Planning application number: 18/0547/FUL

Site address

The Stag Brewery Lower Richmond Road Mortlake London SW14 7ET (View Site Plan)



Refused Permission 18/08/2021

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Other Council



APPLICATION A: Hybrid application to include 1. The demolition of existing buildings and structures, except The Maltings and the façade of the Bottling Plant and former Hotel; Site clearance and groundworks, to allow for the comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site: 2. Detailed application for works to the east side of Ship Lane which comprise: a. Alterations and extensions to existing buildings; erection of buildings (3 to 8 storeys) plus basements to allow for 439 residential apartments; Flexible use floorspace for various commercial uses, community and leisure; and hotel, cinema, gym and office floorspace b. New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and associated highway works c. Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and service parking at surface and basement level d. Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping e. Flood defence and towpath works f. Installation of plant and energy centres 3. Outline application, with all matters reserved for works to the west of Ship Lane which comprise: a) Single storey basement and buildings varying in height from 3 to 7 storeys b) Residential development of up to 224 units c) Nursing and care home (up to 80 ensuite rooms) with associated facilities d) Up to 150 units of flexible use living accommodation for either assisted living or residential use e) New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and internal routes, and associated highway works f) Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and service parking g) Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT, REFER TO ACCOMPANYING COVERING LETTER, WHICH CAN BE VIEWED ON THE APPLICATION FILE, ON OUR WEBSITE.


Full Application


MORTLAKE, BARNES COMMON WARD - Historic From 06/05/2022


Show applicant details


Mr Kevin Watson 72 Welbeck Street London W1G 0AY


Lucy Thatcher

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 19/02/2018
  • Validated: 29/03/2018
  • Neighbour notification started: 09/04/2018
  • Neighbour notification ended: 09/05/2018
  • Decision Issued: 18/08/2021

Documents and images

DescriptionDate Published
Site Photos 29 Jan 2020