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Introduce bollards or planters to prevent through traffic in Parkleys and Barnsfield Avenue


assess this proposal for filtered permeability and implement, potentially as part of changes within the council's new powers to support residents to maintain social distancing when walking and cycling. This proposal could initially be trialled through planters or temporary low-cost means.


During one of our lockdown Parkleys WhatsApp exchanges, a resident suggested ‘how wonderful it would be to close [access for through traffic in] the road’. The suggestion gained traction and it was suggested that we set up a petition. Residents are familiar with the inappropriately high speeds which motorists can reach when seeking to save time by avoiding the Ham Cross traffic lights and shortcutting through Parkleys and Barnfield Avenue. As the lockdown eases and traffic starts to increase again this proposal seeks to preserve the benefits that reduced traffic has brought to these residential streets. Our hyperlocal existence during the lockdown has made us acutely aware of the value of our local environment. With fewer cars it is calmer, safer, less polluted and able to accommodate changes in the way that we are using it to exercise, play and walk locally, carrying out the now familiar side-step into the road as we to make space for each other to pass. Historically the road between Parkleys and Barnfield Avenue was introduced for construction traffic and was intended to be closed once the works were complete. The minutes from Parkleys Residents’ Society meetings in the 1950s include discussions of the committee's unsuccessful request to the councils to close the road. We request that this proposal for filtered permeability is assessed and implemented, potentially as part of changes to support residents to maintain social distancing when walking and cycling. It could initially be trialled through planters or temporary low-cost means.

Started by: justine langford

Rejection Reason

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