Planning application number: 24/T0797/TPO

Site address

7 Alpha Road Teddington TW11 0QG (View Site Plan)



Granted Permission 15/11/2024

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Delegated Decision



T1 Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore): Reduce back crown from the house (North and East) by up to 3m back to the previous pruning points. Finished radial spread (N, NE) of approximately 2.5m. REASON: General Maintenance. Provide adequate clearance from the house. T2 Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore): Reduce back crown towards house (North) by up to 3m back to previous pruning points. Finished radial spread of 4m. REASON: General Maintenance. Provide adequate clearance from the house. T3 Fraxinus excelsior (Ash): Reduce crown height by approximately 7m and lateral crown spread by approximately 3-4m. Finished height to be 13m with an average radial spread of 5m. Prune back lower crown from house (North East) by 3-4m back to previous pruning points. Finished radial spread to be 5m. REASON: General Maintenance. Continue ongoing pruning regime. Reduce potential of weak attachment fracture. Provide adequate clearance from the house. T4 Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore): None T5 Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore): Crown lift over the rear garden to 4m by removal of one lowest lateral branch back to main stem (diameter ~80mm) and remainder by secondary branch pruning only. REASON: General Maintenance. Provide more light to the house and garden.


Works to Trees Under TPO




Mr Tom Butterfield 3 Griggs Meadow Dunsfold Guildford GU84ND United Kingdom


Simon Lant

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 25/09/2024
  • Validated: 25/09/2024
  • Decision Issued: 15/11/2024

Documents and images

DescriptionDate Published
Photo of Tree 25 Sep 2024