Planning application number: 25/T0036/TCA

Site address

25 Bushy Park Gardens Teddington TW11 0LQ (View Site Plan)



In Progress

Latest: Validated

Decision due: 26/02/2025

Level: Delegated Decision

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This is a summary of the recommended works contained in the attached report: 2.3.1 No urgent or immediate tree works were identified. 2.3.2 T008; T009 and T020 are recommended for removal. T008 removal is more of further management nature to allow development of adjacent trees. T009 has damaged apical leader as such its further development may be problematic causing regular pruning shortening its lifespan. T020 is recommended for removal due to hollow base and kept as a coppiced tree (low pollard). 2.3.3 T007; T010; T012; T016; T021 and T022 require removal of deadwood. Additionally, T007 require removal of hanging branches. T012 require deadwood removal and reinspection after the dormant period (April - September) to monitor the health development. 2.3.4 T002; T017 and T025 require reduction in height. T002 shall be considered to maintain at 4m height due to decay and cavity at the base. T017 has a weak union with included bark. T025 has numerous stem cavities and is subject of previous pruning works, which creates weak structural points. 2.3.5 H001 and T027 require following the ongoing maintenance by cutting back from roadway and pathway. 2.3.6 T003; T004; T005; T006; T018 and T019 require severance of ivy to allow full inspection. Additionally, T019 require 4m crown lift and basal removal to create a ground clearance for pedestrians. 2.3.7 T001 and T024 require following the ongoing regular pruning regime (pollard) and removal of the basal growth. T024 shall be considered as retained as a monolith for wildlife due to base cavity and its location next to the road. 2.3.8 Detailed survey data can be found in Appendix 3 Tree Schedule and Tree works recommendations in Appendix 4 with tree works priority.


Works to Tree/s in Conservation Area





Simon Lant

Site plan

View Site Plan


The application has been made valid and an officer has been assigned.

At this stage there are no updates available from the case officer.
  • Application Received: 15/01/2025
  • Validated: 15/01/2025

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