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Fulwell Park Public Open Space


We, the undersigned, petition the council to instruct the Officers to cease any discussions on any change of use (of Fulwell Park) with immediate effect.


We are most concerned to hear via a Cabinet Member that Lloyds Health Club are in the course of applying for a change of designation of the public Golf Course land in Fulwell Park to Private Open Space from Public Open Space. Should such a change be approved, it will result in removal of the public's right of access.

This e-petition should be regarded as joined to a paper-based petition which is already circulating amongst residents. The wording here is only rearranged to fit the format of the council's e-petition website. The wording of the paper-based petition is:

"We the undersigned being residents of the London Borough of Richmond are most concerned to hear via a Cabinet Member that Lloyds Health Club are in the course of applying for a change of designation of the public Golf Course land in Fulwell Park to Private Open Space from Public Open Space. Should such a change be approved, it will result in removal of the public's right of access.

We therefore request and petition the Council to instruct the Officers to cease any discussions on any change of use with immediate effect."

Started by: Neil Hankey

This petition ran from 24/10/2011 to 24/01/2012.


156 people have signed this petition.

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