stump so that a shrub can be planted in its place

  • 28A Runnymede Road Twickenham TW2 7HF


    Construction of a rear extension at the first-floor level of a detached house.

  • 6 Wensleydale Road Hampton TW12 2LW


    Details pursuant to condition BD12 - Details - Materials to be approved, PK06A - Cycle parking, DV49A - Construction Management Plan, U0173790 - Hard and Soft Landscaping, U0173791 - Tree planting, U0173792 - AMS, DV17A - Dustbin enclosure required, U0173801 - Ecological Enhancements (Plan required), and U0173803 - SUDs, of planning permission 23/1127/FUL.

  • 291 Waldegrave Road Twickenham

    Not Validated

    Full replacement of existing single glazed timber sliding sash and casement windows with new double glazed timber sliding sash and casement windows. The design, colour and fenestration is to match the existing. The external doors are to be replaced like for like as existing.

  • Twickenham Rugby Football Union Stadium 200 Whitton Road Twickenham TW2 7BA

    Not Validated

    Non-illuminated entrance signage measuring 584cm x 126cm, 620cm x 228cm, 627cm x 228cm and 622cm x 228cm

  • 22 Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3BH


    Tree A on the attached plan is an unknown species about 1.8m high. It is dead and has not seen any growth for several years. To be removed and replaced with a new specimen (Acer Fireglow). Tree B on the attached plan is a Prunus. The trunk is split and various attempts to brace it have been unsuccessful. As a result of the split trunk it is leaning at and angle of around 45 degrees and lacks stability. To be removed and replaced with a new specimen (Prunus Beni Yutaka).

  • 52 Hertford Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8EQ

    Not Validated

    Hip to gable roof extension and dormer to rear, ground floor extension to rear, alterations to front entry porch and windows to ground of side elevation, single storey outbuilding to rear of garden.

  • Elleray Hall Site North Lane Depot And East Car Park Middle Lane Teddington


    Details pursuant to condition U0130555 - NS05: Mechanical Services Noise Control, U0130556 - NS06: External Illumination, U0130572 - NS23: PV Panels (Community Centre), U0130583 - NS34: Landscaping (Comm Centre), U0130586 - NS37: Tree Planting (Community Centre), U0130587 - NS38: Urban Greening Factor (comm centre), and U0130596 - NS47: Cycle parking, of planning permission 21/2533/FUL.

  • 66 Bushy Park Road Teddington TW11 9DG


    T1 Bay Tree Rear Garden: Tree Removal: Fell in sections to ground level. (Outgrown Location) The tree's current height is 8m and crown spread is 5m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m

  • 29 The Terrace Barnes London SW13 0NR


    Construction of an outbuilding.

  • Thames Young Mariners Base Riverside Drive Ham Richmond TW10 7RX

    Not Validated

    Details in pursuant of condition; U0194839 (PEA and ECiA Ecology Report) U0194840 (Materials) U0194842 (Secure Implementation of Flood Risk Assessment) U0194843 (NRMM) of planning permission 24/1748/FUL

  • 53 Cresswell Road Twickenham TW1 2EA


    Proposed Raising of Flank Wall to Create Roof Extension with Raised Ridgeline, Solar Panels To Roof, Removal of 2 Rear Chimney Stacks, Proposed Rear Projecting Mini Dormers, Roof Lights with Internal Alterations and Fenestration

  • Flat 1A 1 - 5 Wensleydale Road Bridge Parade Hampton TW12 2LP

    Not Validated

    Loft extension at roof level with associated internal and external alterations.

  • Ilex House 94 Holly Road Twickenham TW1 4HF

    Not Validated

    Company signage on one side of the wall

  • Teddington Railway Station Victoria Road Teddington TW11 0BB

    Not Validated

    renewal of internal lighting and replacement external ventilation with associated works

  • Hampton Swimming Baths High Street Hampton TW12 2ST


    Confirmation of commencement date of construction project at Hampton Swimming Baths, High Street, Hampton TW12 2ST which has received approval under planning reference number 16/3434/FUL dated 18.02.2022. 7-day notice to make a material start and commence work on 27th January 2025. Clause 2 (c) of legal agreement.

  • 31 West Park Road Kew Richmond TW9 4DA


    Front of property T1: Olive - Crown reduce by 3m to leave tree 2m tall and 2m wide. T2: Olive - Crown reduce by 3m to leave tree 2m tall and 2m wide. Rear Garden T3: Olive - Crown reduce by 4m to leave tree 2m tall and 2m wide. T4: Bay - Reduce by 5m to leave tree 2m tall and 2m wide.

  • 43 Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London SW13 0NX


    Insertion of a first floor side facing window.

  • 2B Vicarage Drive East Sheen London SW14 8RX

    Not Validated

    ****** 5 DAY NOTICE APPLICATION**** REAR GARDEN T1 Dead Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Fell to ground level AS the tree is so brittle , leaving a 1-2ft stump for habitat. Tree is completely dead and potentially dangerous to climb beyond a certain point.

  • 7 Dorset Way Twickenham TW2 6NB


    Confirmation of commencement date of construction project at 7 Dorset Way, Twickenham TW2 6NB which has received approval under planning reference number 20/3489/FUL dated 04.03.2022. 7-day notice of commencement of the development - Work due to begin on 10th February 2025. Clause 2 (a)(i) of legal agreement.

  • 12 Vicarage Drive East Sheen London SW14 8RX


    Single story rear extension, garage conversion, new bay window on the rear side of the first floor, front porch, and the addition of a roof light on the front roof slope.

  • 2 Cavendish Court Cardigan Road Richmond TW10 6BL

    Not Validated

    Rear extension and facade alterations at ground floor level

  • 2 Rutland Drive Petersham Richmond TW10 7AQ

    Not Validated

    Non material amendment to planning permission 21/1025/HOT for Front garage extension, terrace pergolas and louvre -[External proposed vertical louvres extended to cover the full width of the terrace window to the first floor rear elevation for additional privacy as per neighbours signed consent agreement. Additional external vertical louvres added to the ground floor side elevation for additional privacy as per neighbours signed Tomlin Court Order agreement. Proposed garage doors changed to open inwards (Up and over garage door) to maintain safe use of the driveway as per appeal decision condition].

  • 9 Water Works Cottages Upper Sunbury Road Hampton TW12 2DS


    Details pursuant to condition U0195396 - Vehicular Gate, U0195668 - Landscaping

  • 13 Melliss Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 4BQ

    Not Validated


  • 45 Cross Deep Gardens Twickenham TW1 4QZ


    Single Storey Rear Extension

  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3AB


    Details pursuant to condition U0151763 - Acoustics, of planning permission 22/2974/FUL.

  • 16 Hickeys Almshouses Sheen Road Richmond TW9 1XB

    Not Validated

    Removal of wall with steel support

  • 7 North Avenue Richmond TW9 3LZ

    Not Validated

    Tree Number - T1 Tree Type - Robinia Approx Height - 17m Location - Rear garden No.7a Service - Cut Back Work required - Cut back over clients garden only No.5 by removing approximately 3m from lateral spread. Reason - as per clients wishes. Priority code - on

  • 2B Vicarage Drive East Sheen London SW14 8RX


    FRONT GARDEN T2 Hazel (Corylus avellana) Cut down to approximately 0.5-1m above the fence. Remove large collapsed stem - Final height = 2m and finaal spread = 1.5-2m.

  • Christ Church Christchurch Avenue Teddington TW11 9AB


    REAR GARDEN T1 Cherry (Prunus spp) Fell as low as possible (as tree has a wall very close to the base) and remove all arisings. Tree has outgrown its location and has signs of decay and fungal activity within the main stem

  • Parkview Court 19 Cambridge Park Twickenham TW1 2JF


    T1 Ash - reduce the canopy by 2 metres. To improve light filtration and help prevent debris accumulating on the properties. Dimensions after pruning H 6m w 4m T2 Cypress - Reduce the height by 5 metres. To improve light filtration and help prevent debris accumulating on the properties. Dimensions after pruning H 8m w 6m T3 Beech - Remove the dead wood.

  • Parkview Court 19 Cambridge Park Twickenham


    G1 Holm Oak x 2 Prune back from Parkview court and the neighboring property by 1 metre and thinthe canopies by 15% to improve light filtration and help prevent debris accumulating on the properties. Dimensions after pruning H 14m w 12m T4 Holm Oak - Thin by 20% and raise to 6m over the road. To improve light filtration and prevent vehicle damage . Dimensions after pruning H 14m w 10m T5 False Acacia - Reduce by 3 metres to reduce the risk of failure due to laetiporous infection. Dimensions after pruning H 12m w 6m T6 Cedar - Prune back from both properties by 2 metres. To improve light filtration and help prevent debris accumulating on the properties. Dimensions after pruning H 18m w 11m

  • 27 Albemarle Avenue Twickenham TW2 6AJ


    Partial demolition of the existing car port and erection of a single storey side extension with a transparent roof

  • 77 Winchester Road Twickenham TW1 1LE


    Alterations to the fenestration, extended patio at the rear of the property, and installation of a new air source heat pump.

  • 13 - 15 Tayben Avenue Twickenham


    Non material amendment to planning approval 24/2125/FUL for revised internal layout and addition of two roof lights (revised description).

  • 155 Ellerman Avenue Twickenham TW2 6AD

    Not Validated

    double storey rear extension

  • 16 Tranmere Road Twickenham TW2 7JB


    Proposed part single storey side extension, part garage conversion, with rear single storey wrap around extension, with a part front porch extension

  • 15 Larkfield Road Richmond TW9 2PG


    Creation of a vehicular crossover with associated boundary treatment works and landscaping. Installation of electric vehicle charging point.

  • Hampton Water Treatment Works Lower Sunbury Road Hampton TW12 2ES


    G1 Lime - 2 x Lime trees - To crown lift both trees to 7m by removing all epicormic growth to allow the security camera to see the gate on the opposite side of the road. This work is essential maintenance for the water works security - the tree itself is not being reduced in size.

  • 25 Bushy Park Gardens Teddington TW11 0LQ


    This is a summary of the recommended works contained in the attached report: 2.3.1 No urgent or immediate tree works were identified. 2.3.2 T008; T009 and T020 are recommended for removal. T008 removal is more of further management nature to allow development of adjacent trees. T009 has damaged apical leader as such its further development may be problematic causing regular pruning shortening its lifespan. T020 is recommended for removal due to hollow base and kept as a coppiced tree (low pollard). 2.3.3 T007; T010; T012; T016; T021 and T022 require removal of deadwood. Additionally, T007 require removal of hanging branches. T012 require deadwood removal and reinspection after the dormant period (April - September) to monitor the health development. 2.3.4 T002; T017 and T025 require reduction in height. T002 shall be considered to maintain at 4m height due to decay and cavity at the base. T017 has a weak union with included bark. T025 has numerous stem cavities and is subject of previous pruning works, which creates weak structural points. 2.3.5 H001 and T027 require following the ongoing maintenance by cutting back from roadway and pathway. 2.3.6 T003; T004; T005; T006; T018 and T019 require severance of ivy to allow full inspection. Additionally, T019 require 4m crown lift and basal removal to create a ground clearance for pedestrians. 2.3.7 T001 and T024 require following the ongoing regular pruning regime (pollard) and removal of the basal growth. T024 shall be considered as retained as a monolith for wildlife due to base cavity and its location next to the road. 2.3.8 Detailed survey data can be found in Appendix 3 Tree Schedule and Tree works recommendations in Appendix 4 with tree works priority.

  • 196 - 198 Whitton Road Twickenham

    Not Validated

    Illuminated entrance lightbox to be located on the wall next to the entrance. Smaller entrance lightbox to be located above the hotel entrance. Individual lettering to signpost the entrance to the restaurant.

  • 196 - 198 Whitton Road Twickenham

    Not Validated

    Introduction of new entrance doors to the hotel and installation of three illuminated fascia signage measuring 200cm x 200cm, 100cm x 100cm and 55cm x 300cm

  • 42 Manor Road Teddington TW11 8AB

    Not Validated

    Erection of a 2m high fence and pedestrian gate on two sides of owned garden at side of house to full enclose. Other two sides already enclosed by house and brick wall. Fence will follow line of exsiting brick wall adjacent to footpath.

  • 34 Munster Road Teddington TW11 9LL


    Loft conversion with hip to gable enlargement and rear dormer. One front facing roof light.

  • 4 Lauderdale Drive Petersham Richmond TW10 7BT


    Roof extensions to both side elevations and rear elevation. Rooflights to front elevation.

  • 4 Lauderdale Drive Petersham Richmond TW10 7BT


    Replacement Ground floor infill extension to the rear

  • South View Upper Sunbury Road Hampton TW12 2DL


    L-shape rear dormer roof extensions. Rooflight to front elevation

  • 11 St Johns Grove Richmond TW9 2SP


    Details pursuant to condition U0193876 - Replacement Railings, of planning permission 24/1901/HOT.

  • 11 St Johns Grove Richmond TW9 2SP


    Details pursuant to condition U0193872 - Railings, of listed building consent 24/1902/LBC.

  • 34 Admiralty Way Teddington TW11 0NL



  • Rear Of 19-23 Friars Stile Road Richmond

    Not Validated

    Variation of planning approval 23/2478/FUL - Condition Number(s): U0184698 Approved Drawings and U0184707 Boundary Treatment - To allow for Extension of lower ground floor area and alteration to the rear private amenity area, relocation of bike store and ASHP, Additional side boundary treatment, alterations to front boundary treatment, fenestration alterations.

  • 16 Harvey Road Whitton Hounslow TW4 5LU


    Hip-to-gable roof extension, rear dormer and 3No. new rooflights.

  • 2 Cole Road Twickenham TW1 1EZ


    Ground floor side and rear extension with solar panels to extension roof

  • 32 Duncan Road Richmond TW9 2JD


    Single storey rear infill Extension

  • Buffers 79 Constance Road Twickenham TW2 7HX


    Erection of loft conversion and hip-to-gable roof extension involving a rear dormer and insertion of 3 rooflights to the front roof.

  • 5 Upper Lodge Mews Bushy Park Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1NE

    Not Validated

    Application for retrospective approval for a garden fence (Listed Building Consent and planning permission) and for a pergola (planning permission).

  • 5 Upper Lodge Mews Bushy Park Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1NE

    Not Validated

    Retrospective approval for a garden fence (Listed Building Consent and planning permission) and for a pergola (planning permission).

  • 114 The Green Twickenham TW2 5AG


    Proposed outbuilding

  • 54 Hatherop Road Hampton TW12 2RF

    Not Validated

    Enlarged rear dormer roof extension

  • 31 Fourth Cross Road Twickenham TW2 5EL


    Single storey rear extension (5.00m depth, 3.00m eaves height, 3.00m overall height).

  • 13 Portland Terrace The Green Richmond TW9 1QQ

    Not Validated

    T1 Poplar - Fell and remove stump because of Honey Fungus and suspected root decay. T2 Poplar - Pollard at previous pollard point (The pollard points are at various heights between 8m and 12m) Overall height reduction is approximately 5-6m and 4m in crown radius. T3 Poplar - Pollard at previous pollard point (The pollard points are at various heights between 8m and 12m) Overall height reduction is approximately 5-6m and 4m in crown radius .

  • 16 Harvey Road Whitton Hounslow TW4 5LU


    Single storey rear extension (5.00m depth, 2.70m eaves height, 3.00m overall height).

  • 17 Albert Road Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1LB


    single storey rear extension (6.00m depth, 2.80m eaves height, 3.73m overall height).

  • 8 Atbara Road Teddington TW11 9PD


    Non material amendment to planning permission 22/1000/HOT for the addition of rooflights, amending cladding to front from horizontal timber cladding to vertical zinc in colour of anthracite, and revising the first floor window eaves (amended description).

  • 55 Christchurch Road East Sheen London SW14 7AQ

    Not Validated

    The proposals are to install a spiral wine store within the kitchen area on the ground floor

  • 454 Upper Richmond Road Barnes London

    Not Validated

    Item 1 - Lime x 2 (right boundary): Reduce by approximately 3 metres. Routine maintenance Item 2 - Plum (right hand boundary): Reduce by approximately 1.5 metres. To maintain shape, mitigate sprawl over access road and neighbour and pavement Item 3 - Lime x 2 (front boundary): Reduce by approximately 2 metres, raise over the road and footway to clear the foorpath by up to 3m Routine maintenance Item 4 - Sorbu: Reshape/balance the canopy by pruning up to 1m from the height and width To maintain balance and shape Item 7- Lilac: Lightly shape/reduce the canopy and lift over the lawn. Routine maintenance Item 8 - Elder: Repollard at a finished height 1.8 metres. Routine maintenance Item 9 - Hazel: Reduce to 1.8 metres. Routine maintenance Item 10 - Lime: Reduce by approximately 2.5 metres from the height and width Routine maintenance Item 11 - Lawson cypress screen: Reduce by approx 1-2m To maintain at current dimensions Item 13 - Neighbours Yew: Lift over the shed to clear the shed by approx 1-2m To clear the shed and abate a nuisance Item 14 - Large Sycamore x 2: Reduce by approximately 2 - 3 metres from the height and width Routine maintenance

  • 51 Sheen Road Richmond


    T1 Lime : Reduce by approx. 2-2.5m to previous points of reduction FROM 8M IN HEIGHT TO A FINISHED HEIGHT OF 6M IN HEIGHT AND 6M IN WIDTH TO A FINISHED WIDTH OF 4M , raise canopy to 4m FROM THE GROUND and thin out crown by 5% to remove epicormic growth Routine maintenance T2 Apple: Reduce by approx.1.5 2m from 5M IN HEIGHT TO A FINISHED HEIGHT OF 4.5M AND FROM 4.5M IN WIDTH TO A FINISHED WIDTH OF 3M and width, thin by 10% Routine maintenance

  • 20 Camellia Place Twickenham TW2 7HZ


    Erection of a loft dormer conversion with skylights to the front slope.

  • 67 Bushy Park Road Teddington TW11 9DL


    Removal of 2 laurel trees on the rear boundary (marked T1 and T2). These trees are too large for the small rear garden and make the rear most section of garden adjacent to the shed unusable. No replacement tree is proposed, as this garden already has two Prunus Lusitanica Augustifolia (T6 and T7), one Feijoa sellowiana (T5), one Laurus nobilis (T4) and one Clerodendrum trichotomum (T3). There will however be some planting introduced on the rear boundary in place of the trees.

  • Greggs Gould Road Twickenham TW2 6RT


    Details pursuant to condition U0178990 - Details - Materials to be approved (in part), of planning permission 22/2556/FUL.

  • 179 Lincoln Avenue Twickenham TW2 6NL


    Single storey rear extension (3.50m depth, 3.00m eaves height, 4.00m overall height)

  • 43 Grasmere Avenue Whitton Hounslow TW3 2JG


    Single storey rear extension.

  • STREET RECORD Langdon Park Teddington


    5 DAY DANGEROUS TREE NOTICE urgent tree works on a Holm Oak located in Langdon Park, the tree has suffered the loss of a major limb and has a split trunk. The tree is high risk as it is on a major footpath and numerous permissive footpaths which are all well used. Further information/ photos attached Reduce and reshape by 2-3 meters, remove deadwood. Affix cobra bracing to support and stablise tree.

  • 100 Church Road Teddington TW11 8QE

    Not Validated

    Removal of Condition Number: UM10 RESTRICTED WORKING HOURS of planning approval 90/1574/FUL

  • 38 Warren Road Twickenham TW2 7DL


    First floor rear extension

  • 48 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EX

    Not Validated

    Variation of planning approval 23/2329/HOT Condition Number(s): U0167402 (approved drawings) to allow for roof lantern on rear extension and other fenestration alterations.

  • 11 Twining Avenue Twickenham TW2 5LL


    Hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions. Rooflights to front elevation

  • 82 Bushwood Road Kew Richmond TW9 3BQ


    Willow (T1): Pollard to previous pruning points. Height after work, 6m. Width after work, 3m

  • 25 Riverdale Gardens Twickenham TW1 2BX


    Details pursuant to condition U0178530 - Construction Method Statement, of planning permission 24/0367/HOT.

  • 71 Cypress Avenue Twickenham TW2 7JY


    Erection of first-floor side extension, single storey rear extension and single storey front extension

  • Herrick Court Parkleys Ham TW10 5LL

    Not Validated

    Cotoneaster T1: thin internal to allow light into buildings 20% w3w( Final height and spread unchanged - Cotoneaster T5: Trim away from buildings, thin crossing branches and remove Ivy.with Ivy removal. w3w(shared.nights.promoting) Final height 6.0m. Final spread 8.0m - Cornus T6: 30% reduction to provide clearance from shrubs trees and buildings..w3w(power.eaten.outfit) - Dead Cherry T7: Remove deadwood. (bring.stem.proven) - Cypress T10 (conifer): Remove lowest to limbs and lift to 3.0m over pavement and road. w3w(losses.fetch.attend) Final height and spread unchanged - Cypress T11: Lift to 3.0m over pavement and road. w3w(monks.itself.rear.) Final height and spread unchanged. - G1 fell 7x Cypress to ground level and grind stumps. w3w(king.entire.ranch) - Strawberry tree T12: Remove 2 lowest damaged branches over parking bay. w3w(search.risk.much) Final height and spread unchanged. - Maple T13: 6.0m reduction to balance crown. (Scaffolding) w3w(poems.grass.closes) Final height 12.0m. Final spread 10.0m - Cherry T15: Reduce away from building providing 2.0m clearance. w3w( Final height unchanged. Final spread 8.0m - Honey Locust T16: Climbing inspection to check top. w3w( - False Acacia T17: Remove decayed stem over pathway to balance tree. w3w(leaned.stars.attend) Final height and spread unchanged s) £150- Holm Oak T19: provide a 1 m clearance from building. w3w(cages minus.deep) Final height unchanged. Final spread 12.0m - Cotoneaster T20: Provide 1.0m clearance from building. w3w(focus.fantastic.hurt) - Berberis G5: Reduce to push back boundary by 1.0m. w3w(ideal.cares.entry)

  • 57 Hampton Road Teddington TW11 0LA


    Hip to gable roof extensions to both side elevations. Rear dormer roof extension. Rooflights to front elevation

  • 59 Ennerdale Road Richmond TW9 2DN


    single storey rear extension

  • 16 - 17 Laurel Road Barnes London


    Amalgamation of 16 Laurel Road and 17 Laurel Road for use a single residential dwelling (Class C3).

  • 79 Constance Road Twickenham TW2 7HX


    Erection of a single storey rear extension plus garage conversion involving an installation of a new window.

  • 6 Catherine Drive Richmond TW9 2BX


    Loft conversion with a flat roof dormer to the rear and three velux windows to the front roof slope.

  • Mallory House River Lane Petersham Richmond TW10 7AG


    T1 Hornbeam Hedge reduce by 3m and leave a crown spread of 2 meters to leave a final finished height of 4 meters T2 Conifer Hedge reduce by 3 meters and leave a crown spread of 2 meters to leave a final finished height of 4 meters

  • 22 York Avenue East Sheen London SW14 7LG


    Proposed side dormer.

  • 22 Queens Road Teddington TW11 0LR


    Loft conversion comprising hip to gable and rear dormer roof extension. Rooflights to front elevation

  • 2 Sheringham Avenue Twickenham TW2 6AW


    Proposed outbuilding works

  • 34 Archway Street Barnes London SW13 0AR


    2x Lime - Remove and Replace with Sorbus

  • 46 The Vineyard Richmond TW10 6AZ

    Not Validated

    Application for a certificate of lawful development for two storey rear extension, external staircase and flank extension.

  • STREET RECORD Fairways Teddington


    G22a Mixed Species Crown Lift to provide 4m clearance from ground level. Final height unchanged at 15m and final spread unchanged at 8m. T15a Cedar (Cedrus spp) North of No.7 Thameside. Remove broken branch at 8m to south east.

  • 126 Gloucester Road Hampton TW12 2UJ


    Variation of condition U0188326 - Approved Drawings, of planning permission 24/1801/HOT - to widen the existing right side dormer.

  • 51 Mount Ararat Road Richmond TW10 6PL


    Three new front facing conservation rooflights and a rear facing window dormer in the existing loft room; ground floor side facing partial infill extension and an extension of an existing side/rear extension, partially along the gable end and across the rear elevation.

  • 8 Dickens Close Petersham Richmond TW10 7AU


    REAR GARDEN T1 Common Lime (Tilia x europaea) Remove epicormic growth from main stem, up to crown break. Ensure tree is lifted to 5.5m from ground level over the road as per statutory requirements. Final height and spread remain unchanged. T2 Common Lime (Tilia x europaea) Remove epicormic growth from main stem, up to crown break. Final height and spread remain unchanged.

  • 13 West Park Road Kew Richmond TW9 4DB


    Justification for Removal Amenity Impact Limited Amenity Loss: The removal of T1 will result in minimal loss of amenity value due to the retention of adjacent trees that provide sufficient canopy cover and visual interest. These adjacent trees will continue to serve the ecological and aesthetic needs of the site and surrounding area. Tree Competition and Space Constraints Proximity to Adjacent Tree: T1 is in close proximity to another tree, which will result in mutual suppression as they mature. Given their immature growth stages, the competition for light, space, and nutrients will only intensify, leading to compromised health and form for both trees. The removal of T1 will provide the adjacent tree with adequate room to thrive and reach its full potential. Structural and Rooting Issues Root-Related Damage: The roots of T1 are causing direct damage to the pavement and fence. The roots are visibly girdled over the pavement, causing trip hazards and structural instability. Proximity to Wall: The trees close proximity to a nearby wall indicates a high likelihood of future structural damage as the roots continue to expand. This will result in significant costs for repairs and ongoing maintenance, which could be avoided by removing the tree at this stage. Unsuitability for Location Inadequate Garden Space: T1s location within a confined garden is unsuitable for its size and growth habit at maturity. As the tree grows, its canopy and root system will dominate the limited space, impacting the usability of the garden. Light Obstruction: The tree currently blocks light to the property and surrounding area. As it matures, this issue will worsen, impacting the quality of life for occupants and potentially reducing property value. Safe Useful Life Expectancy Reduced Lifespan in Current Location: The tree's location and associated pressures from hardscaping and adjacent structures severely limit its Safe Useful Life Expectancy. Its removal is necessary to prevent ...

  • Marble Hill House Marble Hill Park Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2NL


    Attached tree location plan and schedule of work

  • Black Sheep Coffee 1 1A Kew Road Richmond TW9 2NQ

    Not Validated

    1no. internally illuminated hanging sign; 1no. internally illuminated fascia sign; 1no. internally illuminated projecting sign. Retractable awning with Black Sheep Coffee branding to the front of the store.

  • 190 London Road Twickenham TW1 1EX


    TREE MAINTENANCE LIFT HORSE CHESTNUT BY 1M - Remaining crown size will be the same as currently which is H 18m W 13m

  • 27 Marlborough Road Richmond TW10 6JT

    Not Validated

    Details in pursuant of conditions U0190162 (Construction Management Plan) and U0190164 (SuDS) of planning permission 24/0918/HOT

  • 22 Trowlock Avenue Teddington TW11 9QT


    Installation of a replacement Velux window and associated anti-heat roller shutter on rear roof plane

  • 1 - 2 The Hermitage Richmond


    Variation of condition U0193352 - Approved Drawings of planning permission 24/1601/HOT - To allow enlarging of the approved skylights at the rear of the building, and adding an additional skylight with 1sqm openable area above the No.2 staircase.

  • 11 Clare Lawn Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8BE


    Details pursuant to condition U0172953 - Pre-Start Meeting, of planning permission 23/1848/HOT.

  • St Philip And St James Vicarage 205 Kneller Road Twickenham TW2 7DY


    G1 lime x3 - Reduce back to previous points of reduction leaving trees at a height of approx. 14metres and a width of approx. 10 metres.

  • 16 Strawberry Hill Road Twickenham TW1 4PT


    Erection of ground floor rear extensions, first floor rear extension, reduction in height of side extension, inclusion of rear roof dormers and roof lights on front elevation and integral garage. Erection of outbuilding and associated alterations and change of use to a single family dwelling-house.

  • Ground Floor Flat 151 St Margarets Road Twickenham TW1 1RG


    x1 Ash Tree (self-sown) - cut down by tree surgeon Located on the boundary with the rear Mews building and adjacent neighbour's extension so concern over the roots impacting foundations, as well as leaves blocking rainwater gutters. Also, it has been highlighted by a drainage clearance company that the roots may also have caused damage to the clay drain pipes that run under my garden & then under the rear Mews. There is only x1 tree on site.

  • 1 The Hermitage Richmond TW10 6SH

    Not Validated

    Variation of planning approval: 24/1601/HOT - condition Number(s): U0193353 Materials - The application seeks to enlarge the size of the permitted rooflights at the rear of the building to increase the level of daylight in the bedrooms. We have asked for an additional rooflight above the No.2 staircase. This rooflight has to e a minimum of 1sqm and is required as part of the fire engineering solution to allow for discharge of smoke in event of fire. An additional rooflight is added to the No.1 sloped roof to increase the daylight level at the stair core. Our client would like to increase the size of the rooflight over each inhabited bedroom as well as the rear dormer roofs and the triangular rooflight over the new stairs, as per the attached drawings

  • 9 Chisholm Road Richmond TW10 6JH


    Maple tree (T1) - remove young maple tree planted by a previous owner next to the boundary wall. A professional tree surgeon has explained that given the proximity to the rear boundary wall, the tree compromises the structural integrity of the wall and patio which supports a summer house and shed. Professional tree surgeons will be used to do the work.

  • 71 Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London SW13 0NX


    Replacement ground floor rear extension. Dormer loft conversion. Conservation type rooflights to front pitch elevation. Replacement windows with slimline double glazing with detailing to match existing. Stripping paint, brick cleaning and re-pointing.

  • 13 Mortlake Road Kew Richmond TW9 3JE


    T1 Is a Eucalyptus tree of approx. 1.4m girth (measured 1m above ground) which is adjacent to the rear boundary of 13 Mortlake road and overhangs the rear boundary into neighbouring garden. T1 Has been previously pollarded some years ago and the proposal is to reinstate to pollard removing the loosely attached new growth from the knuckles. As some of this growth is falling and the owner is getting complaints from the neighbour. The tree is currently approx. 10m high and will be reduced to approx. 7m high 8m wide reduced to approx. 6m wide crown.

  • 4 Portobello Terrace North Worple Way Mortlake London SW14 8AF



  • 122 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EU


    Variation of planning approval 24/2161/VRC - Condition Number(s): U0191885 Approved Plans to allow for Adjustment to proportions of approved rooflight.

  • 122 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9EU


    Details pursuant to condition - U0193891 Engineering Details - Purlin

  • 43 Kings Road East Sheen London SW14 8PF


    Loft conversion with rear dormers and front facing roof lights.

  • 116A Amyand Park Road Twickenham TW1 3HP


    Details pursuant to conditions DV43C Parking Permits Restriction, U0154486 Tree Planting Scheme Required, U0154487 LT09A Hard and Soft Landscaping Required, DV18ARefuse Arrangements, PK06ACycle parking, U0154490 Air Source Heat Pump part (D)

  • Richmond Gate (old) Lodge Richmond Park Richmond TW10 5HU


    422 - Yew Crown lift to 4m (not including lateral with sharp elbow growing towards folly). Do not sever ivy. Includes secondary crown lift of low limbs growing over door of adjacent building - overall height and canopy spread of the tree will remain unaffected

  • The Lass 8 Queens Road Richmond TW10 6JJ


    432 - Silver Birch Lowest, over extended, end-weighted lateral growing towards pub car park over shed, reduce back to 3m stub, retaining small diameter, off shoot live limb arising from historically cut branch. Secondary crown lift to 5m of lowest, small branches hanging over car park entrance. The height and spread of the tree will be unaffected

  • 79 Hounslow Road Twickenham TW2 7HA


    Erection of a partial first floor wrap-around extension.

  • 74 Atbara Road Teddington TW11 9PD


    Non material amendment to planning permission 22/1808/HOT - Rear dormer roof extension [depth of rear dormer to be 400mm beyond rear face of neighbouring dormer].

  • 7 Waldegrave Gardens Twickenham TW1 4PQ


    Details pursuant to condition U0186638 Window Details of planning permission 24/1190/HOT.

  • 55 High Street Hampton TW12 2SX


    Rear extension and side clerestory glazing to end of terrace residential property

  • Richmond Upon Thames College Langhorn Drive Twickenham TW2 7SJ


    Details pursuant to condition U0151203 - Specific Details, of planning permission ref: 21/3136/FUL dated 28.02.2023.

  • 20 Dysart Avenue Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5RB


    Conversion of an existing garage into a habitable space, erection of a single storey side and front extension in existing garage to connect with the existing rear extension of main house.

  • 48 Berwyn Road Richmond TW10 5BS


    Part single/part two storey rear extension. Replacement front boundary wall and entrance gates. [Non-material amendment to planning permission 24/0851/HOT (allowed on appeal), to allow for alterations to the first floor roof/gutter detail along the south elevation of the rear extension.]

  • 94 Temple Sheen Road East Sheen London SW14 7RR


    Rooflight and solar panel array to front roof slope, the removal of chimneys, the installation of a 4.65m deep x 7.4m wide x 2.67m high box dormer extension on the rear-facing roof slope overlooking the garden.

  • 46 Montague Road Richmond TW10 6QJ

    Not Validated

    Replacement of the current dilapidated street boundary low wall & iron railings with similar. Brick wall will be raised and railing height increased. Pedestrian gates to be added at entrance to front door path. Four brick pillars to be added to provide stability to wall and railings.

  • 99 White Hart Lane Barnes London SW13 0JL

    Not Validated

    The change of use of communal land to Class E (day nursery) to the rear of the site, retention of front and rear boundary fencing with additional Acoustic fence, acoustic laminated glass screen and noise defender acoustic barriers, retention of louvres to ground floor window on south elevation, 3 No. extracts on the roof on the south elevation, Mini VRF Heat Pump and Air Source Heat Pump to the rear of the building (north side), pram and buggy storage to front.

  • Hampton Swimming Baths High Street Hampton TW12 2ST


    Details pursuant to condition DV29F Potentially Contaminated Sites: Section 1c)

  • 7 Sheen Gate Gardens East Sheen London SW14 7PD


    Robinia T1 - reduce canopy by approx 2-3m from tips and crown clean. Remaining canopy height 20m and width 15m.

  • 11 Park Road Twickenham TW1 2QD


    REAR GARDEN T1 Eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus spp.) Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 3m of new growth. Final height 6m and final overall spread 5m.

  • 15A St Johns Road Richmond TW9 2PE


    REAR GARDEN T1 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 2-3m of new growth. Final height 7m and final overall spread 4m. Remove lowest 6 branches / limbs, cutting back to main stem. T2 Plum (Prunus domestica) Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 1-2m of new growth. Final height 3m and final overall spread 2.5m. Thin by 10%.

  • Onslow Avenue Mansions Onslow Avenue Richmond TW10 6QD


    T1 - Ash - repollard to previous growth points - reduction of approximately 3-4m in height, leaving new height of 12m and approximately 2-3m in width, leaving lateral spread of 7m. T2 - Plum - repollard to previous growth points - reduction of approximately 1.5m in height, leaving new height of 6.5m and approximately 0.5-1m in width, leaving lateral spread of 3m

  • 55 Park Road Teddington TW11 0AU


    On junction Park road & Albert Road T1 - Common Yew (Taxus baccata) -reduce height by 0.5m (1/2 down 1st floor window) to maintain shallow rounded canopy top -reduce sides by 0.3m to match and shape -light trim on holly & privet and lift by 0.5m(above head height) on Albert Road side RETAINED HEIGHT 3.5M RETAINED SPREAD 3M On Albert Road side- T2 - Bay (Laurus nobilis) -trim back height by 1m to previous cut on canopy line -trim back from house on inner side by 0.5m RETAINED HEIGHT 3.5M RETAINED SPREAD 3M All works are for routine maintenance.

  • Richmond College Queens Road Richmond TW10 6JP


    T91 - Sycamore - 1.5m crown reduction to width and height, leaving 6.5m lateral spread and a height of approximately 17m. T93 - Common Lime - repollard to previous growth points - reducing by approximately 1m in width, leaving a lateral spread of 3m and 2m reduction in height to 13m.

  • 70 North Road Kew Richmond TW9 4HQ


    Single storey side extension, single storey rear extension, conversion of garage into habitable room and replacement roof incorporating increase in ridge height and side and rear dormers to create first floor habitable accommodation. Fenestration alterations

  • The Boundary Wall On The East Side Of St Margaret's Road, Running From Kilmorey Road In The South To Talbot Road To The North


    Details pursuant to condition U0192505 - Tree Protection Details, and U0192509 - Sample panels of brickwork, of planning permission 24/2044/FUL. Sample panels of brickwork to be viewed on site.

  • 10 Coombe Crescent Hampton TW12 3PD


    First floor rear extension

  • Tide End Cottage 8 Ferry Road Teddington TW11 9NN


    1 x Deodar cedar - Reduce by 1.2 height and 1.5 width to leave tree approx 10.8m height and 9m canopy spread large tree in garden has many cracked branches after recent storms several large ones hanging over the property

  • 201 Ham Street Ham Richmond TW10 7HF


    Olive tree in front garden (only tree in sketch plan) Prune 2m crown reduction in height and 2m crown reduction in width, leaving a canopy spread of 2m and height of 3 m.

  • 35 Carlton Road East Sheen London SW14 7RJ


    Hip to gable loft roof extension, with side window, rear dormer. Rooflight on front roof slope.

  • 28 Albemarle Avenue Twickenham TW2 6AJ


    Proposed Pool & Gym Outbuilding

  • 58 Shalstone Road Mortlake London SW14 7HR

    Not Validated

    Proposed part two storey rear extension

  • 29 Lime Grove Twickenham TW1 1EL


    The proposal is for a single-storey rear extension to a bungalow, extending 3 meters from the rear wall with an eaves height of 3 meters, to enhance the living and dining space of the family home, using materials to match the existing property.

  • 73 Clarence Road Teddington TW11 0BN


    T1. Sycamore (Old Pollard) Outgrown Location and damaging boundary wall. Tree Removal: Fell in sections to ground level and treat stump with eco-plugs to prevent regrowth. (No stump grinding must be carried out before the 6 to 8 week period has elapsed, to ensure no root suckering occurs. The tree's current height is 12m and crown spread is 11m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m. T2. Hazel Rear Garden: Reduce height by 2m or back to previous points. The tree's current height is 4m and crown spread is 3m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 2m and the crown spread is 2m. T3. Holly Rear Garden: Trim height by 1m and spread by 1m to a rounded mushroom form. The tree's current height is 8m and crown spread is 7m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 7m and the crown spread is 6m. T4. Holly Rear Garden: Reduce height by 2.5m to match adjacent Cypress tree, and trim spread by 1m to shape. (Part of Hedge Line) The tree's current height is 6m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 3.5m and the crown spread is 3m. T5. Tamarix Rear Garden: Remove large stem, which is growing on wall back to main trunk. Reduce height by 1.5m and spread by 0.75m - 1m to and natural rounded form. The tree's current height is 6m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 4.5m and the crown spread is 3.25m.

  • 23 Melbourne Road Teddington TW11 9QX


    Rear & side extension with roof extension, new outbuilding and new double glazed windows and brick and stone cladding.

  • 132 Kew Road Richmond


    Demolition of the existing rear extension and the construction of a new single-storey rear extension, with associated landscaping works. Replacement of existing timber sash windows and rooflights throughout the property. Alteration of an existing window to provide a door leading to a new terrace. Repair and replacement of the main communal entrance porch and rainwater goods. Construction of a new brick-built bin and bike store within the front garden, along with the extension of the existing dropped curb to accommodate vehicle access.

  • The Fox 39 Church Street Twickenham TW1 3NR


    Details pursuant to condition U0195051 - Schedule of works, of listed building consent 24/2663/LBC.

  • 28 Defoe Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 4DT


    T1 Magnolia Fell to ground level as its outgrown the location.

  • Strawberry Hill House Waldegrave Road Twickenham TW1 4ST


    Addition of 4 external CCTV cameras to cover the blank areas of coverage.

  • 30 Chase Gardens Twickenham TW2 7PB


    Hip to gable loft conversion with rear dormer and rooflights on front elevation

  • 41 Wick Road Teddington TW11 9DN


    T1. Walnut Rear Garden: Tree Removal: Fell in sections to ground level and treat stump with eco-plugs to prevent regrowth. The tree's current height is 6m and crown spread is 3m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m Tree has outgrown location, regarding proximity to house. Self-sown

  • 83 Udney Park Road Teddington TW11 9BB


    Details pursuant to condition U0194312 (SUDs) of 23/2359/FUL.

  • Firefly (formerly Site Of Kokoro No Tomo) Taggs Island Hampton TW12 2HA


    Retention of a replacement one-bedroom, single-storey houseboat with proposed landscape enhancements and proposed alterations to the existing garden room, including the installation of solar PV panels .

  • 20 Roehampton Vale SW15 3RY


    Alterations including erection of single storey rear extension, erection of dormer extension to main rear roofslope and enlargement of first floor rear roof terrace (enclosed by railings). Works in connection with the proposed conversion of the property from a single dwellinghouse to 2 x 3 bedroom flats with associated vehicular/cycle parking and refuse storage.

  • 26 Sheen Gate Gardens East Sheen London SW14 7NY


    Following consultation with Pat's Tree Surgery, the large trees on my property with TPO need some maintenance as listed below. The trees have not been attended to for a number of years, they are too big, have falling branches, need to be cleaned to remove dead wood, and need a reduction. T0134 T30 CONF (Holly) - full crown reduction, 1-2 metres off in width, 1-2 metres off the canopy, 1-2 metres off in height - Leaving height 5 metres -Leaving canopy spread 3 metres T0134 T33 CONF(Prunus) - 30% reduction, 1-2 metres off the width, 1-2 metres off the canopy, 1-2 metres off height - Leaving hight 5 metres - Leaving canopy spread 3 metres T0134 T34 CONF (Lime) - thin out and clean out the dead wood. 1-2 metres off the width, 1-2 metres off the canopy, 1-2 metres height off -Leaving hight 6 metres -Leaving canopy spread 4 metres T0134 T29 CONF (Bay) 1-2 metres off the width, 1-2 metres off the canopy, 1-2 metres height off - Leaving hight 5 metres -Leaving canopy spread 3 metres T0134 T28 CONF (Yew) - thin out and clean out dead wood. 1-2 metres off the width 1-2 metres off the canopy 1-2 metres height off - Leaving height 5 metres Leaving canopy spread 3 metres Tree Surgeon: Patricio Merchan, Wood Green, Haringey, London N22 6LA T: 02088811215

  • Stokes House Ham Street Ham Richmond TW10 7HR


    Renovation of the eastern boundary wall along Ham Street, including stripping off the modern non-breathable cement based render from damaged brick and blockwork and applying a traditional breathable lime render, along with other minor modifications to the wall including replacement copings.

  • 239 Uxbridge Road Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1AS

    Not Validated

    Conversion of garage into a room with single storey rear extension and first floor side extension

  • Grovewood 345 Sandycombe Road Richmond

    Not Validated

    Two self contained residential apartments to new 6th & 7th floor

  • 22 George Street Richmond TW9 1JW


    Replacement ATM signage.

  • 22 George Street Richmond TW9 1JW


    The replacement of the external ATMs.

  • 39 Sandycoombe Road Twickenham TW1 2LR


    REAR GARDEN T1 Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) Crown reduce by approximately 2-3m back to most recent previous reduction points. Final height 6m and spread 3m.

  • 6 Campbell Close Twickenham TW2 5BZ


    T9 Common Lime (Tilia x europaea) Reduce the tree by approximately 6M, down to a height of 17M, along with the removal of the poorly attached stem.

  • 28 Westfields Avenue Barnes London SW13 0AU


    Details pursuant to condition U0135990 PV panels of planning permission 22/0754/FUL.

  • 47 Victoria Road Mortlake London SW14 8EX


    Replacing our ground floor, front living room bay window due to it being single glazed and the sill and frame showing clear signs of rotting. We propose to replace the window as 'like for like' aesthetically as possible. The main difference with the proposed new window would be that it would be double glazed not single.

  • 1 Kew Road Kew Richmond TW9 2NQ


    Details pursuant to condition U0190370 Mechanical plant -2 of planning permission 24/1568/FUL.

  • 52 Station Road Barnes London SW13 0LP


    External Alterations to an existing Annex building to the rear. Reduction of existing glazing to accommodate 3 skylights, 3 Sash windows, 1 single door and 2 double doors to the front elevation.

  • 21 Howsman Road Barnes London SW13 9AW


    First Floor extension to the side and rear

  • 26 Amyand Park Road Twickenham TW1 3HE


    Creating a basement with front light well.

  • 52 Station Road Barnes London SW13 0LP


    Installation of photovoltaic solar panels, to the rear roof elevation of the Annexe of 52 Station Road.

  • 71 Popes Avenue Twickenham TW2 5TD


    Part single storey and two storey rear extension.

  • 65 Kingston Lane Teddington TW11 9HN


    Erection of single storey conservatory type structure to rear elevation at ground floor level.

  • 47 York Avenue East Sheen London SW14 7LQ


    5 DAY DANGEROUS TREE NOTICE Fell to ground level x1 Holm oak

  • 20 Lonsdale Road Barnes London SW13 9EB


    Trim the lime tree in front of the property to the previous pollard points taking reducing the height by approx 3m and leaving 15-20ft remaining. This is to reduce the overhang of branches on all sides. Similar work was approved 11 years prior.

  • 7 Thorne Street Barnes London SW13 0PT


    Single storey rear extension with pitched/flat roofs, together with the addition of a double glazed conservation style rooflight.

  • 46 Queens Road Twickenham TW1 4EX


    Oak Tree in read garden: Reduce height and size of oak, prevent further damage to neighbouring property (oak is currently leaning on neighbouring guttering). 4 meter lateral reduction (leaving 2 meter canopy spread), 3 meter height reduction (leaving 2 meter canopy height)

  • 61 Houblon Road Richmond TW10 6DB


    Single storey rear extension and loft conversion with rooflights to rear.

  • 367 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2EJ


    Alterations and single storey side and rear extension to existing retail shop unit.

  • Vigo House Ormond Avenue Richmond TW10 6TN


    Large Yew Tree (Taxus Bacatta) on right (East) side of rear garden - overlooking Vigo House and also Dolphin House next door. Marked #1 on attached sketch. This tree has grown too large in its current form for its the garden and needs to be pruned to reduce overcrowding and to allow more light - We are proposing using a professional arborist (tree surgeon) to reduce the crown by 25% (2 metres), remove excess growth by pruning the sides and reshape the tree to better suit the location. Additional detailed specification details: Tree is currently 8 metres tall and has a spread of 6 metres. The tree will have a 2 metres reduction on the height and will be pruned by 1.5 metres on the sides. The overall height after pruning will be 6m and the spread after pruning will be 4.5 metres

  • The Rising Sun 277 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2NP


    Replacing existing external signage to Young's branded signage. 1 no. externally illuminated wall swing sign, 1 no. non illuminated entrance plaque and 1 no. set of externally illuminated 300mm high letters

  • 9 Ferry Road Twickenham TW1 3DW


    Roof extension with a rear dormer and new rooflights to front and rear

  • 7 Cardigan Road Barnes London SW13 0BH


    Non material amendment to planning approval 22/2545/HOT to allow for a single corner window, facing North and East. The proportions are similar to those next door at 5 Cardigan Road so that the proposals will be more consistent with the other half of the semi-detached house pair.

  • 64 The Green Twickenham TW2 5AG


    Demolition of existing rear workshops and erection of two new buildings to provide 2no. self-contained residential dwellings; and other associated works

  • Flat 138 Sheen Road Richmond TW9 1UR

    Not Validated

    proposed single storey rear extension and side infill

  • 51 Darell Road Richmond TW9 4LG


    Single storey rear extension with gable roof

  • 98 Percy Road Hampton TW12 2JW



  • 2 Stonehill Road East Sheen London SW14 8RW


    Erection of single storey rear extension , Roof extensions to both sides and the rear elevation. Rooflight to front elevation, raise soil and vent pipe

  • 193 Lower Mortlake Road Richmond TW9 2LP


    Loft conversion with rear dormer and installation of two roof lights on the front roof slope.

  • 38 Langham Road Teddington TW11 9HQ


    Details pursuant to condition U0160423 - Renewable Energy of planning permission 23/0649/VRC.

  • 77 North Road Kew Richmond TW9 4HQ


    Details pursuant to conditions 'U0184971 PV Panels' and 'U0184972 Mechanical Services Noise Control' of planning permission 24/1277/VRC.

  • 319 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2PB


    Conversion from 2 flats into a single family dwelling, Single storey rear extension, Removal of external rear timber stair and landing, Replacement of windows and doors, Two new window openings to the side elevation and alterations to three existing window openings on the rear and side elevations, Reinstatement of chimneys, Remedial works to front and rear facades, Bike shed and bin store to front garden, Installation of Air Source Heat Pump, Installation of Solar Panels to side roof

  • 10 Pembroke Villas The Green Richmond TW9 1QF



  • 10 Pembroke Villas The Green Richmond TW9 1QF



  • 28 Cambridge Road Teddington TW11 8DR


    Variation of condition to amend trigger point of condition LT06 (Tree Planting Scheme) attached to 19/3212/HOT dated 30.03.2020

  • 38 Queens Road Teddington TW11 0LR

    Not Validated

    Singe story rear/side extension.

  • 1B Sandford House And 1C Jardine House Claremont Road Teddington


    Change of use of offices (Use Class E) to 11 x apartments (Use Class C3).

  • Stokes House Ham Street Ham Richmond TW10 7HR


    Proposal for the replacement of the existing single-storey outbuildings with a new single-storey outbuilding for a gym/office.

  • 7 Raleigh Road Richmond TW9 2DU


    Detached, single-storey residential annexe in rear garden.

  • Royal Hospital Kew Foot Road Richmond TW9 2TE


    Details in pursuant of condition NS24 Noise Protection - Health (D1) of planning permission 18/3950/FUL

  • 17 Beverley Gardens Barnes London SW13 0LZ


    Ground floor and first floor extension to the rear, a first floor terrace with obscured glass balustrade, changes to the cladding and cappings and additional windows and doors.

  • 61 Gloucester Road Kew Richmond TW9 3BT


    Details in pursuant of condition U0185851- (Details required - windows) of planning permission 24/1287/HOT

  • 1A Princes Road Teddington TW11 0RL


    T3998 Whitebeam - Crown lift to 2.5m for pedestrian clearance, no change to height or spread

  • Kneller Hall Royal Military School Of Music Kneller Road Twickenham TW2 7DU


    T11 Norway mapleCrown reduce height and spread by branch lengths of 2.5-3.0m to give compact balanced shape retaining soft furnishing growth for even and flowing canopy outline T12 Norway mapleCrown reduce height and spread of northern crown only by branch lengths of 2.0-2.5m to reduce encroachment to proposed elevation and give clearance for scaffold erection pruning to give even and flowing canopy outline by retaining soft furnishing growth T13 Lime Crown reduce height and spread of northern crown only by branch lengths of 2.0-2.5m to reduce encroachment to proposed elevation and give clearance for scaffold erection pruning to give even and flowing canopy outline by retaining soft furnishing growth T14 Lime Crown reduce height and spread of northern crown only by branch lengths of 2.0-2.5m to reduce encroachment to proposed elevation and give clearance for scaffold erection pruning to give even and flowing canopy outline by retaining soft furnishing growth T19 Lime Fell to ground level and grind out stump T20 Lime Fell to ground level and grind out stump T21 Apple Fell to ground level and grind out stump T22 Silver birch Fell to ground level and grind out stump T24 Sycamore Fell to ground level and grind out stump T25 Sycamore Fell to ground level and grind out stump T29 Lime Crown reduce height and spread of eastern crown only by branch lengths of maximum 1.5m pruning to give even and flowing canopy outline by retaining soft furnishing growth T33 Sycamore Fell to ground level and grind out stump T46 Sycamore Crown lift to 5m height T48 Lime Crown lift to 5m height T50 English oak Crown lift to 5m height T63 Whitebeam Fell to ground level and grind out stump T64 Alder Fell to ground level and grind out stump T67 Crab apple Fell to ground level and grind out stump T68 Crab apple Fell to ground level and grind out stump T69 Horse chestnut Fell to ground level and grind out stump T71 Holly Crown reduce height and spread of souther...

  • Twickenham Film Studios The Barons Twickenham TW1 2AW


    Details in pursuant of condition 0194981 (Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1) of planning permission 24/1642/VRC

  • 36 Dysart Avenue, Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5RB


    Variation of Condition Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to carry out development without compliance with Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 24/01957/HOU (Demolition of rear garage and front porch and erection of single storey side and rear wraparound extension and front porch) to increase the size of front porch.

  • Teddington Clinic Queens Road Teddington TW11 0LR


    Details in pursuant of condition U0182301- (Tree planting and Soft Landscaping) of planning permission 24/0195/FUL.

  • 33 West Park Road Kew Richmond TW9 4DA


    T1 Bay (Laurus nobilis) - Reduce height to around 6 foot. Remove low secondary stem at around 1m. Final height = 2m and final spread = 2m. (rear garden) T2 Olive (Olea europaea) Reduce to 6 or 8 foot, depending if festoon lights are retained. Final height = 2m and final spread = 0.5m.

  • 31 West Park Road Kew Richmond TW9 4DA


    FRONT GARDEN @ NO. 31 G3 Olive (Olea europaea) Raise crown to same level as middle of sash windows. Reduce remaining crown by 75% - this will leave the trees rather denuded. Final height = 2m and final spread = 1m.

  • Unit 1 26 - 28 Priests Bridge East Sheen London SW14 8TA


    Details pursuant to conditions U0191185 Construction materials and U0191186 Construction details of planning permission 24/1707/VRC.

  • Garages And Land Adjacent Railway South Worple Way East Sheen London


    Landscaping details re planning approval 23/1565/OUT for demolition of existing garages and erection of 4 x 2 bedroom flats and 1 x 2 bedroom house with associated hard and soft landscaping, parking and cycle and refuse store. Landscaping to form part of the reserved matters.

  • Westminster House Kew Road Richmond TW9 2ND


    Variation of planning approval 23/3371/FUL - Condition Number(s): U0182939 - Balconies; U0182956 - Green Roof, U0182958 -Ecological Enhancements, U0182941 - Mechanical Plant, U0182934 - Approved Drawings, U0182946 -Refuse Arrangements, U0182947 - Cycle Parking, U0182951 - No Amplified Music - Terrace, U0182952 - Roof Terraces Hours, U0182938 - Sound Insulation Internal, U0182937 - Sound Insulation Windows, U0182945 - Delivery and Servicing Plan and DV52A - Building Regulation M4(2).

  • 37 Acacia Road Hampton TW12 3DP


    Removal of existing garages and conservatory. Ground floor side and rear extensions. First floor right side extension. New front porch.

  • 16 Netherton Road Twickenham TW1 1LZ


    FRONT GARDEN T1 Magnolia x soulangeana Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 1-1.5m of new growth, retaining some furnishing growth. Final height 4m and final overall spread 6m. REAR GARDEN T2 Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 0.5-1m of new growth, retaining some furnishing growth. Final height 2.5m and final overall spread 2m. T3 Magnolia x soulangeana Reduce crown to the most recent previous reduction points, removing approx. 0.5-1m of new growth, retaining some furnishing growth. Final height 3.5m and final overall spread 4m.

  • 24 Mead Road Ham Richmond TW10 7LG


    Single storey rear and side extension

  • 36 Rivermeads Avenue Twickenham TW2 5JJ


    Hip to gable roof. Pitched roof altered to make a continuous ridge to match original ridge height. Dormer to rear pitch.

  • 19 Quay West Court 19 Ferry Road Teddington TW11 9NH


    Replacement orangery following demolition of existing conservatory together with minor internal alterations.

  • 63 Princes Road Richmond TW10 6DQ


    REAR GARDEN T1 Magnolia grandiflora 20% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 1-1.5m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth, cutting to suitable growth points. Final height = 3m and final spread = 2m.

  • 63 Ormond Drive Hampton TW12 2TP


    Erection of double storey rear, side extension and loft conversion with raising existing roof height along with removing front bay window to replace with oriel window

  • 35 Ham Farm Road Ham Richmond TW10 5NA


    Replacement of side boundary treatment with fence and landscaping

  • 17 Palmerston Road East Sheen London SW14 7QA


    Rear Dormer roof extension.

  • 36 Rivermeads Avenue Twickenham TW2 5JJ


    Pitched roof altered to make a continuous ridge to match original ridge height. Dormer to rear main roof. Enlarged porch.

  • 40 Langham Road Teddington TW11 9HQ


    Non material amendment request to planning approval 24/0008/HOT to allow for change of external cladding for walls and roof to dark green powder coated aluminium panels and matching dark green slimline aluminium doors.

  • 128 Hampton Road Twickenham TW2 5QR


    Front Garden (Left Boundary) T1: Dead holly tree - Fell and leave stump standing at 10ft, height 5m & spread 1m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m Back Garden (Right Boundary) T4: Pear tree - Reduce by 1m, thin canopy by 10%, remove major deadwood height 7m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 6m & spread to 3.5m (Left Boundary) T6: Apple tree (next to garage) - Reduce by 1m height 12m & spread 6m. Reduce height to 10m & spread to 5m Reason for work General tree maintenance trees in decline T1 maintaining this tree in its current setting

  • 50 The Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 2AH


    Back Garden (Left Boundary) T2: Privet shrub - Clear from building by 0.5m height 3 & spread 3m. Reduce height to 3m & spread to 2.5m T3: Holly tree - Fell to ground level, install specialist poison to kill stump and prevent regrowth (stump remaining) height 4m & spread 2m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m (Back Boundary) T4: Beech tree - Reduce height by 1m, reduce sides by 1m to balance, remove major deadwood height 4m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 3m & spread to 3m (Right Boundary) T7/T7A: Sorbus tree x2 - Reduce height by 0.5m height 4m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 3.5m & spread to 3.5m T8: Dead cherry tree - Fell to ground level (stump remaining) height 3m & spread 1m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m T11: Viburnum shrub - Prune by 1m height 3m & spread 2m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m Reason for work General tree maintenance More light clearance from building maintaining this tree in its current setting Dead tree t8 suppressing growth of shrubs t3

  • 1 Udney Park Road Teddington TW11 9BB


    The proposal consists of a dormer loft extension.

  • 94 - 102 High Street Hampton Hill

    Not Validated

    use of land for play area along with erection of fencing and buggy store

  • 52 Onslow Road Richmond TW10 6QE


    The refurbishment and ground floor rear extension of a 3-storey semi-detached house, including new windows to the street front, rooflights, new roof tiles, and the rebuilding of the bin store.

  • 36 Rivermeads Avenue Twickenham TW2 5JJ


    Single storey rear extension (4.48m depth, 3.00m eaves height, 3.00m overall height).

  • 1 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB


    Details in pursuant of condition U0155081 (Schedule of Repairs) of Listed Building Consent 22/2294/LBC.

  • 18 Sandycoombe Road Twickenham TW1 2LX


    T1 Cypress - fell

  • 94 Temple Sheen Road East Sheen London SW14 7RR


    Demolition of barbeque structure to rear of site and erection of garden outbuilding

  • 30 Cumberland Road Kew


    Single storey rear extension to create kitchen with associated plant and screening. Alterations to fenestration.

  • 1 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB


    Increasing the width of the existing internal door on the ground floor.

  • 1 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB

    Not Validated

    Internal Remodelling of a Listed Building - increasing the width of the existing door on the ground floor.

  • 15 Sandy Lane Petersham Richmond TW10 7EW


    Single storey rear extension (5.00m depth, 3.33m eaves height, 3.33m overall height).

  • 15 Sandy Lane Petersham Richmond TW10 7EW


    Erection of raised terrace, Erection of first floor side extension, Roof alterations including rear dormer, insertion of roof lights and front gable addition to facilitate loft conversion, Front porch, Change of facing materials, Garage conversion

  • Hampton Swimming Baths High Street Hampton TW12 2ST


    The refurbishment of the existing facilities and car park along (to include widening of existing vehicular exit/entrance) with the extension of the main building to the west and provision of a new roof to extend the existing cafe. The works involve the demolition of a wall, plant room and a single bay and first floor structure. [Non-material amendment to planning permission 16/3434/FUL to allow for change to the phasing plan to place the substation as part of the External Works Phase]

  • 28 Alexandra Road Kew Richmond TW9 2BS


    Proposed minor alteration to existing extension at rear ground floor including demolition and re-built of the existing roof including the installation of 2 skylights and replacing the rear doors to the garden.

  • 17 Palmerston Road East Sheen London SW14 7QA


    Loft extension.

  • 16 Lisbon Avenue Twickenham TW2 5HP


    A loft conversion with a rear dormer extension.

  • 274A Kew Road Kew Richmond TW9 3EE

    Not Validated

    Amalgamation of the units within the property back to its original use as a single family dwelling.

  • 22A Sidney Road Twickenham TW1 1JR


    Erection of a rear dormer and the installation of three rooflights to the front roof plane.

  • 18 Wellington Road Hampton TW12 1JT


    Relocation of front door to property, demolition of existing side extension, and erection of new part single, part two storey side extensions.

  • 43A Richmond Hill Richmond TW10 6RE


    Fell the eucalyptus tree in our garden. It is leaning over the boundary wall adjacent to the Poppy Factory and recently looks as if it might fall over. We want to remove the tree as a precautionary measure to it falling onto the Poppy Factory roof.

  • 26 Boileau Road Barnes London SW13 9BL


    Ground floor rear replacement extension.

  • 69 St Margarets Grove Twickenham TW1 1JF


    Dormer roof extension to outrigger roof. New window and balustrade to new rear dormer to main roof.

  • 4 Park House Gardens Twickenham TW1 2DE


    Demolition of existing ground floor rear conservatory, erection of ground floor rear extension. Existing windows to be replaced.

  • 71 St Margarets Grove Twickenham TW1 1JF


    Dormer roof extension to outrigger roof. New window and balustrade to new rear dormer to main roof.

  • 58 Buckingham Road Petersham Richmond TW10 7EQ

    Not Validated

    First Floor Side Extension

  • Unit 31 Platts Eyot Lower Sunbury Road Hampton TW12 2HF


    The work we would like to carry out is pollarding a Willow tree. Please see IMG_01. We requested a meeting with your tree officer Jacob yesterday to get advice on what would be best to facilitate our upcoming construction project. We (Port Hampton Estates Limited) thought removal of the tree would be best but Jacob suggested keeping the tree and pollarding to allow the sheet piling. Please see IMG_06: the blue line represents the position where the sheet pile needs to be installed, the red line represents the vertical line of where the 12m sheet pile will need to be positioned for it to be driven into the river bed whilst remaining plumb / vertical at all times. We plan to get a tree surgeon to climb, cut back where necessary and remove waste. The work to be undertaken is essential work to stop the erosion of the property which happens when the river is fast flowing. Being an island in the middle of the river the erosion is excessive to a point where we it has been confirmed that island has historically eroded nearly 5m. Please see IMG_03 and IMG_04 where the fast flowing water has severely undermined the willow tree in question. This work will protect the health of tree in question for the long term future. IMG_05 - Shows decaying limb that needs removing Please see location of the tree on the sketch plan. I have attached red and white tikka tape to the tree to highlight the tree for inspection. Bat survey to follow as requested by Jacob Appreciate these decisions can take time, however, we would really appreciate if this particular application could be hurried along please. We had an onsite meeting with the contractor who only just noticed that the work cannot be completed with the tree how it currently is. The work is scheduled to start around the middle of February. This is the reason that we requested a meeting with Jacob to ensure we put in the correct work application to try and minimise the risk of it being rejected.

  • 64 Lyndhurst Avenue Twickenham TW2 6BU


    Demolish existing outbuilding. New single storey outbuilding for use as playroom with associated WC/shower room and storage space.

  • 13 Cleveland Gardens Barnes London SW13 0AE


    Remodelling of the existing side and rear ground floor extension and first floor rear extension of the outrigger.

  • Fox House Upper Ham Road Ham Richmond TW10 5LA


    Details in pursuant of condition U0188592 (Tree Details) of planning permission 24/0345/HOT

  • 23 Nassau Road Barnes London SW13 9QF


    Demolition of existing side and rear extensions and swimming pool. Construction of new front dormer, new wraparound extension to rear with front elevation, rear roof slope and rear dormer treatment alterations.

  • 9 Riverdale Road Twickenham TW1 2BT


    Magnolia ( T6 on sketch plan ) - notice to fell Cherry ( T3 on sketch plan) - notice to fell. These two trees have both been classed as CAT C1 by the arboricultural consultant, with the following comment ,'.... these are very small, insignificant trees that make no contribution to the wider landscape, they are not visible from the front of the site.' The removal of these trees will allow the introduction of 7 no. additional trees in the rear garden and a significant increase of m2 laid to planting for increased biodiversity, water management and urban greening.

  • Ground Floor Flat 43 East Sheen Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8AR


    Removal of existing garden shed and construction of detached garden building

  • The Coach House Vicarage Road Teddington TW11 8EZ


    The erection of a part two storey, part first-floor extension incorporating roof dormers and roof lights.

  • 1 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB


    Details in pursuant of condition U0155072 (Schedule of Repairs) of Planning Permission 22/2293/HOT.

  • 126 Hampton Road Twickenham TW2 5QR


    Front Garden (Right Boundary) T1: Laurel tree (located in mixed hedge) - Fell to ground level (stump remaining) height 4m & spread 3m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m (Left Boundary) T3: Small privet tree (located next to house) - Fell to ground level, dig or grind out stump height 1m & spread 1m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m T4: Elaeagnus shrub - Fell to ground level, dig or grind out stump height 3m & spread 2m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m (Front Boundary) T5: Ash tree - Re-prune by 1.5 - 2m to stand around 0.5 - 1m from previous pollard points, remove major deadwood, lfit caopy to 5.5m over road side height 10m & spread 7m. Reduce height to 8m & spread to 5m Back Garden (Left Boundary) T7: Mock orange tree - Reduce height by 1m height 4m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 3M & spread to 3m Reason for work General tree maintenance More light lift over road low trees maintaining this tree in its current setting Reduce shading to house t suppressing growth of shrubs overhanging foot path

  • Alexander House 4 Popes Grove Twickenham TW2 5TA


    Back Garden (Left Boundary) T4: Lime tree - Re-pollard back to previous points by 1.5m to 2m, remove ivy to fence height, remove major deadwood height 10m & spread 6m. Reduce height to 8.5m & spread to 5m T5: Hornbeam tree - Reduce height by 1.5- 2m, Reduce sides by 1m, remove ivy to fence height, remove major deadwood height 6m & spread 5m. Reduce height to 4.5m & spread to 4m Front of Driveway T6: Apple tree - Reduce height by 1m, reduce sides by 0.5m to balance, remove major deadwood height 4m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 3m & spread to 3.5m Reason for work General tree maintenance More light clearance from flats maintaining this tree in its current setting T7a,b,c,d Cherry trees fell to ground level height 4m & spread 2m. Reduce height to 0m & spread to 0m Reason for work trees in decline, large section of die back through out canopy

  • 67 Ormond Crescent Hampton TW12 2TQ


    Ground floor side extensions including new entrance porch. Upgrading of rear partly enclosed space to enable extension of existing living/dining room. Raising of ridge and creation of extended first floor and new second floor accommodation with new hipped and gabled roofs and side dormer.

  • 44 Lonsdale Road Barnes London SW13 9EB


    Mansard dormer with rooflights on front slope

  • White Swan Riverside Twickenham TW1 3DN

    Not Validated

    Window replacement

  • 11 Arlington Road Petersham Richmond TW10 7BX


    Hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions. Rooflights to front elevation.

  • 11 Arlington Road Petersham Richmond TW10 7BX


    Single storey rear extension

  • St Helena House Friars Lane Richmond TW9 1NP


    Installation of a passenger lift to improve accessibility within St Helena House.

  • St Helena House Friars Lane Richmond TW9 1NP


    Installation of a passenger lift to improve accessibility within St Helena House.

  • 25 The Ridge Twickenham TW2 7NL


    Single Storey Rear Extension (4.30m depth, 2.30m eaves height, 2.60m overall height).

  • 73 High Street Hampton TW12 2SX


    T2 Holly - Cut the side back by 1 metre from no 73a - Dimensions after pruning H 6m w 4m

  • Former Brandon House 73A High Street Hampton TW12 2SX


    T1 Cordyline - Fell.

  • 30 Heath Gardens Twickenham TW1 4LZ


    Single storey ground floor extension to the front of the house under the existing external front porch

  • 155 Priory Road Hampton TW12 2PT

    Not Validated

    Extension and subdivision of existing end of terrace house to form 1X3-bed, 1X2-bed and 1X1-bed flats. Associated landscaping works

  • 34 Hospital Bridge Road Twickenham TW2 5UJ


    Single storey side and rear extension at ground floor

  • Flat 5 52 Kings Road Richmond TW10 6EP


    Back Garden (Left Boundary) T1: Yew tree - Lift canopy to 1 - 1.5m above fence, reduce height by 2 - 2.5m through selective thinning leaving a Holistic crown reduction , reduce sides by 1 - 1.5m through selective thinning leaving a Holistic crown reduction, thin canopy by 5% height 8m & spread 6m. Reduce height to 6m & spread to 5m The reason for the work is to reduce the size of a tree located in the back left hand side of the garden. The tree has grown very large for the area it is in, and the client wants to keep it but reduce its size. This is also necessary because the tree is located in close proximity to two garden boundary walls, and the trunk growth and roots could potentially damage these structures. It is causing excessive shading to surrounding shrubs. By reducing its size, we will be able to allow more light into the surrounding gardens and promote the growth of the other plants. This will also create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing area in line with the neighbouring gardens.

  • 2 Sutherland Gardens East Sheen London SW14 8DB


    Dormers to rear roof and outrigger, new window to side elevation 2 x rooflights to front roof slope

  • 9 Strawberry Hill Road Twickenham TW1 4QB


    T1 - Yew - Multistemmed - Approx 14m in height with a 10m lateral 10m lateral spread. Proposed Work: Fell/Remove to ground level. T2 - Lime Multi stemmed - Approx 12m in height with a 5m lateral spread. Proposed Works: Fell/Remove to ground level. T3 - Lime - Approx 12m in height with a 5m lateral spread. Proposed Works: Fell/Remove to ground level.

  • Thornfield 13 Vine Road Barnes London SW13 0NE


    Demolition of the existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension.

  • 46 And 48 Cross Deep Gardens Twickenham TW1 4QU


    Ground floor rear extension and external insulation and rendering for No.46. New tiled canopy to replace existing flat roof canopy for No.46 and No.48

  • 25 King Edwards Grove Teddington TW11 9LY


    T1 Sycamore Rear Garden of 25 King Edward's Grove TW11 9LY Carefully reduce back all lateral spreading branches, which overhang garden of 42, Atbara Road, Teddington, TW11 9PD, back to fence line (Approx. 2.5m) by removal of sub-branches only. Remove any obvious dead branches. The tree's current height is 14m and crown spread is 9m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 14m and the crown radial spread is 6.5m.

  • 89 Heathfield South Twickenham TW2 7SR


    The erection of a single-storey rear extension and rear raised patio

  • 27 Baronsmead Road Barnes London SW13 9RR


    Details pursuant to condition DV49A - Construction Management Plan, of planning permission 24/0979/HOT.

  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3AB


    Details pursuant to condition U0166199 - Submitted Arboricultural details, and U0166200 - Ecological Enhancements, of planning permission 23/1491/FUL.

  • First And Second Floors 20 Church Street Twickenham


    Change of Use of first and second floors from Office and Pilates Studio (Use Class E) to 4 dwellings (Use Class C3)

  • 21 Park Lane Richmond TW9 2RA


    Change of use from offices (Class E) to a four bedroom dwelling (Class C3

  • 51A Oldfield Road Hampton


    Permission in Principle for the removal of extended residential curtilage building and replacement with 1 no. detached dwelling.

  • 46 Cross Deep Gardens Twickenham TW1 4QU


    Proposed rear dormer and skylights to the front

  • 38 Jocelyn Road Richmond TW9 2TH


    5 DAY DANGEROUS TREE NOTICE removal of a dangerous tree in our garden on the boundary of our property

  • 35B Fife Road East Sheen London


    5 day dangerous tree notice removal of tree

  • 7 Park Road Hampton Wick Kingston Upon Thames KT1 4AS


    Rear Garden T1-Birch - Reduce all over back to previous points by removal of up to 2.5 metres in branch length - Crown height is 17m and will be 14.5 after, lateral growth is 9m and will be 6.5m after - The tree is located in the rear garden - The works are part of a regular maintenance programme to retain the tree at a suitable size for its location - It is the cause of unreasonable shade to the rear/front elevation of the property/surrounding area

  • 40 Elm Bank Gardens Barnes London SW13 0NT


    Replacement ground floor rear extension , proposed side to rear extension and replacement windows.

  • Velma Broom Close Teddington TW11 9RL


    T1 Macrocarpa: Fell to ground level Reasoning: The tree is pushing on the roof of the outbuilding and is in an unsuitable location - causing direct damage

  • Ground And First Floor Flat 14 Palewell Park East Sheen London SW14 8JG


    Alteration to front boundary treatment, creation of off street parking space for one car and the installation of a bin store for use by both flats.

  • 67 Mortlake Road Kew Richmond TW9 4AA


    Converting a hipped roof to a gable roof. Rear loft dormer extension.

  • 67 Mortlake Road Kew Richmond TW9 4AA


    Part single, part two-storey side extensions

  • 6 Latham Close Twickenham TW1 1BP


    Variation of planning approval 23/3448/HOT - Condition Number(s): U0175302 to allow to amend the design to add additional space to the ground floor

  • The Pavilion Carlisle Park Carlisle Road Hampton TW12 2UL

    Not Validated

    Details in pursuant of conditions U0186712 (Refuse Arrangement - Cafe) U0186713 (Cycle Parking) U0186710 (Ecology - Bats) U0186705 (Tree Protection details required) U0186704 (Noise Impact - Adjoining Properties) AT01 (Development begun within 3 years) U0186703 (Materials) of planning permission 24/0281/FUL

  • 46 Hanworth Road Hampton TW12 3DL


    Proposed single storey side extension with replacement flat roof over existing rear extension with flat rooflights.

  • 148A Heath Road Twickenham TW1 4BN


    In line with Part 2(a)(ii) of the S106 attached to the application ref. 23/0977/FUL, applicants serve written notice to the HDM (Council's Head of Development Management) for occupation of approved development

  • 83 Udney Park Road Teddington TW11 9BB


    Details pursuant to condition BD12 - Details - Materials to be approved, DV49A - Construction Management Plan, and U0194303 - Construction Ecological Management Plan, of planning permission 23/2359/FUL.

  • 2 Courtlands Avenue Hampton TW12 3NT


    Details pursuant to condition U0183193 (Materials to be approved) & DV18A (Refuse Arrangements) & U0183194 (Cycle Parking) of planning permission 24/0772/VRC.

  • 146 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9ET


    Extension of basement incorporating front and rear lightwells.

  • 21 Howard Close Hampton TW12 2UB


    Change of use of 2 rooms in house from day nursery to residential to be incorporated back into existing dwelling.

  • Community Centre 13 Rosslyn Road Twickenham TW1 2AR

    Not Validated

    Installation of 19 solar panels on the South facing and West facing aspects of main roof.

  • 75 High Street Hampton Wick Kingston Upon Thames KT1 4DG


    Details pursuant to condition U0180257 - (Window Details) of planning permission 24/0519/HOT

  • Orleans Park School Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 3BB


    T2 Cedar - Carefully fell to near ground level. T2 recommendations are based on findings from the drillings and observations made on the day of the inspection, there is extensive decay in the main stem of the tree, please see he resistograph attached within the documents. There is also an extensive lean of the main stem towards the communal entrance of the school, which would be considered a high target area. therefore the only acceptable reduction of risk is to remove this tree in it's entirety.

  • Gordon House 20 Ham Common Ham Richmond TW10 7JB

    Not Validated

    Noise report: including existing condition, effect of pool air source heat pumps, mitigation proposals.

  • 106 Cole Park Road Twickenham TW1 1JA

    Not Validated

    Removing previous rear extension to original house, a single detached house, and building a new extension 4 Metres out and 3 Metres taken from median ground level high to flat roof in line with Permitted Development. Rendered wall finish to match rendered house walls. Drawings references 1806 01A, 02D, 03B and 04A clearly showing layout and dimensions.

  • 44 Kings Road Richmond TW10 6NW


    Re-landscaped front driveway and rear garden areas, replacement entry gates at front, erection of a glass-sided pergola at rear with proposed front driveway and rear garden surface lighting

  • 1 Rosemary Cottages Rosemary Gardens Mortlake London SW14 7HD


    Replacement roof coverings to both flat roofs and pitched roofs , Replacement windows to front elevation. Installation of soil stack and float pipe to rear elevation to replace existing waste pipework.

  • 43 London Road Twickenham TW1 3SZ


    1 x Internally illuminated fascia sign

  • 134 Sheen Road Richmond TW9 1UR


    (T1) - Corkscrew Willow(Salix babylonica 'Tortuosa') -reduce crown by up to 1.5m to suitable growth points -reduce lateral branch length to match incl.o/hang onto extension roof -crown thin by 15-20% remove finer branch growth from inner crown sections to allow more light through canopy removing vertical The RETAINED HEIGHT of T1 will be 2.75m The RETAINED SPREAD of T1 will be 2.75m All works are for routine maintenance.

  • 233 Sheen Lane East Sheen London SW14 8LE


    Demolition of garage and replacement with outbuilding with main door on 233 Sheen Lane side and ancillary door to Richmond Park Road. Outbuilding has two sash windows, three velux type rooflights. Associated patio. Ground Floor rear extension to main house. Two velux type rooflights in extension roof, sliding aluminium doors to garden. Demolition of door to side passage with brick infill to match existing.

  • Hampton Court Palace Hampton Court Road Hampton KT8 9AU


    The tree is a London Plane - Tag Number G0034. 21 meters in height with a crown spread of 19 meters. Two significant lateral limbs failed during storm Darragh, the larger limb failed due to a small amount of included bark not visible from the ground, the weight of the branch then subsequently took out a the lower branch. There are two tears within the crown but with a significant amount (over 50%) of sound holding wood. Due to the crown now becoming more exposed we plan on completing a reduction of 5m over the whole crown, the tree will then be 16m tall with a spread of 14m. This is so that the overall character of the tree is not lost and a significant amount of sail will be reduced, therefore reducing the risk to potential future storm damage. We would intend to complete a crown reduction to maintain the tree size every 5 years.

  • 68 Lincoln Avenue Twickenham TW2 6NQ


    The existing outbuilding will be demolished and replaced with a new outbuilding for a home office and gym, with new standard insulated walls, floors, and roof.

  • 20 Chudleigh Road Twickenham TW2 7QR


    Permission is sought for the replacement of the existing garage with a single-storey outbuilding to be used for home office, storage, and attached garage purposes.

  • 6 Ham Farm Road Ham Richmond TW10 5LZ


    Fell a 5-6 Metre Stone Pine planted in 2018. This is the 4th of 9 trees planted by landscapers kennedy song dusoir that have either died or been planted in a poor location and have had to be replaced.

  • 40 Richmond Hill Richmond TW10 6QX


    Single storey side/rear extension, reconfigured stair access within courtyard and internal reconfiguration at ground floor level.

  • 40 Richmond Hill Richmond TW10 6QX


    Single storey side/rear extension.

  • 28 Waldegrave Gardens Twickenham TW1 4PH


    Proposed first floor front/side extension.

  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3AB


    Details in pursuant of conditions U0176270 - (Hard and Soft Landscaping) U0176272 - (Ecological Enhancements) of planning permission 23/3086/FUL

  • 24 Beechwood Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 4DE


    T1 Lime Tree Rear Garden of 24: Reduce back overhang to garden of 26 back to fence line or 2.5m. The tree's current height is 16m and crown spread is 8m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 16m and the crown radius spread is 5.5m.

  • 26 Beechwood Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 4DE


    T2 Beech Tree Rear Garden/Boundary Tree with 39 Burlington Avenue TW9 4DG: Reduce height and spread by 2m leaving a rounded natural form. Remove dead branches. The tree's current height is 19m and crown spread is 15m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 17m and the crown spread is 13m.

  • 4 Lion Gate Gardens Richmond TW9 2DF


    T1. Cherry (x1) - Fell to ground level Reason: Tree is dead.

  • 51 Hertford Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8EH


    Single storey ground floor rear extension with patio and glass balustrades. 4 roof lights, 11 Solar panels, 3 air to air heat pumps on extension roof. New steps down to garden. Replacement windows and front door, garage conversion. Rebuilding of front boundary wall, new timber sliding vehicle gate, new pedestrian gate and steps, bike store in front garden, timber garden store at rear of side elevation. Remove all beige render and replace with white render, black painted timber features repainted in grey.

  • Park View 135 Queens Road Teddington TW11 0LZ


    Hip to gable rear dormer loft conversion, installation of new gable end window and front roof lights

  • 51 Hertford Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8EH


    Hip to gable roof extension with Velux type rooflight on front elevation. Two juliette balconies on rear for the bedrooms and a casement window to the en suite bathroom.

  • 6 Martineau Drive Twickenham TW1 1PZ


    1 Cedar Front Garden: The Cedar tree exhibits a pronounced South-eastly lean towards the neighboring property. Recommendations: Tree Removal: Given the structural issues and potential hazards, it is advised to remove the Cedar tree to mitigate further damage and safety risks. Replacement Plan: Implement a tree replacement plan with a more suitable species that aligns with the site conditions and minimizes future structural or root-related issues. a) Section fell to near ground level. The tree's current height is 17m and crown spread is 7m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m

  • 20 Plevna Road Hampton TW12 2BP


    T1 Mimosa -Rear Garden: Tree Removal: Fell in sections to ground level and treat stump with eco-plugs to prevent regrowth. The tree's current height is 9m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m T2 Bay Tree - Rear Garden: Tree Removal: Fell in sections to ground level and treat stump with eco-plugs to prevent regrowth. The tree's current height is 9m and crown spread is 4m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m

  • 65C The Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 2AH


    Installing 10x Solar PV Panels on pitched rear roof, within 200mm of the plain.

  • Units 13 And 17 St Georges House St Georges Road Richmond TW9 2LE


    External wall remedial works recommended by the fire consultants following fire risk assessment of external walls as per PAS 9980:2022.

  • Richmond College Queens Road Richmond TW10 6JW


    Installation of a canopy over existing multi-use games area.

  • 398 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2DY


    Details pursuant to condition U0187078 - Parking permits restriction, of planning permission 24/1631/GPD26

  • 20 Chase Gardens Twickenham TW2 7PB


    Erection of hip to gable rear roof dormer extension with the addition of two rooflights to front roof slope.

  • 42 Windsor Road Teddington TW11 0SF

    Not Validated

    Single storey side extension with flat roof and new roof on existing rear extension.

  • 5 Sion Road Twickenham TW1 3DR


    Strengthening of second floor rear bedroom and formation of a second bathroom.

  • 69 Castelnau Barnes London SW13 9RT


    Detached single storey garden room and sauna cabin in the rear garden.

  • 22 Woodville Road Ham Richmond TW10 7QL


    Front porch

  • Square Cottage Hazel Lane Petersham Richmond TW10 7AP


    Front Garden (Front Boundary) (Right Boundary) T2: Beech tree - Reduce height by 2 - 2.5m back to suitable grow points by selective thinning, reduce sides by 1 - 1.5m back to suitable grow points by selective thinning, remove major deadwood MEASUREMENTS: Current height 8m and spread 5m. Reduce height to 6m and spread to 4m. Reason for work General tree maintenance More light Maintaining this tree in its current setting Suppressing growth of shrubs Overhanging footpath Back Garden (Back Boundary) T3: Walnut tree - Reduce height by 2 - 2.5m back to previous points, reduce sides by 2m back to old points, remove major deadwood MEASUREMENTS: Current height 7m and spread 7m. Reduce height to 5m and spread to 5m. Reason for work General tree maintenance More light Maintaining this tree in its current setting Suppressing growth of shrubs

  • 400 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2DY


    Alterations to shopfront including new glazing to remove the existing 1m set back from Richmond Road, new access door to the corner and new fascia.

  • Hampton Wtw

    Not Validated

    G1 - (Red lines on the plan) - Crown lift all vegetation over the footway to 3m cutting back to the fence line and crown lift all trees (mainly Lime) over the roadway to 5m where necessary along the whole perimeter of the site along Upper Sunbury Road and Lower Sunbury Road.Lower Hampton Road (as shown on plan). This includes both north and south sides of Lower Sunbury Road where the trees are owned and maintained by Thames water. To maintain sufficient clearance over the road and maintain trees crowns within proximity to surroundings. G2 - 2 x Lime trees - To crown lift to 7m by removing all epicormic growth to allow the security camera to see the gate on the opposite side of the road. To clear security camera view.

  • 5 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB


    Details pursuant to condition U0191965 - Extension foundations, of listed building consent 24/1541/LBC.

  • 22 York Avenue East Sheen London SW14 7LG


    Proposed side dormer.

  • 4 Glamorgan Road Hampton Wick Kingston Upon Thames KT1 4HP


    Back Garden (Left Boundary) T1: Lime tree - Reduce height by 2.5m, Reduce side 2m back to previous points height 7m & spread 6m. Reduce height to 5m & spread to 4m Reason for work General tree maintenance More light maintaining this tree in its current setting suppressing growth of shrubs overhanging foot path Right Boundary T2: Grandiflora tree - Reduce height by 1m, reduce sides by 0.5m to balance, remove major deadwood height 6m & spread 4m. Reduce height to 4m & spread to 3.5m Reason for work General tree maintenance More light maintaining this tree in its current setting suppressing growth of shrubs overhanging foot path

  • 10 Hogarth Way Hampton TW12 2EL


    T1 Indian Bean -Crown Lift to provide 5.5m clearance over main access road. The tree's height is 11m and crown spread is 9m - After the works, the tree's height is 11m and the crown spread is 9m. T2 Sycamore - Decay in main stems that may cause structural instability and subsequent failure - Pollard at 4m to allow new crown development. The tree's height is 14m and crown spread is 7m - After the works, the tree's height is 4m and the crown spread is 2m. T3 Sycamore Section fell: Sooty bark disease is present in main stems. Section fell to near ground level. The tree's height is 14m and crown spread is 7m - After the works, the tree's height is 0.0m and the crown spread is 0.0m. T5 False Acacia - Reduce back selected branches to provide 2m clearance from elevation of adjacent property. Poor main fork/junction -Supply & install a 4 tonne Cobra flexible brace system between two main stems at approx. 16m to pre-empt possible main fork failure. Prune out Mistletoe and dead branches.The tree's height is 17m and crown spread is 11m - After the works, the tree's height is 17m and the crown spread is 11m. T6 False Acacia Reduction due to significant dead branches in upper crown. Reducing the height by 2.5m and lateral spread by up to 2m to a rounded natural form. Reduce dying stem over main road to suitable live and sound wood. The trees height is 17m and crown spread is 11m -After the works, the tree's height is 12m and the crown spread is 11m. G10 Yew x 4 - Crown Lift to provide 3m clearance from ground level. T12 Sweet Chestnut -Reduce over extended regrowth on the x 2 main stems (East/West) by 2m-2.5m to a balanced form and suitable points of live growth. Remove any loose dead branches/not major dead wood as they provide significant habitat. H x 26 x S x 22 T15 Holly (Phase 2) Reduce height by 4.5m and trim spread hard to rounded form. T16 Ash - Significant south westly lean of 15% towards property (Crown Reduction) to alleviate risk H x 16 x W x 11

  • 10 Hogarth Way Hampton TW12 2EL


    T8 Sycamore - Crown lift over main road to 5.5m and over path to 2.5m Remove dead branches. The tree's height is 12m and crown spread is 7m - After the works, the tree's height is 12m and the crown spread is 7m. T13 Oak Crown Lift to provide 4m clearance from ground level (Sub-branches only).

  • 28 Watts Lane Teddington TW11 8HQ


    T1. Mimosa, Rear Garden: Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 3 metres. Remove dead branches. The tree's current height is 16m and crown spread is 12m After the proposed works, the tree's height is 13m and the crown spread is 9m.

  • 60 Queens Road Twickenham TW1 4EX


    T2 Olive 30% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 2-3m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth. Final height = 7m and final spread = 3.5m.

  • 17 King Edwards Grove Teddington TW11 9LY

    Not Validated

    Single storey rear extension. Roof replacement to existing adjacent extension

  • 117 East Sheen Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8AX


    Replacement windows and doors and general fenestration alterations, installation of skylights at roof level and reconfiguration of roof lights to ground floor rear extension and various repair and maintenance works.

  • 73 Rosslyn Avenue Barnes London SW13 0JY


    Single storey rear extension

  • 265 Waldegrave Road Twickenham TW1 4SU


    Details pursuant to condition U0191507 - Arboricultural Method Statement, of planning permission 24/1690/HOT.

  • 70 - 72 Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 3BE


    Change use of the first floor ancillary floorspace to the ground floor commercial unit into 1-bed/1-person self contained flat.

  • Stokes House Ham Street Ham Richmond TW10 7HR


    Details pursuant to condition DV49A Construction Management Plan of planning permission 24/1873/HOT.

  • 12 Queens Road Teddington TW11 0LR


    Details pursuant to condition U0193955 - Tree protection - details required, of planning permission 24/2035/HOT.

  • 83 Rosecroft Gardens Twickenham TW2 7PU


    Front facing roof skylights, loft conversion, flat roof dormer extension with Juliet balcony, pitched roof side dormer extension, internal reconfiguration.

  • 25 Moor Mead Road Twickenham TW1 1JS


    A loft extension to the first floor flat of an end of terraced house is proposed with a small external terrace proposed over the outrigger, in addition to new rooflights to the front roof pitch.

  • 51 Park House Gardens Twickenham TW1 2DF


    Proposed single storey rear extension, hip to gable roof enlargement, rear dormer and rooflights.

  • Quadrant House 25 The Quadrant Richmond TW9 1DJ


    Proposing a Halo-illuminated sign, consisting of a 3mm folded aluminium signtray 50mm deep, powder coated in RAL 2017 with a centrally mounted built up flat faced stainless steel 'Sixt' logo, powder coated in RAL 9004 black matt. Opal acrylic back trays to allow for halo illumination. The fascia will measure approximately 5454(W) x 761mm (H) Additional projecting sign consists of an aluminum case powder coated in RAL 9004 Matt with LED strip cool white behind acrylic panels either side.

  • 29 The Avenue Twickenham TW1 1QU


    Front Garden T1: Magnolia - Crown reduce by 1m to leave tree 5m tall and 3m wide. Rear Garden T2: Plum - Crown reduce by 1m to leave tree 3m tall and 2m wide. T3: Robinia - Crown reduce by 3m to leave tree 10m tall and 3m wide. T4: Magnolia - Crown reduce by 1.5m to previous points to leave tree 5m tall and 4m wide. T5: Quince - Crown reduce by 1.5m to leave tree 3m tall and 2m wide. T6: Apple - Crown reduce to leave tree 4m tall and 3m wide. Crown thin 20%.

  • 6 Cassilis Road Twickenham TW1 1RU


    Dormer roof extensions to both side and rear elevations

  • 5 Old Palace Terrace Richmond TW9 1NB


    Details pursuant to condition U0191966 - Details to be submitted, of listed building consent 24/1541/LBC.

  • 11 Princes Road East Sheen London SW14 8PE


    Back Garden (Right Boundary) T1: Silver birch tree - Fell to ground level, grind out stump Measurements: Current height 4m and spread 2m. Reduce height to 0m and spread to 0m. Reason for work Latrol roots have been lifting up the pavind in all sarounding gardens caushing a trim hazard Client suffers from hay fever from the pollen from the tree in the summer

  • 71 Clarence Road Teddington TW11 0BN


    Demolition of existing extensions to be replaced by new single storey rear and side / wrap-around extension, addition of proposed 2 roof dormers to the rear, and 1 roof dormer to the side. Remodling of existing outbuilding. Demolition of existing lean-to / roof overhang and extension on the footprint of existing lean-too roof. The overall height remains the same at 2.5m external.

  • Land Opposite Wigsell House Manor Road, Teddington


    Erection of a carport and associated landscaping.

  • Lock House Teddington Lock Teddington TW11 9NG


    T0004 (Sycamore) as per the site sketch has been identified due to prolific Ivy cover during a tree condition survey, works shall involve severing the ivy from ground level to 1 meter in height, no other works are planned on this tree. T0024 (Norway Maple) as per the site sketch has been identified due to the main stem consisting thick Ivy cover during a tree condition survey, works shall involve severing the ivy from ground level to 1 meter in height, no other works are planned on this tree.

  • Lion House Red Lion Street Richmond


    Details pursuant to condtiion U0187572 - Details required of planning permission 24/1167/FUL

  • Units 1A To 1C And 2A To 2D 159 Mortlake Road Kew Richmond TW9 4AW

    Not Validated

    Details pursuant to conditions UO156454 Extensive green roof, UO156467 Details - Materials to be approved (in part) of planning permission 23/0753/VRC

  • 31 Clarence Road Teddington TW11 0BN


    Regularisation of additional velux window installed in front roof slope of roof conversion, as existing

  • 45 Wick Road Teddington TW11 9DN


    T1: Pear - Crown reduce by 0.5m all round leaving 12inch 'fingers' on knuckles leaving tree 4.5m tall and 4m wide.

  • 34 Taylor Avenue Kew Richmond TW9 4ED


    The demolition of the side garage and erection of two storey side extensions, and a first floor rear extension, a single storey rear extension, a new raised roof with rear dormer and 3 number rooflights within the front roof slope, new solar panels, and a new front boundary wall and gate and new porch

  • 32 Hartington Road Twickenham TW1 3EN


    Single storey rear extension. Rear dormer roof extension and rooflights to front roof slope.

  • Argyle House 1 Dee Road Richmond


    A Roof Extension to Provide a Fourth Floor to Accommodate Two New Apartments. Reconfiguration of Bin Store and Provision of a Bike Store at Ground Level. Provision of Air Source Heat Pumps.

  • Kylark And Ms De Hoop Boat Mooring The Old Wharf Thames NW Of Cherry Orchard Gardens West Molesey KT8 1QY


    Variation of Condition: 3 (Time Limit) of planning permission 2020/2061 (Retrospective application for a residential mooring of a houseboat) allowed at appeal to grant permission on a permanent basis or retain the development for a further temporary period.

  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Green Kew Richmond TW9 3AB


    Installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the tractor shed at the Stable Yard.

  • Kneller School Of Music Kneller Road Twickenham


    T2 Sycamore: Remove major deadwood. Prune to give 1.5m clearance from utilities line (proximity to Highway/Services) T4 Norway Maple: Remove major deadwood (Proximity to Highway) T5 Sycamore: Remove major deadwood (Proximity to Highway) T7 Sycamore: Remove major deadwood. Prune to give 2.0m clearance from utilities (Proximity to Highway/Services) T10 Norway Maple: Remove major deadwood (Proximity to Highway) T50 English Oak: Crown lift to 5m height overhanging highway and remove major deadwood over highway (Proximity to Highway) T51 English Oak: Crown lift to 5m height overhanging highway and remove major deadwood (Proximity to Highway). T52 London Plane: Crown lift to 5m height, remove major deadwood and storm damage, and prune to give 2m clearance from utilities (Proximity to Highway/Services). T119 Sycamore: Remove major deadwood over access road (Proximity to Highway/Access Road). T120 Silver Maple: Remove major deadwood over neighbouring site. Crown lift to 6m height and remove northern lateral to reduce end weighting (Proximity to neighbouring property). T123 Silver Maple: Remove major deadwood and crown lift over neighbouring site to 6m height. Reduce northern crown by 2-2.5m (Proximity to neighbouring property). T127 Lime: Remove major deadwood and storm damage. Crown clean with 10-15% crown thin to prevent future storm damage (Proximity to neighbouring property). T128 Sycamore: Remove major deadwood. Prune northern crown by 1.5m-2.0m (Proximity to development site). T132 Sycamore: Sever ivy to reduce the sail effect of the tree (Proximity to neighboring property). T144 Sycamore: Sever ivy to reduce the sail effect (Proximity to neighbouring property). T159 Cherry: Fell to ground level (Proximity to Highway). T161 Cherry: Fell to ground level (Proximity to Highway). T175 Sycamore: Fell to ground level (Proximity to Highway) T178 Norway Maple: Remove major deadwood (Proximity to Highway). T179 Beech: Fell to ground level (Proximity to Highway). T185 Lime: ...

  • 64A The Green Twickenham TW2 5AG


    Proposed change of use of the existing workshops into a single c3 dwellinghouse.

  • 39 Popes Grove Twickenham TW1 4JZ


    Proposed dropped kerb with minor front boundary details.

  • 78 White Hart Lane Barnes London SW13 0PZ


    T1 Robinia Pseudoacacia: Reduce by 25% approx. 1.5 2m from the height and width to shape, remove dead weak branches, raise the canopy to meet statutory highway regulations - -To leave a finished height of approx 8m -To leave a finished spread of 5m -To leave 5m clearance from the roadside Reason: To maintain tree at current dimensions / routine maintenance, to cut back from highway and property whilst maintaining shape

  • 106 Uxbridge Road Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1SP


    T1 Holly: Fell to ground level Reasons: Poor location, self seeded, poor position and poor form T2 Crab Apple: Reduce by approx. 2m from the height and width leaving a finished height of approx 4.5m and finished width of approx. 4.5m Reasons: Routine maintenance, trees have poor form tight unions and supressed by Ivy with some die back on the tips.

  • 58 Queens Road Twickenham TW1 4EX


    Rear Garden of No.58 T1 Cherry (Prunus spp) 30% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 2-3m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth. Final height = 8m and final spread = 4m.

  • 8 Worple Street Mortlake London SW14 8HE


    Single storey rear extension. Rear dormer roof extension. Rooflight to rear elevation. Rooflights to front elevation

  • 4 Maids Of Honour Row Richmond TW9 1NY


    Necessary structural repairs to the roof, including the replacement of failed historic fabric.

  • 118 Kingston Road Teddington TW11 9JA


    Formation of vehicular access, creation of dropped kerb, alterations to the front boundary fence and installation of a vehicle turn table in the front garden to facilitate provision of off-street parking space

  • 9 Ailsa Road Twickenham TW1 1QJ


    New outbuilding in rear garden.

  • 41 Watts Lane Teddington TW11 8HQ


    Demolition of existing extension to erect a single-storey wrap around rear extension

  • 760 Hanworth Road Whitton Hounslow TW4 5NU


    Erection of a wrap-around extension with a pitched roof and skylights.

  • 89 The Vineyard Richmond TW10 6AT


    Replacement of existing windows to the front, side and rear elevations.

  • 325A Richmond Road Twickenham TW1 2PB


    T1 Lime (x1) - Reduce height and width by 3m. Final height to be 16m and width o be 8m. Reason: To balance the crown and reduce the spread over neighbouring gardens. T2 Lime (x1) - Fell to ground level. Reason: Tree is imbalanced and suppressed by T1. The garden is too small to accommodate x2 tall Limes. Neighbours are also complaining about the overhanging canopy.

  • 11 Portland Terrace The Green Richmond TW9 1QQ


    Resr Garden T1 Himalayan Birch (Betual utilis jacquemontii) 20% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 1m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth. Final height = 4m and final spread = 2m. T2 Tibetan Cherry (Prunus serrula) 20% Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by approximately 1m to tidy and contain and retain furnishing growth. Final height = 3m and final spread = 2m.

  • Addington Court 29 Mullins Path Mortlake London SW14 8EZ

    Not Validated

    Behind Number 21-24 Mullins Path: G1 - Lime Tree x5 Re-pollard back to previous points. The reason we are wishing to carry out these works is because: - The proximity to the surrounding properties and footpaths are causing anxiety and apprehension to the residents. - The works are part of a regular maintenance programme to retain the tree at a suitable size for it's location.

  • 1 - 97 Mallard Place Twickenham


    ***COMMUNAL TRESS*** To go with application 24/T0926/TCA T16-17 London Plane - 2 x - Cut back on property (No.7 Mallard Place - side only), by 2m to mitigate property encroachment - Final height = 16m as existing and final spread = 12m

  • 25 Riverdale Gardens Twickenham TW1 2BX


    Details pursuant to condition U0178530 - Construction Method Statement, of planning permission 24/0367/HOT.

  • 34 Lancaster Park Richmond TW10 6AD

    Not Validated

    Replace the existing sash window and install two conservation Velux windows to the rear/garden-facing elevation of the top floor study/small bedroom.

  • 57 Hampton Road Teddington TW11 0LA

    Not Validated

    Permission to extend the shared dropped kerb between 55 and 57 Hampton Road. Both property owners are in agreement, as the properties are being divided along the boundary to create separate gated entrances. The extension will ensure safe and convenient access for both properties. We note there is a precedent on Hampton Road, where many properties have similar individual access arrangements with extended dropped kerbs. As part of this work, we will also require the lamp post outside number 55 to be moved by 2 metres to accommodate the extension. We are happy to cover all associated costs for the council's time and work. Please let us know if further details are required.

  • 435 Hanworth Road Whitton Hounslow TW4 5LQ


    Proposed single storey side and part single storey rear extension

  • 178 Buckingham Road Hampton TW12 3JX


    Rear dormer roof extension. Rooflights to front elevation. New window at upper level in flank elevation

  • 7 Stirling Road Twickenham TW2 6LJ


    Single storey rear extension and extend front porch

  • 21 Ormond Drive Hampton TW12 2TP


    Erection of a ground floor rear extension, part two-storey part single-storey front extension and loft conversion with erection of a rear dormer.

  • 17 Sudbrook Gardens Ham Richmond TW10 7DD


    Details pursuant to condition U0193310 - Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) of planning permission 24/2466/HOT.

  • 10 Grove Terrace Teddington TW11 8AU


    Single storey side and rear extension with a tiled roof

  • 17 Hertford Avenue East Sheen London SW14 8EF

    Not Validated

    Ground Floor Rear Extension and relocation of some first floor rear elevation windows. Demolition of the existing garden building and erection of a new garden building.

  • 16 Whitton Road Twickenham


    Deed of variation to allow the removal of the restriction of parking permits secured under Unilateral Undertaking dated 06 November 2018 attached to planning permission 18/1566/FUL (Permit the Residential Occupier of the Exempt Residential Unit Flat 3 to apply for one Residents Parking Permit).

  • STREET RECORD St Marys Grove Barnes London


    SITE IS ST MARY'S GROVE, SW13 (I WAS NOT GIVEN AN OPTION TO SELECT THIS) T1 Horse Chestnut (x1) - (Outside No.2). Reduce the crown back to previous points of reduction (2m off height and width). Final height to be 18m and width 14m. T2 Lime (x1) - (Outside No.3). Reduce the crown back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off height and width). Final height to be 15m and width 10m. T3 Lime (x1) - (Outside No.4). Reduce the crown back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off height and width). Final height to be 15m and width 10m. T5 Lime (x1) - (Outside No.6). Crown lift to 2.2m. Final height to be 4m and width 2.5m. T6 Lime (x1) - (Outside No.7). Crown lift to 2.2m. Final height to be 4m and width 2.5m. T7 Lime (x1) - (Outside No.8). Reduce the crown back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off height and width). Final height to be 16m and width 10m. T8&9 Limes (x2) - (Outside No.9). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 15m and widths 10m. T10 Lime (x1) - (Outside flats). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 14m and widths 10m. T11&12 Limes (x2) - (Outside No.21). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 16m and widths 12m. T13&14 Limes (x2) - (Outside No.22). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 15m and widths 10m. T15&16 Limes (x2) - (Outside No.23). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 14m and widths 12m. T18,19&20 Limes (x3) - (Adjacent rear garden of No.8 Queens Ride). Reduce the crowns back to previous points of reduction (2-2.5m off heights and widths). Final heights to be 15m and widths 10m. REASON FOR ALL TREE WORKS ABOVE: General maintenance. To maintain all the trees at a smaller size.

  • Land Rear Of 151 To 157 Rectory Grove Hampton TW12 1EQ


    Proposed detached store


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