We, the undersigned, petition the council to carry out a low-cost survey of shopkeepers, in order to establish whether any would be willing to give the hardstand outside their shop fronts to the council, so that the existing pavements could be changed to parking bays.
As part of the council's proposals to introduce a new short-term-parking system at all pay and display bays following complaints from local shopkeepers. It always puzzles me why small edge-of-town shops, which usually have large, unused, unsightly forecourts, don't band together and offer these often unmaintained areas to the council, so that the pavements can be set back 6-8 feet from the road, and then use the old pavement areas as short-term parking. Any existing trees could be left as they are. These forecourts are rarely used for anything other than dangerous swinging advertising stands and A-boards.
Some shopkeepers may not want to sacrifice their forecourts, but I bet many would.
Started by: Martin Watson
This petition ran from 17/11/2010 to 17/02/2011.
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