Planning application number: 24/2265/CON

Site address

99 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3XD (View Site Plan)



Decided the Council raises no objection 14/10/2024

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Delegated Decision Team Leader



Partial demolition of the existing building, retention and partial extension of existingbasement and the construction of a ground plus 53-storeys (plus plant) (253.5m AOD) building to provide commercial floorspace (Class E); with market hall space on the ground floor for the following: flexible display of goods or retail/food and beverage (Class E(a)-(b)) and/or drinking establishments (Sui Generis); erection of a multi-purpose ground plus 5- storeys (plus plant) pavilion building (52.5m AOD) for the following: exhibition and/or performance space, learning, community use, creative workspace (Class F1, Sui Generis and Class (E(g)(i)); public cycle hub satellite building (26m AOD) (Sui Generis), public realm improvement works, hard and soft landscaping, provision of basement cycle parking and means of access, highway works and other works associated with the development of the Site.


Consultation Other


Not known


Show applicant details



Kreena Patel

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 09/09/2024
  • Validated: 09/09/2024
  • Decision Issued: 14/10/2024

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