Planning application number: 08/1760/EXT

Site address

St Pauls School Lonsdale Road Barnes London SW13 9JT (View Site Plan)



Granted Permission 30/06/2017

Latest: Decision Issued

Level: Committee Decision



Application for a new planning permission to replace the extant planning permission 08/1760/OUT: 'Demolition of most of existing School buildings. Outline permission for the refurbishment of the sports hall and construction of a maximum of 36,090m2 floorspace/13,159m2 footprint of educational facilities comprising classrooms, dining hall, kitchen, assembly hall, library, chapel, junior music school, boathouse and associated staff accommodation (1 unit), sports pavilion, ancillary boarding accommodation (40 bedspaces) and associated staff accommodation (3 units). Reconfiguration of vehicular circulation and car parking provision, playing fields and sports facilities within the site, landscaping and the erection of minor structures to accommodate covered cycle parking, canopies, pergola and covered play area. Full planning permission for the area east of the access to provide 2,758m2 floorspace/1,084m2 footprint of buildings (3 to 4 storeys including basement and attic levels) comprising a total of 33 residential units for full time school personnel (including immediate family) with part underground car parking (25 spaces) and cycle parking (54 spaces), associated servicing, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments' in order to extend the time limit for implementation of the full element of the permission for a further 3 years.


Extension of Time Planning Applications


BARNES WARD - Historic From 06/05/2022


Show applicant details


Ms Judith Livesey 14 Regent's Wharf All Saint Street London N1 9RL


Bryan Staff (Expired)

Site plan

View Site Plan


A decision has been issued by the authority.

A copy of the decision notice will appear in the case file soon, and within a maximum of two weeks.
  • Application Received: 08/08/2013
  • Validated: 08/08/2013
  • Neighbour notification started: 07/04/2017
  • Neighbour notification ended: 29/03/2017
  • Decision Issued: 30/06/2017

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