Planning application number: 24/T0772/TCA

Site address

4 Johnsons Drive Hampton TW12 2EQ (View Site Plan)



Decided the Council raises no objection 09/10/2024

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Delegated Decision



None of the Trees listed have a preservation order on them. Tree 1 - Cherry Tree in front of property. This tree is dead (believe infected through soil) and needs to be removed. Tree 2 - Damson Tree in back garden to left - This tree is infected with Canker and has very few leaves left on it. Several branches have already died and one has fallen off. This tree needs to be removed. Tree 3 - Contoneaster Tree in back garden to right, 25% of this tree is over next doors property and onto the roof of their garden dwelling. 7 meter crown reduction in width (4 meter crown reduction from right side of tree and 3 meters to be cut from left hand side of tree) 1 meters to be cut from top of tree - Remaining canopy spread would be 4 meters across and 6 meters high.


Works to Tree/s in Conservation Area





Simon Lant

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 23/09/2024
  • Validated: 25/09/2024
  • Decision Issued: 09/10/2024

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