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Turing House School opening 2014


We, the undersigned, petition the council to request that the Department of Education reverses its decision so that Turing House School can open in temporary premises this September.


Turing House school was due to open in September 2014 and has secured temporary premises. The school has 362 applications and has issued 150 offers. Very late in the day, the Department for Education has deferred the opening for a year.

Turing House school was started by a group of local parents and will be an 11-18 school with an emphasis on science. Secondary school places are urgently needed in West London. The school is ready to go but needs approval from the Department to take the next step. If this does not happen in March 2014, it will not open in September 2014. The delay and loss of confidence will make it difficult for the school to open next year as well.

Started by: Kevin McKiernan (on behalf of Turing Parents 2014)

This petition ran from 17/03/2014 to 15/04/2014.


393 people have signed this petition.

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