Planning application number: 24/3039/VRC

Site address

6 Church Walk Richmond TW9 1SN (View Site Plan)



In Progress

Latest: Neighbour notification started

Decision due: 29/01/2025

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Variation of condition U0175624 approved drawings, and U0175626 boundary wall, of planning permission 23/3186/FUL - Minor material amendment of planning permission 23/3186/FUL - Change the description of the development to: Extension to courtyard (variation of approved). Removal of NW veranda and replacement of SE veranda with a glazed canopy of the same height and footprint. Rebuilding of the front boundary wall with brick plinth to match the existing and new timber fence and pergola above. Provision of new front entrance gates. Side extension to the south-east of the Parish Rooms (variation of approved). Insertion of three new windows into the rear wall. Replacing all existing single glazed windows with double glazed units to match the existing in material and profile. Change of use of the ground floor of the Parish Rooms, from A3 (restaurants and cafes) to E(g)(i) (offices for admin functions); the existing use F2(b) (halls or meeting places for the principal use of the local community) is to be retained and extended (as approved). Provision of an air source heat pump (as approved).


Removal or variation of a condition




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Dr. Hugh Cullum 61b Judd Street London WC1H 9QT United Kingdom


Kerry McLaughlin

Site plan

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Neighbours and local residents are being consulted on this application.

There will be no further information updates available until the consultation has ended.
  • Application Received: 04/12/2024
  • Validated: 04/12/2024
  • Neighbour notification started: 09/12/2024

Documents and images

Public comments

DescriptionDate Published
Application for Planning Permission 04 Dec 2024