Planning application number: 16/2352/FUL

Site address

4 - 6 Manor Road Teddington (View Site Plan)



Non Determined 06/12/2019. Appeal Appeal Dismissed on 10/12/2020

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Committee Decision



Demolition of 6 Manor Road and erection of three storey building with basement level to create 12 additional two bedroom apartments, car parking spaces, bicycle storage, amenity space and related ancillary works. Erection of additional storey on 4 Manor Road for three two bedroom apartments and related ancillary works.


Full Application


TEDDINGTON WARD - Historic From 06/05/2022


Show applicant details


Ms Mary Power Suite 6036, 1 Fore Street Moorgate London EC2Y 5EJ


Fiona Dyson (Expired)

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 13/06/2016
  • Validated: 21/06/2016
  • Neighbour notification started: 02/03/2020
  • Neighbour notification ended: 29/07/2016
  • Decision Issued: 06/12/2019

Documents and images

DescriptionReferenceDate Published
Construction Method Statement (002)(1)  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part1  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part10  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part11  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part12  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part13  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part14  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part15  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part2  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part3  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part4  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part5  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part6  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part7  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part8  13 Jun 2016
Design and Access Statement - 09 June_Part9  13 Jun 2016
Energy Strategy Report  13 Jun 2016
Flood Risk Assessment_Part1  13 Jun 2016
Flood Risk Assessment_Part2  13 Jun 2016
Flood Risk Assessment_Part3  13 Jun 2016
Heritage Statement 3 Jun_Part1  13 Jun 2016
Heritage Statement 3 Jun_Part2  13 Jun 2016
Heritage Statement 3 Jun_Part3  13 Jun 2016
Heritage Statement 3 Jun_Part4  13 Jun 2016
Heritage Statement 3 Jun_Part5  13 Jun 2016
Planning and Consultation Statement 13th Jun  13 Jun 2016
Sequential Test_FINAL (incl Attachments)_Part1  13 Jun 2016
Sequential Test_FINAL (incl Attachments)_Part2  13 Jun 2016
Sunlight Daylight and Overshadowing Report Reduced(1)  13 Jun 2016
Sustainability Checklist  13 Jun 2016
Transport Statement_Part1(1)  13 Jun 2016
Transport Statement_Part2(1)  13 Jun 2016
Tree Report Jan 2016(2)  13 Jun 2016
Flood Risk Assessment Addendum  23 Jan 2017
Tree Report (Revised)  29 Jul 2020
Decay Testing  01 Sep 2020
5 year housing supply  10 Nov 2020
Final Statement of Common Ground  10 Nov 2020
Housing Interim Position Statement  10 Nov 2020
Appellants Pre-Hearing  11 Nov 2020
HM Land Registry - MX289408  11 Nov 2020
HM Land Registry - MX294598  11 Nov 2020
HM Land Registry - TGL248125  11 Nov 2020
Lichfield Article - The new Standard Method  11 Nov 2020
Suggested Condition - Appleal B  11 Nov 2020
Suggested Conditions - Appeal A  11 Nov 2020
Tree Root Protection Areas Sections 5039_3_11711 Nov 2020
CIL Compliance Statement  17 Nov 2020
Hearing Agenda  17 Nov 2020